CH 9M Pregnancy & Infant Massage

  1. Also known as the gestational process, this is the event of the joining of an egg with a sperm (Fertilization Zygote) then travels through the fallopian tube to implant in the uterus.
    What is Pregnency?
  2. This condition usually occurs in first trimester approximately 75% of pregnant women experience.
    What is Morning Sickness?
  3. 1. _______ Trimester (Week 1 through 14) when the ______ (egg) develops to a 3 inch embryo and has arms legs, nails and ears and a heatbeat at day 26. Structural changes in the mother are minimal, but hormone _______ begins to effect joints and become naueseated, headaches and fatgiue. least change in women but most change in fetus. Body temperature raises creating an ________ effect.
    2. _______ Trimester (14 to 28 weeks), the baby grows 11 inches and about 1 1/2 pounds. Fingerprints, eyebrows and eyelashes form. At 16 weeks, baby becomes sensitive to light. Mother begins to show, her body changes to accomodate the baby. The mothers ________ elevates at its rib attachments, her breathing is mostly _______ breathing as _______ breathing becomes difficult
    3. _______ Trimester (28 to 40 Weeks), the baby grows up to 20 inches in length and from 5 to 9 pounds. Lungs develop at week ____ . Eyes track movement and sleep patterns develop. Mother may experience shortness of breath and difficult in movement and walking as the uterus ______ into the ribcage.
    • 1. First / Zygote / relaxin / incubation
    • 2. Second / diaphragm / costal / abdominal
    • 3. Third / 34 / ascends
  4. Term that is used to describe the solid connection between the parent and the child that nourishes the baby on a core level?
    What is Bonding?
  5. What is the hormone that relaxes the smooth muscle of the uterus and the valve between the esophagus and the stomach and that slows down gastrointestinal tract motility.
    What is Progesterone?
  6. The term given to pregnancies that put the mother, the developing fetus, or both at higher-than-normal risk for complications to devlop during or after the pregnancy and birth.
    What is High-Risk Pregnancy?
  7. 1. After gestation period of 40 weeks, uterus begins a complex series of contractions and dialations to give birth to the fetus called __________. This process has three phases .
    2. 1st phase ________ is the time of onset of labor to when the cervix enlarges to 10 cm or 4 inches. Rupture of the ______ sac occurs during this stage.
    3. 2nd phase ________ is the time from completed stage 1 to delivery of the fetus from the mother.
    4. 3rd phase ________ is the time after delivery until the _______ or afterbirth is expelled by powerful uternine contractions. Also constricts torn ______ ______ to prevent hemorrhaging.
    • 1. Labor
    • 2. Dilation / amniotic
    • 3. Expulsion
    • 4. Placental State / Placenta / Blood Vessels
  8. 1. The secretion and ejection of milk by the mamary glands of the mother is called ________.
    2. During late pregancy and first few days after birth, mammary glands secrete fluid called _________ or first milk.
    3. _____ milk appears approx. 4th day postpartum. Contains more _______ and ______ than first milk, but both contain ________ that protect the infant during 1st days of life.
    • 1. Lactation
    • 2. Colostrum
    • 3. True / Lactose and Fat / antibodies
  9. What are the ( 7 ) benefits on the mother during Pregnancy Massage ?
    • 1. Reduces fatigue, headaches, incomnia, stress, anxiety, depression and muscular discomforts.
    • 2. Keeps skin supple and improves lymphatic & blood circulation
    • 3. Assists muscles in preparation for labor and delivery.
    • 4. Helps control blood pressure and strengthens immune system
    • 5. Relives pain associated with pressue on sciatic nerve.
