1. 1. ____ ____ - American physician who, in 1926, became first full time academic physician in the field of physical medicine which became known as physiatry or physical therapy.
    2. ____ ____ - Roman writer, considered to be the 1st important medical historian. Wrote De Medicina, the first book of field sports medcine, bridge gap between his times and those Hippocrates
    3. ____ _ ____ - Roman Physician who studied medicine in Eygpt, combined Greek knowledge and anatomy of medicine, using baths, exercise and massage (130-200) Ad
    4. ____ ____ - American physician and swedish massage practitioner who authorized several works on the history of massage
    5. ____ ____ - British anatomist who demostrated that blood circulation in animals is caused by the beast of the heart (1578-1657)
    • 1. John Coulteir
    • 2. Aulus Celsusi
    • 3. Gelen of Pergamon
    • 4. Douglas Graham
    • 5. William Harvey
  2. 1. ___ ___-___ - American who help popularized health concerns wrote numerous articles and books on massage. Worked with many clients and brought it to the general public. (1852-1943)
    2. ___ ___ ___ - Swedish massage physiologist and gymnastics instructor, the Father of Swedish Massage, developed his own system called the Ling System, and Swedish Gymnastics
    3. ____ _____ - Dutch physician who made massage a fundamental component of physical rehabilitation, introduced French Terminology into the massage profession. (1917-1983)
    4.____ _____ - physician who wrote De Humani Corporis Fabrica (1543) considered one of most important studies in history of medicine (1514-1564)
    5. ____ _____ - Italian Renaissanc-era physician who wrote De Arte Gymnastica, first book of sports medicine, compiled history of gymastics exercise.
    6. _________ - was responsible for the emerging medical profession. HIs holy snake and staff still remain the symbol of the medical profession.
    • 1. John Harvey-Kellog
    • 2. Pehr Henrik Ling
    • 3. Johann Mezger
    • 4. Andreas Vesalis
    • 5. Girolamo Mercuriale
    • 6. Esculapius
  3. Records discovered in China revealed that practice of massage goes back as early as _____ BC.
    Timothy Bright, physician wrote medical work Hygienina and Theraputica on discussing health, exercise and massage in _____.
    George Henry Taylor and Charles Fayette Taylor introduces the Swedish Movement system into the United States in _____.
    Hartvig Nissen opened Swedish Health Institute for Treatment of Chronic Diseases by Swedish Movements and Massge in _____. Also wrote the book Mode of Application and Effects in _____
    Society of Trained Masseusues (1894) and Institute of Massage and Remedial Exercise and became Charted Society of Massage and Medicial Gymnastics in _____
    The Americian Bodywork and Massage Professionals was founded in _____ by
    • 3000
    • 1584
    • 1856
    • 1883 / 1902
    • 1920
    • 1987
  4. Meaning code of life, deals with rebirth, renuciation, salvation, the soul and purpose of life, the maintenance of health and prevention of diseases Around 1800BC
    What is Ayur-veda?
  5. Systematic and scientific manipulation of the body's soft tissues for the purpose of establishing or maintaining good health, more than 75 different types of bodywork, a term to describe its various forms.
    What is Massage
  6. A set of parameters indicating a personal or prefessional limit or space clarifying role, responsibilites, expections and limitations.
    What are Boundaries
  7. 1. ____ _ ____ A set of guiding moral principles that governs the individuals, course of action, expected to follow as professionals. For therapists, includes therapeutic relationship, professional behavoir, business policies & decision making.
    2. ____ __ ____ A professional working parameters, defining what services that massage therapists can and cannot provide. Therapist are required to know the and practice only services stated in their outline by the state their in.
    3. ____ __ ____ Principles by which members of an organizations conduct their day-to-day responsibilities within practice including Professionlism, Confidentiality, Boundaires and Legal/Ethical Requirements.
    4. ___________ the act of echanging information through words, actions, behaviors, body language and feeling. Boundaries are estabilish and maintained through this.
    5. ____ - _____ is the honest and open sharing of emotions as well as ideas and insights. Client will reveal their thoughts and feelings to the therapist as they relax.
    • 1. Code of Ethics.
    • 2. Scope of Practice
    • 3. Standards of Practice
    • 4. Communication
    • 5. Self-disclosure
  8. Five methods of Communication
    1. _____ - Verbal
    2. _____ - Nonverbal, higher pitch, lower pitch
    3. _____ - nonverbral, gripping, fidgeting, looking down
    4. _____ - nonverbral, muscle tightening, bending, shoulders shrug
    5. __ ___ - nonverbral, grimaces, frowns, puckers, rapid blinking
    • 1. Words
    • 2. Tones
    • 3. Gestures
    • 4. Posture
    • 5. Facial Expressions
  9. 1. _______ is the safekeeping of knowledge the client may divulge and considered priviledged information. The nondisclosure may not be given to third part as that is both ILLEGAL and UNETHICAL
    2. ___ ____ relationship encompasses all professional relationships, including those between therapist and individuals providing services to the client.
