Need to Know Books/Authors Part 1

  1. William Shakespeare 1601
  2. Sophocles 430 BC
    Oedipus Rex
  3. William Shakespeare 1606
    King Lear
  4. William Shakespeare 1605
    King Lear
  5. William Shakespeare 1622
  6. Herman Melville 1851
    Moby Dick
  7. F. Scott Fitzgerald 1925
    The Great Gatsby
  8. William Shakespeare 1611
    The Tempest
  9. Miguel Cervantes 1605
    Don Quixote
  10. Homer 8th Century BC
    Iliad and Odyssey
  11. John Milton 1667
    Paradise Lost
  12. Jane Austen 1813
    Pride and Prejudice
  13. Charolette Bronte 1847
    Jane Eyre
  14. James Joyce 1922
  15. Chaucer 1387
    The Canterbury Tales
  16. George Orwell 1948
    Nineteen-Eighty Four
  17. Mark Twain 1884
    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  18. William Shakespeare 1594
    Romeo and Juliet
  19. William Shakespeare 1595
    The Merchant of Venice
  20. Mark Twain 1876
    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  21. Nathaniel Hawthorne 1850
    The Scarlett Letter
  22. Leo Tolstoy 1877
    Anna Karenina
  23. Dante 1314
    The Divine Comedy
  24. Dolstoyevsky 1866
    Crime and Punishment
  25. Victor Hugo 1862
    Les Miserables
  26. Thornton Wilder 1938
    Our Town
  27. Tennesee Williams 1947
    A Streetcar Named Desire
  28. William Shakespeare 1595
    A Midsummer's Night Dream
  29. Charles Dickens 1850
    David Copperfield
  30. Stephen Crane 1895
    The Red Badge of Courage
  31. Voltaire 1759
  32. George Bernard Shaw 1912
  33. Virgil 19 BC
  34. William Thackeray 1848
    Vanity Fair
  35. Leo Tolstoy 1865
    War and Peace
  36. Herman Melville 1891
    Billy Budd:Foretopman
  37. Gustave Flaubert 1857
    Madame Bovary
  38. William Shakespeare 1599
    As You Like It
  39. John Steinbeck 1939
    The Grapes of Wrath
  40. Alexandre Dumas 1844
    The Three Musketeers
  41. Joseph Conrad 1902
    Heart of Darkness
  42. Harper Lee 1960
    To Kill a Mockingbird
  43. Charles Dickens 1859
    A Tale of Two Cities
  44. Gabriel Garcia Marquez 1967
    One Hundred Years of Solitude
  45. William Shakespeare 1599
    Julius Ceasar
  46. Sophocles 441 BC
  47. Ernst Hemingway 1929
    A Farewell To Arms
  48. Louisa May Alcott 1868
    Little Women
  49. George Orwell 1945
    Animal Farm
  50. T.S.Eliot 1922
    The Wasteland
  51. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1808
  52. Vladimir Nabokov 1955
  53. Alexandre Dumas 1845
    Count of Monte Cristo
  54. Ernest Hemingway 1940
    For Whom The Bell Tolls
  55. Thomas Mann 1924
    The Magic Mountain
  56. John Bunyan 1678
    Pilgrim's Progress
  57. Henrik Ibsen 1879
    A Doll's House
  58. Daniel Defoe 1719
    Robinson Crusoe
  59. Jack London 1903
    The Call of the Wild
  60. Beowulf
  61. Arthur Miller 1949
    Death of a Salesman
  62. Arthur Miller 1953
    The Crucible
  63. Ernest Hemingway 1926
    The Sun Also Rises
  64. J.S. Salinger 1951
    Catcher in the Rye
  65. Albert Camus 1946
    The Stranger
  66. Aldous Huxley 1932
    Brave New World
  67. Charles Dickens 1838
    Oliver Twist
  68. Harriet Beecher Stowe 1852
    Uncle Tom's Cabin
  69. Samuel Beckett 1952
    Waiting for Godot
  70. Tennesee Williams 1945
    The Glass Menagerie
  71. William Shakespeare 1598
    Much Ado About Nothing
  72. Upton Sinclair 1906
    The Jungle
  73. Charles Dickens 1861
    Great Expectations
  74. Samuel Coleridge 1797
    The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
  75. William Shakespeare 1623
    Twelfth Night
  76. Aleksandr Pushkin 1833
    Eugene Onegin
  77. Chinua Achebe 1958
    Things Fall Apart
  78. Joseph Heller 1961
  79. Washington Irving 1818
    Rip van Winkle
  80. Sinclair Lewis 1920
    Main Street
  81. Emily Bronte 1847
    Wuthering Heights
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Need to Know Books/Authors Part 1
authors with the year there book was published