Chapter 5: Part 3

  1. What 3 pigments contribute to skin color?
    • Malanin
    • Carotene
    • Hemoglobin
  2. What makes yellow to reddish-brown to black? Responsible for dark skin colors?
  3. Where is melanin produced?
  4. Melanin migrates to where?
  5. What happens when melanin moves to keratinocytes?
    pigment shield are forme for nuclei
  6. What are to locations of local accumulation of melanin?
    • Freckles
    • Pigmented moles
  7. What makes yellow to orange color in skin?
  8. Where is carotene most obvious?
    palms and soles
  9. What is responsible for the pinkish hue of skin?
  10. Appendages/Derivatives of the epidermis are:
    • Sweat glands
    • Oil glands
    • Hairs and Hair follicles
    • Nails
  11. What are the two main types of sweat glands?
    Eccrine and apocrine
  12. Eccrine sweat glands are __________.
  13. Where are eccrine glands abundant?
    palms, soles, and forehead
  14. What 6 things make up sweat?
    • Water
    • NaCl
    • Vit C
    • Antibodies
    • Dermcidin
    • Metabolic wastes
  15. Ducts of eccrine sweat glands connect to ________.
  16. Eccrine sweat glands function in ____________.
  17. Apocrine sweat glands are confine to __________ and ________ areas.
    axillary and anogenital
  18. What makes up sebum?
    sweat + fatty substances and proteins
  19. Ducts of apocrine glands connect to ________ ____________.
    hair follicles
  20. When are apocrine sweat glands functional?
    from puperty onward
  21. What are the 2 functional apocrine glands?
    • cercuminous glands
    • mammary glands
  22. What are the widely distributed glands?
    sebaceous oil glands
  23. Sebacious oil glands are most developed from __________ _____________.
    hair follicles
  24. When do sebacious glands become active?
    at puberty
  25. Why is sebum important?
    • oily holocrine secretion
    • bacteriocidal
    • softens hair & skin
  26. Alerting the body to presence of insects on the skin and guarding the scalp against physical trauma, heat loss, and sunlight are important functions of __________.
  27. Where is hair not distributed?
    • palms
    • soles
    • lips
    • nipples
    • portions of external genitelia
  28. What does hair consists of?
    dead keratinized cells
  29. __________ keratin is more durable than __________ keratin.
    hard, soft
  30. Hair pigments: melanins make what colors?
    • yellow
    • rust brown
    • black
  31. Gray/white hair is caused by decreased ___________ production and increased ________ _________ in shaft.
    melanin, air bubbles
  32. Where is the hair follicle located?
    extending from the epidermal surface into the dermis
  33. The two layered wall of the hair follicle is outer ___________ __________ root sheath, and inner ___________ root sheath.
    connective tissue, epithilial
  34. What is the expanded deep end of the hair follicle?
    hair bulb
Card Set
Chapter 5: Part 3
Part 3: Integumentary System