    3. _______ is having more than one relationship, the most common is FRIENDSHIP, then INTIMACY.
    4. ___ ____ Unintentional phyiscal or emotional harm to the client by the therapist
    5. ___ ____ Intentional physical or emotional harm sustains from deliberate acts by the therapist
    6. NCBTMB requires a period of ___ Months pass between client relationship becomes personal relationship.
    • 1. Confidentiality
    • 2. Therapeutic Relationship
    • 3. Dual Relationships
    • 4. Client Neglect
    • 5. Client Abuse
    • 6. 6 Months
  10. 1. _________ Means reddining of the skin becuase of the ingredients cause irritation. As reddening occurs, the skin vessels dilate and increase local blood supply.
    2. _________ agents that are used to reduce pain, often found in Liniments
    3. ______, ______ _____, and ____ ____ are the three WORST substances for you table and accessory vinyl.
    4. When the table comes into contact with unidentifiable substances or body fluids, the surface need to be _______.
    5. When adjusting table height, the therapist must talk into account the clients ______
    6. A rule of thumb for accepting a gift from a client, it should not exceed the _____ of the massage service
    • 1. Rubefacients
    • 2. Analegesics.
    • 3. Oils, Isopropyl Alcahol Chlorine Bleach
    • 4. Disinfected
    • 5. Girth
    • 6. Price
  11. 1. ____ -___ liquide petroleum is not miscible in body oils and depletes the skin nutirients, may also clog skin and be a carciogen agent to the client.
    2. ________ is the best-selling massage lubricant and has been since 1990's. More emollient than other lucricants and have a vicous quality
    3. ________ massage lubricant that has consistancy of a creamn but is made from fruit, nuts and seeds.
    4. ________ excellent lubricants, relatively inexpensive, can be food grade for Ayurvedic treatments, some are also hypoallergenic and unscented.
    5. ________ fomulated to be used for rehabilitation and spa services. There are two types, Deep Tisse and Hydrating
    6.________ Baby powder, talc, powdered chalk, or cornstarch is used when doing manual lymphatic drainage and massage
    7. _______ Lucricant, are alcaholic, oily or soapy agents used to reduce pain and create sensation of heat. Avoid using on hands, feet and mucous membranes
    • 1. Mineral Oil
    • 2. Creams
    • 3. Butters
    • 4. Oils and Gels
    • 5. Lotion
    • 6. Powder
    • 7. Liniments
  12. The five ways to determine amount of Lubricant used.
    1. ______ - refers to the feel of a lubricant and how it glides on the skin.
    2. ______ - an emollient is a substance that softens the skin. The more emollient the less is needed.
    3. ___ ___-areas with more need more lubricant and avoid matting it.
    4. ___ ___-requires more lubricant and reapplication often
    5. ___ ___- relaxation massage is more needed, Sports and Rehabilitation less is needed
    • 1. Texture
    • 2. Emolliency
    • 3. Body Hair
    • 4. Skin Dryness
    • 5. Massage Type
  13. 1. _____ response is a physiological response to pressure as nerve stimulation, activating reflex
    2. _____ response is a physiological response that occurs as a result of pressure, force or range of motion.
    3. _____ method is a dynamic process of problem solving, attempts to prove or disprove hypothesis using rational, logical method
    4. ___ ___ is the process of foot stances, body postures and leverage techniques to enhance treatment
    5. _______ is the presence of disease or physical condition that makes treating client in usual manner impossible.
    6. ____ ____ is the presence of disease or physical conditon in one specific area where massage is not recommended, but massage in other areas is fine.
    7. ____ ____ is the condition which massage is inappropriate, not advised, and may be harmful
    • 1. Reflecive
    • 2. Mechanical
    • 3. Scientific
    • 4. Body Mechanics
    • 5. Contraindication
    • 6. Local Contraindication
    • 7. Absolute Contraindication
  14. 1. ____ ____ Professor of pediatrics, founded the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miama School of Medicine in the year _____
    2. ____ ____ hungarian psycharitrist and pioneer in touch deprivation research. Discovered Attachment disorders while studying children in the 1940's
    3. ____ ____ Pioneer in touch research, conducted experiments at University of Wisconsin that involve monkeys during their early developmental stages in _____
    4. ____ ____ theory that states nerves compete for entrance into the spinal cord
    5. ____ ____ theory based on meaning of reality and the symbols used as people interact
    • 1. Tiffany Field / 1992
    • 2. Rene Spitz
    • 3. Harry Harlow / 1958
    • 4. Gate Theory
    • 5. Grounded Theory
  15. 1. _____ _____ are areas of the body, that contains superficial, delicate structures that are relatively unprotected and are therefore prone to injury.
