Essay Checklist

  1. Professional Responsibility
    • D/CLT (Duty to the Client)
    • D/3rd (Duty to Third Parties)
    • D/CT (Duty to the Court)
    • D/P (Duty to the Profession)
  2. Partnership
    • F (Formation)
    • P Pty (Partnership Property)
    • RDP (Rights and Duties of Partners)
    • L/3rd (Liabilities owed to Third Parties)
    • D&D (Dissociation & Dissolution)
    • LP (Limited Partnership)
    • LLP (Limited Liability Partnership)
  3. Agency
    • Ag (Agency)
    • Au (Authority)
    • K3rd (K Liability to Third Parties)
    • T3rd (Tort Liability to Third Parties)
  4. CivPro
    • PJ (Personal Jurisdiction)
    • SMJ (Subject Matter Jurisdiction)
    • V (Venue)
    • Erie (Erie Doctrine)
    • Pre (Pre-Trial Pleadings and Issues)
    • J (Joinder of Claims and Parties)
    • D (Discovery)
    • Trial (Trial Issues)
    • Post (Post Trial Issues/Appeals)
    • RJ & CE (Res Judicata & Collateral Estoppel)
  5. Community Property
    • SC (Source & Characterization of Assets)
    • A (Actions)
    • LP (Laws & Presumptions)
    • C3rd (Creditor and Third Party Rights)
    • D (Distribution)
  6. Community Property Opening Paragraph
    California is a community property state. In California, there is a community property presumption. All assets acquired during the marriage are presumptively community property. There are some areas of separate property: property acquired before marriage, through gift, will or inheritance, property acquired through separate funds and rents, and issues and profits from separate property.
  7. Con Law
    • J/P (Justiciability Doctrines/Preliminary Issues)
    • EP (Executive Power)
    • LP (Legislative Power/Federalism)
    • SA (State Action)
    • PDP (Procedural Due Process)
    • SDP (Substantive Due Process)
    • EPC (Equal Protection Clause)
    • 1st (First Amendment Issues)
  8. Contracts
    • AL (Applicable Law)
    • KF (K Formation)
    • T (Terms)
    • 3rd (Third Party Rights)
    • AR (Anticipatory Repudiation)
    • P (Performance)
    • Br (Breach)
    • D/R (Damages/Remedies)
  9. Corporations
    • CF (Corporation Formation)
    • CP (Capitalization)
    • O&D (Officer & Director Duties)
    • SR (Shareholders)
    • SF (Securities Fraud)
    • FCC (Fundamental Corporate Changes)
  10. Crim Law
    • GP (General Principles)
    • AL (Accomplice Liability)
    • IC (Inchoate Offenses)
    • C/P (Crimes Against Persons)
    • C/PP (Crimes Against Property & Public)
    • D (Defenses)
  11. Evidence
    • F (Form)
    • P (Purpose)
    • 1. Logical
    • 2. Legal
    • 3. Character
    • 4. Impeachment
    • Ps (Presentation)
    • 1. w/Person
    • 2. w/Document
    • 3. w/Judicial Notice
    • H (Hearsay)
    • Pv (Privilege)
  12. Property
    • E/L (Estates in Land)
    • AP (Adverse Possession)
    • L/T (Landlord/Tenant)
    • EPL (Easements/Profits/Licenses)
    • COVS/ES (Covenants/Equitable Servitudes)
    • CVYS (Conveyance)
    • SI (Security Interests in Land)
    • FI (Fixtures)
    • NR (Natural Rights)
    • Z (Zoning)
  13. Remedies
    • T$ (Torts Damages)
    • TLR (Torts Legal Restitution)
    • TER (Torts Equitable Restitution)
    • Inj (Injunction)
    • K$ (K Damages)
    • KR (K Restitution)
    • SP (Specific Performance)
    • Rsc (Recission)
    • Ref (Reformation)
  14. Torts
    • VL (Vicarious Liability)
    • D (Defamation)
    • P (Privacy)
    • N (Negligence)
    • PL (Products Liability)
    • SL (Strict Liability)
    • IT (Intentional Torts)
    • MT (Misc. Torts)
  15. Trusts
    • TF (Trust Formation)
    • TT (Types of Trusts)
    • TP&D (Trustee Powers & Duties)
    • M&T (Modification & Termination)
  16. Wills
    • WF (Wills Formation)
    • C (Components of a Will)
    • R (Revocation)
    • ID (Issues of Devise)
    • IS (Intestate Succession)
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Essay Checklist
Essay Checklist