
  1. Electromagnetic energy that can be described in terms of wavelengths
  2. Distance of one peak to the peak of the next
  3. Wave height, determines brightness of the stimulus
  4. Wave similarity (purity) or mix, determines
  5. Wavelength of light determines
  6. Multilayered light sensitive surface in the eye that records electromagnetic energy and converts it to neural impulses for processing in the brain
  7. receptors in retina that are sensitive to light but not color
  8. receptors in the retina that are sensitive to color
  9. Very important part of retina, tiny area where vision is at its best
  10. axons of special ganglion cells, carry visual information to the brain for processing
    optic nerve
  11. Place on the retina containing enither rods nor cones -- where optic nerve leaves the eye on its way to the brain
    blind spot
  12. Point in brain where optic nerve fibers divide and cross midline of the brain
    optic chiasm
  13. Visual pathways through the brain. Processing at the retina, optic nerve carries the data past the optic chiasm, and then to the processing area within the _______ and _____ cortex in the _____ lobe.
    Thalamus, visual, occiptal
  14. Neurons in the brain's visual system that respond to particular features in a stimulus
    feature detectors
  15. Simultaneous distribution of information across different neural pathways
    Parallel processing
  16. Bringing together and integrating what is processed by different pathways or cells
  17. Theory that color perception is produced by three types of cone receptors in the retina that are particularly sensitive to different but overlappping ranges of wavelengths.
    Trichromatic theory
  18. Theory stating that cells in the visual system respond to red-green and blue-yellow colors. Cells might be excited or inhibited.
    Opponent-process theory.
  19. The principle by which we organize the perceptual field into stimuli that stand out and those that are left over.
  20. School of thought interested in how people naturally organize perceptions according to certain patterns.
    Gestalt psychology.
  21. When we see disconnected or incomplete figures, we fill in the spaces and see them as complete figures.
  22. When we see objects near each other, they tend to be seen as a unit
  23. When we see objects similar to each other, they tend to be seen as a unit
  24. The ability to perceive objects three-dimensionally
    Depth perception
  25. Depth cues that depend on the combination of left & right eyes and the way they work together
    Binocular cues
  26. Difference in images "jumping back and forth" because of monocular vision
  27. Binocular cue in depth and distance in which the muscle movements in our two eyes provide information about how deep and or far away something is
  28. Powerful depth cues available from the image in one eye, either the right or left
    Monocular cues
  29. This cue to the depth and distance of objects is based on what we have learned from experience about the standard sizes of objects.
    Familiar size
  30. All other things being equal, objects positioned higher in a picture are seen as farther away
    Height in the field of view
  31. Objects that are farther away take up less space on the retina. So, things that appear smaller are perceived to be farther away
    Linear perspective and relative size
  32. We perceive an object that partially conceals or another object as closer
  33. This cue involves changes in perception due to the position of the light and the position of the viewer
  34. Texture becomes denser and finer the farther away it is from the viewer
    Texture gradient
  35. The dumber the animal, the _____ the retina
  36. How do humans perceive motion?
    Specialized neurons, feedback from our body, and environmental cues
  37. When we perceive a stationary object as moving
    Apparent movement
  38. Recognition that objects are constant and unchanging even though sensory input about them is changing
    Perceptual constancy
  39. the recognition that an object remains the same size even though the retinal image of the object changes
    Size constancy
  40. The recognition that an object retains the same shape even though its orientation to you changes
    Shape constancy
  41. Recognition that an object remains the same color even though different amounts of lights fall on it
    Color constancy
Card Set
Chapter 3, PSY101, sight