    The four types of Qualitative Research
    2. _______ - experiences as lived by the participants
    3. ____ ____ - based on reality and symbols used as people interact
    4. ________ - provides desription of individual humal societies
    5. ________ - examines past events of the participlants
    • 1. Endangerment Sites
    • 2. Phenomenological
    • 3. Grounded Theory
    • 4. Ethnographic
    • 5. Historical
  16. 1. Known as the ancient "center of gravity" located an inch or two below and behind the navel
    2. Japenese term used to describe the lower abdomen, to energetic center through beathing
    • 1. What is Dan tien
    • 2. What is Hara
  17. author who wrote The Pain Erasure, under which classifies massage therapists as a Strenuous job to have and should obtain massage and proper body mechanics to maintain the positon.
    Bonnie Prudden
  18. 1. ______ stance is frequently used when applying effleurage, or any stroke where therapist proceeds from one point to the other. One foot in front of the other like a lunge.
    2. ______ stance is frequently used for friction, pesstrisage, both feet are planted on three points of the foot
    3. ______ massage basic massage moves are Effelurage, Pettrisage, Friction, Vibration and Tapotement
    4. ______ massage position for the client is face down. _____ is positon face up. _____ _____ is position when laying on one side and is preferred for pregnancy, eldery, and other coditions. ____ postion in within a chair
    5. ______ is a state of relaxation consciouse to focus on the work ahead. Want to take a few minutes to do this before each massage.
    • 1. Bow
    • 2. Warrior
    • 3. Swedish
    • 4.Prone / Supine / Side-lying / Seated
    • 5. Meditation
  19. The 6 Principles of Body Mechanics
    1. ______ needed for massage, obtained through exercise
    2. ______ one of the endurance for all clients all day long. Peak physical condition
    3. ______ method of taking in calming breaths to time and pace the massage
    4. _______requiring the therapists to move from a stable base to movement in massage
    5. ______ direct result of balance, posture that respects laws of Gravity
    6. ______ refers to mental, emotional and physical states.
    • 1. Strength
    • 2. Stamina
    • 3. Breathing
    • 4. Stability
    • 5. Balance
    • 6. Ground and Centeredness
  20. 1. ____ ____ is component of massage addressing issues surrounding the massage table, such as height and positioning, loft or padding, bolstering and draping.
    2. ____ ____ is component of massage addressing issues of how the therapist stands and moves during the session to enhance treatment effectivness and avoid injury.
    3. ____ ____ ____ also know as RMI are self-inflicted injuries related to poor biomechanics. Also know as Repetitive Strain Injuries.
    4. Stretch, Align body and spine, where comfortable attire, lean or sit and get _____ of your work are all guidlines to Body Mechanics
    5. ______ is the process of covering the body for modesty, comfort and _____ of the client during the massage.
    • 1. Table Mechanics
    • 2. Body Mechanics.
    • 3. Repetitive Motion Injuries
    • 4. Behind
    • 5. Draping / Warmth
  21. The movements of Swedish Massage
    1. ______ a gliding stroke, increase stroke in, decrease stroke out, assessing and exploring surface and underlying tissues, one hand, two hand, alterate hand and nerve stroke ( light strokes for nerves)
    2. ______ a kneading stroke which follows the gliding stroke. rhythmic sqeezing, lifting and release of tissue. working parrallel to the fibers, one hand, two hand, alerate hand, fulling and milking
    3. ______ a rub stroke which follows kneading to warm and stimulate the skin and fascia by rubbing one surface of the other. Superficial warming, rolling, wringing, Cross-fiber, Chucking, Circular
    4. ______ involves repetitive staccato striking movements of the hands, moving either simultaneously or alternately. Tapping, Pincement, Hacking, Cupping, Pounding, Clapping
    5. ______ involves shaking, rapid shaking, quivering, trembling or rocking movements applies to the muscle. Fine, Course, Rocking (Jostling)
    • 1. Efflurage
    • 2. Petrissage
    • 3. Friction
    • 4. Tapotement
    • 5. Vibration
  22. 1. _____ consciouslly sought goal or a desired end before beginning massage
    2. _____ powerful therapeutic tool, release tension, helps client relax and feel secure
    3. _____ application of force applied to a surface
    4. _____ the distance traveled into the body's tissues
    5. _____ process of locating trigger points, increase blood flow, and correct directionlism
    6. _____ refers to change in hand position over time or how rapidly or slowly a massage movement is bring executed
    7. _____ the repetition or regularity of massage movements
    8. _____ uninterupted flow of strokes and to the unbroken transition form one stroke to the next.
