What are newborn milestones?
- Moves all extremities
- Reacts to sound by blinking, turning
- Well-developed sense of smell
- Preference for higher-pitched voices
- Reflexes
- Tonic neck
- Palmar grasp
- Babinski response
- Rooting awake and sleep
- Suck
Anticipated milestones for children 1-2 months?
- Lifts head
- Hold head erect
- Follows objects through visual field
- Moro reflex fading
- Spontaneous smile
- Recognizes parents
Anticipated milestones for children 3-5 months?
- Reaches for objects
- Brings objects to mouth
- Raspberry sound
- Sits with support
- Rolls back to side
- Laughs
- Recognizes food by sight
Anticipated milestones for children 6-8 months?
- Sits briefly without support
- Scoops small object with rake grip; some
- thumb use
- Hand-to-hand transfer
- Recognizes "No"
Anticipated milestones for children 9-11 months?
- Stands alone
- Imitates peek-a-boo
- Picks up small object with thumb and index
- finger (pincer grasp)
- Cruises
- Follows simple command
Anticipated milestones for children 12-15 months?
- Walks solo
- Neat pincher grasp
- Place cube in cup
- Tower of two bricks
- Scribbles spontaneously
- Indicates wants by pointing
- Hands over objects on request
Anticipated milestones for children 15-20 months?
- Points to several body parts
- Uses a spoon with little spilling
- Walks up and down steps with help
- Understands two-step commands
- Feeds self
- Seats self in chair
- Carries and hugs doll
Anticipated milestones for children 24 months?
- Kicks ball upon request
- Jumps with both feet
- Developing handedness
- Copies vertical and horizontal line
- Washes and dries hands
- Parallel play
Anticipated milestones for children 30 months?
- Walks backwards
- Hops on one foot
- Copies circle
- Gives first and last name
Anticipated milestones for children 36 months?
- Holds crayons with fingers
- Walks down stairs alternating steps
- Rides tricycle
- Copies circles
- Dresses with supervision
Anticipated milestones for children 3-4 years old?
- Responds to command to place object in,
- on or under a table
- Draws circle when one is shown
- Takes off jacket and shoes
- Washes and dries face
- Cooperative play
- Knows gender
Anticipated milestones for children 4-5 years old?
- Runs and turns while maintaining balance
- Stands on 1 foot for at least 10 seconds
- Counts to 4
- Draws a person without torso
- Copies + by imitation
- Buttons clothes
- Dresses self except tying shoes
- Can play without adult input for about 30
- minutes
- Verbalizes activities to do when cold,
- hungry, tired
Anticipated milestones for children 5-6 years old?
- Catches ball
- Knows age
- Knows right from left hand
- Draws person with 6-8 parts including torso
- Able to complete simple chores
- Sense of gender
- Identifies best friend
- Likes teacher
Anticipated milestones for children 6-7 years old?
- Copies triangle
- Draws person with at least 12 parts
- Prints name
- Reads multiple single syllable words
- Counts to 30 or beyond
- Ties shoe laces
- Generally plays well with peers
- No significant behavioral problems in school
- Names intended career
Anticipated milestones for children 7-8 years old?
- Copies a diamond
- Able to read simple sentences
- Draws person with at least 16 parts
- Ties shoes
- Knows day of the week
Anticipated milestones for children 8-9 years old?
- Able to add, subtract, borrow, carry
- Understands concept of working as a team
- Able to give response to question such as
- what to do if an object is accidentally broken