Ch 6

  1. neuroblasts
    embryonic layer that gives rise to the nervous system
  2. supraesophageal ganglion
    1-3 ganglion pairs
  3. ventral nerve cord ganglia
    pairs after pair number 6
  4. ganglia characteristic of highly specialized insects
    1 large mass in head and prothorax
  5. ssupraesophageal ganglion
    protocerebrum, deutocerebrum, tritocerebrum
  6. protocerebrum
    recieves and processes signals from the eyes, interprets and sends a response
  7. deutocerebrum
    recieves impulses from antenna, interprets and controlls movement of antenna, controls corpora allata
  8. tritocerebrum
    recieves input from labrum nerves and subesophageal ganglion and assists in controling digestive circulatory and endocrine systems
  9. subesophageal ganglion
    below esophagus, controlls maxilla, mandibles and labium
  10. corpora allata
    produces JH
  11. ocelli
    simple eye, lense and several rhabdons
  12. stemmata
    lense and 1 rhabdon
  13. simple vs. compound eye
    compound eye has many lenses and provides a higher resolution, multifaceted picture
  14. chemoreception
    detects chemical molicules in surrounding air, taste and smell
  15. mechanoreceptor
    detects movement with a hair like structure.
Card Set
Ch 6