    • 1. Intention
    • 2. Tounch
    • 3. Pressure
    • 4. Depth
    • 5. Direction
    • 6. Speed
    • 7. Rhythm
    • 8. Continuity
  23. 1. ___ _____ - movements are used to reduce pain, restore mobility and maintain health, provides variety of treatments. There are four types of movements are as follows:
    2.______ - movements applied by therapists while client remains relaxed
    3. ______ - client performs movement described by the therapist with no help
    4. ___ ___ - client performs movement with therapist assistant
    5. ___ ___ - therapist applies gentle resistance whiel client is actively engaged in the movement
    • 1. Swedish Gymnastics
    • 2. Passive
    • 3. Active
    • 4. Active Assisted
    • 5. Active Resisted
  24. 1. ___ ___ method of moving a joint through its range of motion, to help stretch and strengthen the joints.
    2. ______ also known as connective tissue massage used during skin-rolling friction
    3. ______ spreading the tissues of a muscle toward the end from the middle, used in Effluerage, stretching and warming
    4. ______ movement or action toward the heart (or center) actions promotes venous blood flow.
    5. ___ ___ ___ is precise and penetrating form of friction, popularized by James Cryiax, movement is across and perpendicular to the muscle fibers.
    • 1. Joint Mobilization
    • 2. Bindeswebmassage
    • 3. Broadening
    • 4. Centripetally
    • 5. Cross Fiber Friction
  25. Also known as the gestational process, this is the event of the joining of an egg with a sperm (Fertilization Zygote) then travels through the fallopian tube to implant in the uterus.
    What is Pregnency?
  26. This condition usually occurs in first trimester approximately 75% of pregnant women experience.
    What is Morning Sickness?
  27. 1. _______ Trimester (Week 1 through 14) when the ______ (egg) develops to a 3 inch embryo and has arms legs, nails and ears and a heatbeat at day 26. Structural changes in the mother are minimal, but hormone _______ begins to effect joints and become naueseated, headaches and
    fatgiue. least change in women but most change in fetus. Body temperature raises creating an ________ effect.
    2. _______ Trimester (14 to 28 weeks), the baby grows 11 inches and about 1 1/2 pounds. Fingerprints, eyebrows and eyelashes form. At 16 weeks, baby becomes sensitive to light. Mother begins to show, her body changes to accomodate the baby. The mothers ________ elevates at its rib attachments, her breathing is mostly _______ breathing as _______ breathing becomes difficult
    3. _______ Trimester (28 to 40 Weeks), the baby grows up to 20 inches in length and from 5 to 9 pounds. Lungs develop at week ____ . Eyes track movement and sleep patterns develop. Mother may experience shortness of breath and difficult in movement and walking as the uterus ______ into the ribcage.
    • 1. First / Zygote / relaxin / incubation
    • 2. Second / diaphragm / costal / abdominal
    • 3. Third / 34 / ascends
  28. What is the hormone that relaxes the smooth muscle of the uterus and thevalve between the esophagus and the stomach and that slows down gastrointestinal tract motility.
    What is Progesterone?
  29. The term given to pregnancies that put the mother, the developing fetus,or both at higher-than-normal risk for complications to devlop during or after the pregnancy and birth.
    What is High-Risk Pregnancy?
  30. 1. After gestation period of 40 weeks, uterus begins a complex series ofcontractions and dialations to give birth to the fetus called __________. This process has three phases
    2. 1st phase ________ is the time of onset of labor to when the cervix enlarges to 10 cm or 4 inches. Rupture of the ______ sac occurs during this stage.
    3. 2nd phase ________ is the time from completed stage 1 to delivery of the fetus from the mother.
    4. 3rd phase ________ is the time after delivery until the _______ or afterbirth is expelled by powerful uternine contractions. Also constricts torn ______ ______ to prevent hemorrhaging.
    • 1. Labor
    • 2. Dilation / amniotic
    • 3. Expulsion
    • 4. Placental State / Placenta / Blood Vessels
  31. What the discomforts of pregnancy?
    • 1. Anemia
    • 2. Edema
    • 3. Backaches and Leg Cramps
    • 4. Breast Tenderness and Stretchmarks
    • 5. Respiratory, Vascular and Gastrointestinal Complaints - ( ex Congestion, Varicose Veins, and GERD)
    • 6. Fatigue, Headaches and Nausea
  32. What is the massage stroke where you warming holding an area of the infants body, letting them know the start or ending of the massage on that body part?
    What is Touch-Holds
  33. What is the massage stroke in Infant Massage using your palms, and massaging with long fluid strokes toward the heart?