    • 6. Helps prepare perineum for fetal deliver and reduces postpartum stress and depresion
    • 7. Benefit expectant mothers relationship with co-parent
  10. What the discomforts of pregnancy?
    • 1. Anemia
    • 2. Edema
    • 3. Backaches and Leg Cramps
    • 4. Breast Tenderness and Stretchmarks
    • 5. Respiratory, Vascular and Gastrointestinal Complaints - ( ex Congestion, Varicose Veins, and GERD)
    • 6. Fatigue, Headaches and Nausea
  11. 1. The rules for begninning pregnancy massage are as follows; Conduct a premassage _______ each visit to ensure conditons have not changed.
    2. Find out how far along client is and never schedule massage before week _____. Make sure to obtain a statement from client's ________ indicating knowlege of massage.
    3. Goal is to rule out any ____ _____ factors and ________ to guide the therapist in preparing for appropriate plan of care.
    • 1. interview
    • 2. 12 / physician
    • 3. High Risk / conditions
  12. What are the Contraindications and High Risk Factors of Pregnancy?
    • 1. Concerns of Miscarriage
    • 2. High Risk Pregnancy - History of Miscarrage, preterm labor or delivery, Hypertension, Maternal age, and multiple babies such as twins, triplets or other multiples.
    • 3. Vaginal bleeding or discharge
    • 4. Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea occurs
    • 5. Massage in legs if client has poor circulation, inactive, on physician-directed bed rest or has severe and pitted edema.
    • 6. Confirmed indications of fetal abnormalites
  13. 1. The treatment guidlines for Pregnancy Massage are as follows. Duration and Frequency should be from ____ minutes to ____ only ____ time a week during second trimester and ____ times a week during the third.
    2. Use sheet for adequate coverage and secure with ____ ____ towel if needed. Maybe necessary to _______ table width, ____ the table height or perform massage on the ______.
    3. Avoid _____ position. If client experiences pain while positioning, help her lie down until pain subsides which is usually related to stress on ______ ligaments.
    4. Avoid using connective tissue and ________ release techniques, _______ blankets and ____ packs, scented lotions and all __________
    5. Avoid direct and ______ pressure between anklebone and heel, _______ massage, ______ thigh massage and techniques that require pulling on the lower ________.
    • 1. ten / hour / one / two
    • 2. bath-sized / increase / lower / floor
    • 3. prone / uterine
    • 4. myofascial / Heating / Hot / Aromatherapy
    • 5. Deep / Abdominal / Medial / extremities
  14. What are the four safe positions for a Pregnant Client?
    • 1. Supine Left Tilt
    • 2. Supine Semireclining
    • 3. Side Lying
    • 4. Seated
  15. What are ( 10 ) effects of Infant Massage?
    • 1. Provides opportunity for fathers early involment
    • 2. Natual transiton for massage in utero to outside world
    • 3. Helps body with parents once parents are taught
    • 4. Improve muscle tone and promotes deeper and longer sleep
    • 5. Improves parents self-esteem and self-confidence in parenting roles
    • 6. Eases babies and parents stress.
    • 7. Helps parents learn to read infant behavior
    • 8. Enhances communication between infant and parent.
    • 9. Helps release the hormone prolactin in parents
    • 10. Provides time for parents together

  16. What is the massage stroke where you warming holding an area of the infants body, letting them know the start or ending of the massage on that body part?
    What is Touch-Holds
  17. What is the massage stroke in Infant Massage using your palms, and massaging with long fluid strokes toward the heart?
    What is Swedish Milking
  18. What is the massage stroke in Infant Massage where rhythmic stoking occurs with thumb-over-thumb in the motion of windshield wipers.
    What is Thumb-over-Thumb
  19. What is the massage stroke in Infant Massage that starts with thumbs together, spread laterally to the sides. This stroke is less stimulating than thumb-over-thumb stroking.
    What is Thumb Spreading?
  20. What is the Four strokes in Infant Massage?
    • 1. Touch-Holds
    • 2. Swedish Milking
    • 3. Thumb-over-thumb
    • 4. Thumb Spreading
  21. The reciprocal relationship that goes from the caregiver to the infant and from the infant to the caregiver.Describes the solid connection between the parent and the child that nourishes the baby on a core level.
