
  1. Morning
    What can I Be, Do, Have, Create or Generate today and in the future
  2. Contribution
    What generative energy, space & consciousness can I be that would allow me to percieve, know, be & recieve the infinite contribution I truely can be?
  3. What would it take for me to be willing to live the energy of what I would like my life to be, so that it could show up for me in totality
    Everything that doesnt allow that & all the thoughts, feelings, emotions and no-sex that I'm using to refuse & reject my life and the energy I would like me life to be, I now destroy and uncreate it
  4. Money
    • What generative energy, space & consciousness can I be that would allow me to be the energy of having and accumulating money, I truly be?
    • Everything that doesnt allow that to show up I now destroy and uncreate it.
  5. Presence
    • What generative energy, space, consciusnes can i be that would allow me to be fully present in my body, with myself and with what is going on around me?
    • Everything that doesn't allow that to show up I now destroy & uncreate it.
  6. How does it get any better than this?

    What are the infinite possibilities of ___ showing up?
    All of life comes to me with ease, joy & glory
  7. Interesting point of view that I have this POV
    That's interesting he/she would do that?
  8. What else is possible?
    What could I/we do or be differently that would change this?
Card Set