    What is Swedish Milking
  34. What is the massage stroke in Infant Massage where rhythmic stoking occurs with thumb-over-thumb in the motion of windshield wipers.
    What is Thumb-over-Thumb
  35. What is the massage stroke in Infant Massage that starts with thumbs together, spread laterally to the sides. This stroke is less stimulating than thumb-over-thumb stroking.
    What is Thumb Spreading?
  36. 1. To begin Infant Massage, have an informal _______ with the parents to learn what they are hoping to acheive durring the massage and what the baby likes and dislikes.
    2. Infants exhibit predictable __________ states that cycle in times of both _______ and ________.
    3.Being aware of these ___________ states can help parents chose the best time to _________ their baby.
    4. More than _____ known infant behavoiral cues that parents can learn to recongnize. Engagement cues are similar to ______ for parental attention
    5. Cues that are potent signals that the baby is ready to interact are ______, ______, _____ _____, making eye contact and reaching toward parent.
    6. _________ is when the infant is ready to interact and __________ is when they need to take a break. This break helps infant regroup and __________.
    • 1. Interview
    • 2. behaviorial / sleeping / wakefulness
    • 3. behavioral / massage
    • 4. 108 / magnets
    • 5. smiling / cooing / bright eyes
    • 6. Engagment / Disengagement / Re-engagement
  37. Infant cries that are emotional and where the infant may look directly at parents and express their feelings of frustration, anger or grief andoptimally the parent will respond by listening and acknowledging.
    What is Talk-Crying?
  38. What are the Six Behavioral states of Infants? Which is the perferred state for baby to recieve massage?
    • 1. Deep Sleep
    • 2. Light Sleep
    • 3. Drowsiness
    • 4. Quiet Alert - the perferred state
    • 5. Active Alert
    • 6. Crying
  39. 1. While massaging infants, the first question parents must ask before they massage their baby is _________.
    2. There are multiple cues thattell us disengagement of the infant. Examples are _____, ____ ____ , _____, splayed fingers and toes or ____ ____.
    3. A _______ may suggest only a slight stress. However when accompanied by other cues such as ______ and ____ ____ may be veiwed as the massage needs to change.
    4. If this change does not occur, the baby may begin to become ____________. A word of wisdom is to ________, _______ and then _____.
    5. The Infant Massage Instructor may use a _____ as a tool to model both strokes and _____ _____ with the parents who are working with their infant.
    • 1. Premission
    • 2. crying, gaze aversion, arching / leg kicking
    • 3.sneeze / arching / pushing away
    • 4. overstimulated / watch / listen / act
    • 5. Doll / relational dynamics
  40. Considered to be any therapeutic use of water, is the internal and external use of water and complementary agents such as soaps, essences, aromatics, minerals, seaweed, salt, carbon dioxide and oxygen.
    What is Hydrotherapy?
  41. From Worshofen,Bavaria he was known as the father of Hydrotherapy, possessed exceptional knowledge and skill in using water to heal the ailments that afflicted others. These treatments, known as Kneipp therapy, are still used today. Wrote the book My Water Cure, in 1886.
    Who is Father Sebastian Kneipp?(1821-1897)
  42. Greek physician, considered the Father of Wester Modern Medicine, founder of a medical school and writer of many books. Most Famous or early physicians, advised both hot and cold bathing. Was the first to record the role of opposites, or contrasts baths.
    Who was Hippocrates of Cos?
  43. Origin is uncertain, place where water therapies are administered. translated from the Latin term sanus per aqua meaning healingthrough water or cure of water.
    What is a Spa?
  44. a variety of body treatments administerred in spas that may or may not incorporate massage, but water is the heart of the spa experience. Spa esthetics and ambience play an important role because beauty and art go hand and hand.
    What is Spa Therapies?
  45. Four types of Spas
    1. ____ Spa - Offer services on a day-use basis. Overnight accommodations are not available
    2. ____ Spa - owned by and located within a resort or hotel. These facilities provide professional administrated spa services, fitness and wellness components and spa cuisine menu choices.
    3. ____ Spa - on-site accommodations, professionally administered spa services, physical fitness and wellness elements, educational programming, and spa cuisine, lifestyle improvements and health enhancement.
    4. ____ Spa - provide medical and wellness care in an environment that integrates spa services. Both conventional and complmentary therapies are provided.
    • 1. Day Spas
    • 2. Resort or Hotel Spa
    • 3.Destination Spa
    • 4. Medical Spa
  46. 1. What is the temperature water turns to ice?