    What is Bonding?
  22. 1. To begin Infant Massage, have an informal _______ with the parents to learn what they are hoping to acheive durring the massage and what the baby likes and dislikes.
    2. Infants exhibit predictable __________ states that cycle in times of both _______ and ________.
    3. Being aware of these ___________ states can help parents chose the best time to _________ their baby.
    4. More than _____ known infant behavoiral cues that parents can learn to recongnize. Engagement cues are similar to ______ for parental attention.
    5. Cues that are potent signals that the baby is ready to interact are ______, ______, _____ _____, making eye contact and reaching toward parent.
    6. _________ is when the infant is ready to interact and __________ is when they need to take a break. This break helps infant regroup and __________.
    • 1. Interview
    • 2. behaviorial / sleeping / wakefulness
    • 3. behavioral / massage
    • 4. 108 / magnets
    • 5. smiling / cooing / bright eyes
    • 6. Engagment / Disengagement / Re-engagement
  23. Infant cries that are emotional and where the infant may look directly at parents and express their feelings of frustration, anger or grief and optimally the parent will respond by listening and acknowledging.
    What is Talk-Crying?
  24. What are the Six Behavioral states of Infants? Which is the perferred state for baby to recieve massage?
    • 1. Deep Sleep
    • 2. Light Sleep
    • 3. Drowsiness
    • 4. Quiet Alert - the perferred state
    • 5. Active Alert
    • 6. Crying
  25. 1. While massaging infants, the first question parents must ask before they massage their baby is _________.
    2. There are multiple cues that tell us disengagement of the infant. Examples are _____, ____ ____ , _____, splayed fingers and toes or ____ ____.
    3. A _______ may suggest only a slight stress. However when accompanied by other cues such as ______ and ____ ____ may be veiwed as the massage needs to change.
    4. If this change does not occur, the baby may begin to become ____________. A word of wisdom is to ________, _______ and then _____.
    5. The Infant Massage Instructor may use a _____ as a tool to model both strokes and _____ _____ with the parents who are working with their infant.

    • 1. Premission
    • 2. crying, gaze aversion, arching / leg kicking
    • 3. sneeze / arching / pushing away
    • 4. overstimulated / watch / listen / act
    • 5. Doll / relational dynamics

  26. 1. Warmth: When preparing the room for infant massage, the follow should be considered. The room should be ____ to ___ degrees warmer than normal with no ______.
    2. Have blankets on hand in case the infant tends to get _______. Lighting: For lighting, ______ light or _____ light is best, as in ________ light they may become overstimulated.
    3. Massage done at home can be given on the floor, _____, _____, ______, or wherever the parent spends time with the baby.
    4. Noise : Keep the Environment free from ________ such as ringing phones, ________ , or radio noise. Remember to accomodate other ______.
    5. Positioning : _______ positioning is just as important as infant postioning. Parents need back support and infants positoning will change as the baby ______.
    6. Lubricant: When massaging, the most preferred types of oil are _____ _____, _________, and ______. This is because they are _______ for babies will put their hands in their mouths. Avoid ______
    7. Music: Soft background music can assist the parent in creating the ________ for the massage, as well as promote the ___________ response. Parents ______ can be the baby's favorite music.
    • 1. 5 to 10 degrees / drafts
    • 2. Chilled / Natural / Low / Fluorescent
    • 3. bed, couch, recliner
    • 4, distractions / television / children
    • 5. Parental / grows
    • 6. Grape Seed / sunflower / Olive / Digestible / scents
    • 7. Rhythm / Relaxatoin / singing
  27. What are the Seven Special precautions of Infant Massage for the Well Baby?
    • 1. Jaundice
    • 2. Reflux - wait at least 30 minutes after feeding
    • 3. Nausea
    • 4. Vomiting
    • 5. Diarrhea
    • 6. Gas Discomfort
    • 7. Colic
Card Set
CH 9M Pregnancy & Infant Massage
Pregnancy Terms