Social Phychology

  1. Cognitive Representation
    A body of knowledge that an individual has stored in memory.
  2. Salience
    The ability of a cue to attract attention in its context.
  3. Association
    A link between two or more cognitive representations.
  4. Accessibility
    The processing principle that individuals' and groups' views of the world are slow to change and prone to perpetuate themselves.
  5. Priming
    The activation of a cognitive representation to increase its accessibility and thus the likelihood that it will be used.
  6. Correspondent Inference
    The process of characterizing someone as having a personality trait that corresponds to his or her observed behavior
  7. Correspondent Bias
    The tendency to infer an actor's personal characteristics from observed behaviors, even when the inference is unjustified because other possible causes of the behavior exist.
  8. Superficial Processing
    Relying on accessible info to make inferences or judgements, while expending little effort in processing.
  9. Systematic Processing
    Giving thorough, effortful consideration to a wide range of info relevant to a judgment.
  10. Casual Attribution
    A judgment about the cause of a behavior or other event
  11. Self-Fullfilling Prophecy
    The process by which one person's expectations about another become reality by eliciting bdhaviors that confirm the expectations.
  12. Explain the "What is beautiful is good" effect.
    Physical beauty is the sign of an interior beauty, a spirital and moral beauty. We expect highly attractive people to be more Interesting, Warm, Outgoing, and Socially Skilled than less attractive people.
  13. Daes a "baby-face" make a good or bad impression on other people?
    are more likely to be chosen as dates by people who like to dominate others, but are less likely to be recommended for jobs that require mature characteristics like competence or leadership ability.
  14. Name four kinds of nonverbal cues that influence impressions.
    1. Facial expressions

    2. Body language

    3. Attractiveness

    4. Sound of the voice
  15. Which set of nonverbal cues are actually useful in detecting deception: facial expressions & words vs. changes in voice & body movements?
    Words, body movements

    the best cues are a quivering or high pitched tone of voice or restless movements of teh hands and feet.
  16. Can familiarity alone be a basis for developing a favorable impression of others?

    familiarity alone can be one basis for developing a positive impression and feelings of liking for another person
  17. Explain the role of salience in impression formation.
  18. Do behaviors, apperances, gestures and expressions directly indicate people's inner qualities?
  19. Name two factors that influence our interpretation of behaviors, apperances, gestures and expressions.
  20. How do associations affect our interpretation of behaviors, appearances, gestures and expressions?
  21. How does accessibility affect our interpretation of behaviors, appearances, gestures and expressions?
  22. How does concurrent activation of knowledge affect our interpretation of behaviors, appearances, gestures and expressions?
  23. How does recent activation of knowledge affect our interpretation of behaviors, appearances, gestures and expressions?
  24. How does the frequency of knowledge activation affect our interpretation of behaviors, appearances, gestures and expressions?
  25. What three conditions are necessary to justify correspondent inferences?
  26. Name two conditions that limit the occurrence of the correspondent bias?
  27. What two factors are necessary for systematic processing in forming impressions of others?
  28. Explain the roles of accessibility and salience in making casual attributions.
  29. Identify the role of culture in making casual attributions.
  30. Explain the process of discounting.
  31. What are the three steps in making and correcting first impressions?
  32. What two factors may limit our ability to engage in discounting?
  33. Name three factors that may motivate people to make accurate impressions?
  34. Name two motives besides accuracy that might influence our impressions.
  35. What two factors will determine whether awareness of our biases will occur?
  36. What two factors will determine whether thinking about our biases will help us correct the effects of our biases on our impressions?
  37. Compare and contrast the use of superficial and systematic processing in making judgements from our impressions of others.
  38. Compare and contrast the algebraic and configural approaches to integrating multiple factors when making judgements from our impressions of others.
  39. Explain the primary effect on the way impressions shape interpretation.
  40. Explain the perseverance bias in the way impressions resist rebuttals
  41. Do people generally prefer diagnostic questions or confirming questions about others?
  42. What three factors limit the effects of self-fullfilling prophecies?
  43. Name two factors that influence whether change in impressions is likely to occur.
  44. Name three reasons why simple principles of impression formation are often adequate.
  45. Name four factors that affect the accuracy of impression formation processes.
Card Set
Social Phychology
Exam 1