    2. What is the temperature water turns to steam?
    • 1. 32 degrees Farenheit
    • 2. 212 degrees Farenheit
  47. application of water as a healing agent, causes an intial action of increasing blood flow to the skin. The skin becomes hyperemic as a result of blood vessels dialation, perspiration is produced in an attempt to cool the body. Prolonged application depresses blood flow and increases swelling and inflammation.
    What is Heat Application?
  48. application of water as a healing agent, cause the skin to blanch initially as a result of blood vessel constriction. Prolonged application produces a reaction that stimulates dilation of blood vessels and increases blood flow to bring warmth to the area. This application also reduces swelling and decreases inflammation. The skin becomes hyperemic and sensations may be felt as heat is carried to the application site by the bloodstream.
    What are Cold Applications?
  49. The (4) factors that contribute to the effects of water on the body
    1. ______ - most common tool used by hydrotherapy treatments, maintaining the body at a comfortable and consistent level
    2. ______ - the amount of humidity or dampness in the air.Steam baths at 100% humidity help moisten the mucous membranes, help keep the skin supple.
    3. ______ - Chemical content of water Famous Spas are often sought out for the health giving properities of these waters.
    4._______ - immersion in water, mechical effects are Density and Buoyancy. The mechanical effect intensifies with increased pressure.
    • 1. Temperature
    • 2. Moisture
    • 3. Mineral Content
    • 4. Mechanical Effect
  50. What are the (3) kinds of mineral waters found at these spas?
    • 1. Saline - waters containing dissolved salts are used for their purgative effects
    • 2. Iron Oxide- This rust-colored water is used for its restorative effects.
    • 3. Sulfur - This water is used for its cleansing effects.
  51. Most important mechanical effect in water immersion is this principle, discovered by Archimedes (287-212 bc ). This famous discovery, made during a bath, made him realize that when a body is immersed in water, it experiences an upward force equal to the weight of water. Objects with less will float and objects with more will sink.
    What is Density?
  52. The other mechanical effect of water immersion, because the density of water is near that of the human body, it produces this effect on immersion equal to the weight of the water displaced. The water pressureexerted against the body when in water offsets some or all of the effect of gravity and allows it to bob or float.
    What is Buoyancy?
  53. Another essential factor in hydrotherapy and bathing. The Law of Pascal (1623-1662) states that when a body is immersed in fluid, the pressure exerted on it is equal at a constant depth and is exerted equally in a horizontal direction at any level. The side-ways pressure is equal on all surfaces at certain depths. Increases with depth and increases fluiddensity. Research indicates when a body is immersed for 1 hour, urination increases by 50%.
    What is Hydrostatic Pressure?
  54. The external application of heat for therapeutic purposes. The body can tell whether something is hot or cold only in relation to the skin temperature. Heat is transferred into the body only when the temperatureof water is greater than the body temperature. Heat moves using one of the four elements of delivery.
    What is Thermotherapy?
  55. The four methods of delivery of Thermotherapy
    1. _______ - involves the exchange of thermal energy while the bodys surface in direct contact with a thermal agent or conductor. (hot packs,hot stones)
    2. _______ - involves transferring heat energy through movement of air or liquid (sauna, steam bath)
    3. _______ - transfer of heat energy in rays. Heat transfer occurs without direct contact (infared lamps)
    4. _______ - one energy source changing (or converting) into a heat energy source as it passes into the body (diathermy, ultrasound) Method not generally used by massage therapists.
    • 1. Conduction
    • 2. Convection
    • 3. Radiation
    • 4. Conversion
  56. The external, therapeutic application of cold. Is the safest, simplest and most effective method for reducing pain and swelling in injuries andhad replaced the use of heat in many sports and rehabilitation clinics.Client will experience sensations Coldness or cooling, Burning, Stinging or aching, Numbness or reduced sensation.
    What is Cryotherapy?
  57. The up and down cycle of vasoconstriction and vasodilation that brings blood into and out of the area, flushing out tissue debris and bringing oxygen during Cryotherapy.
    What is the Hunting Response?
  58. What are the Four Phases of the Hunting Response?
    • 1. First Phase - during the first 9 to 16 minutes of cold application, area undergoes reflexive vasoconstriction. Skin will blanch or pale and local edema is reduced and hemotoma formation is controlled
    • 2. SecondPhase - Sudden deep -tissue vasodilation occurs lasting for 4 to 6 minutes. This reaction is thermoregulatory response to restore homeostasis and raise local temperature.
    • 3. Third Phase - Vasoconstriction resumes (one complete rotation takes approx 15 to 30 minutes)
    • 4. Fourth Phase - Removal of cold application before tissue damageIf application is more than 20 minutes, frost bite may occur.
