
  1. What are the six Informative strategies?
    • No Persuasion
    • No Opinions
    • No Changing of Minds
    • No Valued Judgments
    • Avoid the word "should"
    • Careful on Language and Sentence Construction
  2. To clarify a term or concept, vague or unknown
  3. Documenting events - Who, what, where, when
  4. Painting a mental picture; vivid language
  5. Lots of details, deeper understanding, why/how, break down complex topic
  6. How to Speech
  7. Similarities and differences between two things
  8. What all makes a good topic?
    • Importance to speaker
    • Interest to audience
    • Worthy of listener's time
    • Appropriateness of scope
    • Appropriateness for oral delivery
    • Clarity
  9. What do you need to consider when choosing a topic?
    • Personal Inventory
    • Brainstorming
    • Narrow Topic
    • Consider Ethos
  10. What are the purposes of informative writing?
    • Give us info that we didn't previously know
    • Update or Revise info about a familiar topic
    • Agenda-Setting
  11. What are some forms of research?
    • Books
    • Magazines
    • Newspapers
    • Journal Articles
    • Search Engines/Internet
    • Databases
  12. What is agenda-setting?
    Creating awareness of a topic previously ignored
  13. What is GIL?
    our library's online catalog
  14. What is Galileo?
    a collection of databases
  15. A succinct statement of the central idea or clai made by the speech
  16. The sentence that best describes the overall purpose of your speech
    General Purpose Statement
  17. A statement that focuses on the outcome of your speech by what you want to achieve, and for that reason it is audience-centered
    Specific Purpose Statement
  18. What are the six patterns for arrangement/organization of speeches?
    • Chronological
    • Spatial
    • Categorial (Topical)
    • Cause/Effect
    • Problem-Solution
    • Comparsion and Contrast
  19. What are the four components of an introduction?
    • Attention Getter
    • Thesis Statement
    • Link/Connection to Audience
    • Preview Statement
  20. What are the goals of an introduction?
    • Gain attention and interest of audience
    • Influence audience to view you and topic favorably
    • Clarify purpose or thesis or speech
    • Preview the development of speech
  21. What are the components of a conclusion?
    • Review Statement
    • Restate Thesis
    • Connect back to audience/ attention getter
  22. What are the goals of a conclusion?
    • Signal end is coming
    • Summarize main ideas
    • Make final appeal to audience
  23. What are the different types of transitions?
    • Internal Previews (One...Second)
    • Internal Summaries (Now...then)
    • Sign Posting (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
  24. What are the four types of delivery?
    • Impromptu
    • Memorized
    • Manuscruipt
    • Extemporaneous
  25. What are the proper uses of the voice in an oral speech?
    • Volume
    • Pitch (Up & Down)
    • Rate (steady)
    • Pauses (no speech pauses)
    • Articulation
    • Pronuncination
  26. What are the proper uses of the body in an oral speech?
    • Physical Appearance
    • Movement
    • Gesture
    • Facial Expression (eye contact)
  27. What are the six arts of rhetoric?
    • Cooperative Art
    • People's Art
    • Temporary Art
    • Limited Art
    • Fustrating Art
    • Generative Art
  28. What are the six finctions of Rhetoric?
    • Rhetoric Umburdens
    • Rhetoric Distracts
    • Rhetoric Enlarges
    • Rhetorc Names
    • Rhetoric Empowers
    • Rhetoric Elongates
  29. What is relativism?
    the disavowal of one absolute value system and a tolerance for multiple belief systems
  30. What does pluralism emphasize?
    the commonalities
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