Jt Mobes - Elbow

  1. HumeroUlnar

    Rule, Pattern of Restriction, Resting Position, Closed-Packed Position
    • Concave on Convex
    • Flexion>Extension
    • Resting: 70 degrees of Flexion
    • Closed Packed: Full Extension
  2. Proximal RadioUlnar

    Rule, Pattern of Restriction, Resting Position, Closed-Packed Position
    • Convex on Concave
    • Supination=Pronation
    • Resting: 35 degrees of Supination + 70 degrees of Flexion
    • Closed Packed: 5 degrees of Supination
  3. HumeroRadial

    Rule, Pattern of Restriction, Resting Position, Closed-Packed Position
    • Concave on Convex
    • Flexion>Extension
    • Resting: Full Extension + Supination
    • Closed Packed: 90 degrees of Flexion
  4. HU Distracion
    • Increase Overall
    • #1
    • #2
  5. HU Medial Gap
    • Increase FLEX + EXT
    • Stress post fibers of MCL (flex=post, ext=ant)
  6. HU Lateral Gap
    Increase FLEX
  7. HU Medial Glide
    Increase FLEX + EXT
  8. HU Lateral Glide
    Increase FLEX + EXT
  9. PRU Ant Glide of Radius on Ulna
    Increase SUP

  10. PRU Posterior Glide of Radius on the Ulna
    Increase PRON
  11. HR Axial Distraction
    Increase Overall in HR and PRU
  12. HR Posterior Glide of the Radius on the Humerus
    Increase EXT
  13. HR Anterior Glide of the Radius on the Humerus
    Increase FLEX
Card Set
Jt Mobes - Elbow
HumeroUlnar, Prox RadioUlnar, HumeroRadial joints