  59. What are the three categories of Hydrotherapy?
    • 1. Packs -A device for the application of heat, cold, or nutrients. It can refer to the actual item (hot stones) a pouch (vinyl bag) or products themselves (seaweed and clay)
    • 2. Baths -A broad category of hydrotherapy application encompassing partial or full immersion in water or vapor. The enveloping substance can also be wax, light or air that is heated.
    • 3. Rubs -a Hydrotherapeutic friction includes all modalities in which clients skins is stimulated by rubbing. Category encompasses body shampoos, skinbrushing , polishes, scrubs and glows.
  60. What are the types or Packs?
    • 1. Hot and Cold Compress
    • 2. Hot and Cold Packs
    • 3. Cryokinetics
    • 4.Thermal mittens and booties
    • 5. Stones
    • 6. Body mask
  61. What are the 15 types of Baths?
    • 1. Hot Tub
    • 2. Spa
    • 3. Whirlpool
    • 4. Underwater Massage
    • 5. Ice Immersion
    • 6. Pool Plunge
    • 7. Watsu
    • 8. Floatation
    • 9. Sauna
    • 10.Steam Bath
    • 11. Parrafin Bath
    • 12. Swiss Shower
    • 13. Vichy Shower
    • 14.Jet Blitz or Jet Douche
    • 15. Contrast Bath
  62. What are 8 types of Frictions?
    • 1. Swedish and Turkish Shampoos
    • 2. Dry Brush Massage
    • 3. Salt Glow
    • 4.Body Scrub
    • 5. Body Polish
    • 6. Udvartnana
    • 7. Ice Massage
    • 8. Cold-towel friction
  63. 1.________ compresses are used to soothe, relax or warm clients during or after massage
    2.________ compresses are used to help keep clients comfortable during thermotherapy such as hot baths, steam baths or during body wraps.
    • 1. Hot
    • 2. Cold
  64. An ayurvedic treatment uses oil, usually sesame, poured in a steady stream over the clients forehead, particularly the brow and in the region between the eyes from a copper vessel hung above the clients forhead.
    What is Shirodhara?
  65. the art and science of bathing for therapeutic and relaxation purposes. This broad category submerging all or part of the body in water, wax, light, heated air or steam. Also included are showers, sprays and hoses.
    What is Balneology?
  66. What are the 11 Types of Immersion Baths?
    • 1. Mineral Bath
    • 2. Herbal Baths
    • 3. Milk Baths
    • 4. Hot Tub Baths
    • 5.Spa Tub Baths
    • 6. Whirlpool Baths
    • 7. Ice-immersion baths
    • 8. Underwater
    • 9. Pool Plunge
    • 10. Watsu
    • 11. Flotation
  67. 1.__________ bath is created by epsom salts or commercial bath salts like Batherapy.
    2.__________ bath is created by blended herbs in the form of sachets, oils or extracts.
    3.__________ bath is created by Goat or cow milk added to the water, a luxirous bath choice.
    • 1. Mineral
    • 2. Herbal
    • 3. Milk
  68. Also known as Water shiatsu, the therapist holds the client in a near-body-temperture pool while, at the same time, messaging and stretching his or her muscles and mobilization the joints to release andopen energy pathways. Warm water and the buoyancy it provides are idealfor reducing mental and physical tension.
    What is Watsu?
  69. A sensory deprivation spa technique, uses a tank or capsule close in size to a twin bed. The tank is filled with sterile salt water regulatedto body temperature for a sense of buoyancy and weightlessness.
    What is Flotation?
  70. An ayurvedic heat treatment, encourages the client to sweat via a steam bath. The most common and practical option for therapist is a steam canopy or steam cabinet.
    What is Swedhana?
  71. What are the 3 types of Showers?
    • 1. Swiss Showers
    • 2. Vichy Showers
    • 3. Het Blitz/ Jet Douche
  72. 1. __________ Shampoo includes a pail of hot water (105"F) over the client's skin.
    2. __________ Shampoo includes a pail of hot water but concludes with a tepid pour (90"F) after the hot pail pour.
    • 1. Swedish
    • 2. Turkish
  73. What are the 4 types of Body Scrubs?
    • 1. Dry Brush Massage
    • 2. Body Scrub
    • 3. Body Polish
    • 4. Udvartana
  74. A type of Body Scrub treatment that uses an herbal paste to stimulate lymphatic circulation. The consistency of the paste adds an exfoliating element. Usually done before Swedhana (steam therapy) for optimal effects.
    What is Udvartana?
  75. The (10) Essential Oils in the Essential Oil Starter Kit for Aromatherapy
    1. _________ respiratory congestion
    2. _________ insomnia, calms,and balances the mind
    3. _________ added energy to mind and body
    4. _________ sense of excitement
    5. _________ Relaxation and soothing, can enhance sensuality
    6. _________ stimulates mental clarity, concentration, memory and detoxify the mind and body
    7. _________ promotes deep relaxation, abates depression, and quiets the mind and emotions
    8. _________ clear away negativity and opens up the heart by inspiring empathy and sensitivity.
    9. _________ antiseptic, can be used to disinfect contaminated items. Also helps strengthen immune system
    10._________ calm the nervous system, ease depression, and reduce frustration. Used topically, can irritate the skin.
    • 1. Eucalyptus
    • 2. Lavender
    • 3. Lemon
    • 4. Peppermint
    • 5. Rose Geranium
    • 6. Rosemary
    • 7. Sandalwood
    • 8. Tangerine
    • 9.Tea Tree
    • 10. Ylang-Ylang
  76. Also called essential oil therapy, is the use of plant-derived essential oils for therapeutic purposes. Dates back over 10,000 years to India, this therapy can be used in baths, candles, massage lubricants, incense,and specially designed diffusing units.
    What is Aromatherapy?
  77. In 1937, this scientist identified the structures of Olfaction (Smell) and that the structures of the limbic system respond to smell, taste, sound, sight and painful stimuli, all of which elicit emotional responses. He found that when these structures were stimulated, individuals experience emotions such as anger, aggression, fear, sadness, pleasure, happiness and sexual arousal.
    Who is J.W. Papez?
  78. Concentrated essences of aromatic plants in the forms of oils. There are over 200 oils available. These essecences are 75 to 100 times stronger than the dried version of the plant. This strength is the primary reasonfor dilution before its use and only a few drops are used. Stored in a dark, airtight container in a cool dry place, these oils have a shelf life of up to seven years unless mixed with carrier oils.
    What are Essential Oils?
  79. What are 8 parts of plants that Essesntial Oils can derrive from?
    • 1. Flowers
    • 2. Fruits
    • 3. Grasses
    • 4. Leaves
    • 5. Roots
    • 6. Seeds
    • 7. Tree Blossoms
    • 8. Woods and Resins
  80. 1. The order of sensations felt by clients during cold application is ______, _______, ______ or ______ and _______.
    2. A -______ shower features water sprayed over a standing client from both overhead and side-positoned needle-like jet valves.
    3. The two variations used in the contrast method are the _______ and _______ method.
    4. A ____ bath is conducted in ceramic tiled room filled with steam between 105F & 120F with 100% humidity. A ______ is a tub filled with hot water just before use and them emptied after each use.
    5. During herbal wraps, sheets are soaked in herbal teas. A tea made from steeping a plant stem of leaves is a ______. A tea made from boiling the plants parts in water is ______
    • 1. Coldness, burning, stinging or aching, numbness
    • 2. Vichy Shower
    • 3. Alternate and Simultaneous Method
    • 4. Steam / Whirpool
    • 5. Infusion / Decoction
  81. The type of Body Scrub which uses a fine grainy substance to gently exfoliate, refine, and buff the skin. The products used are not as coarse or abrasive as scrubs or glows. Some use Gommage, which is a cream-based polishing agent.
    What is a Body Polish?
  82. 1. In week ___ in pregnant women hormone production of Relaxin be sufficient to produce ligament laxity and affect joint stability. Massage is safe after ____ week of pregnancy
    2. Carpal tunnel syndrome can become a temporary problem due to _______
    3. The _____ ligament can become overstretched during late pregnancy cause Sciatica-like pain.
    4. When working on pregnant client in supine position, the _____ side is elevated, creating a tilt to the left.
    5. The _____ trimester marks the least structural changes in the mother but most in the embryo.
    • 1. Week 10 / Week 12
    • 2. Edema
    • 3. Broad
    • 4. Right
    • 5. First
  83. One of the business types, this involves a single owner. It is the
    simplest and least-expensive type of business to open. The owner
    provides all the capital and reaps all the profits.
    What is a Proprietorship?
  84. One of the business types, this type is a consquence of the
    check-the-box regulations, the owner of a single-member company can
    treat the business as a corporation for tax purposes or report any
    income and expense.
    What is Limited Liability Company? (LLC)
  85. One of the business types, this type has flow-through taxation with two
    owners. Each owner files his or her own individual taxes and accounts
    own profit or loss. Both parties also agree to share both the
    responsibilities and rewards of the business.
    What is a partnership?
  86. What is the types of business, this type pays federal taxes on its
    taxable income. It is not liable to third parties, your personal assets
    cannot be attached in a lawsuit against the business. The practice can
    continue in the event an owner leaves or dies.
    What is a corporation?
  87. Also known as malpractice insurance and errors and omission insurance,
    this type of insurance covers liability costs arising from your professional activities. Therapist are accountable for their actions and this coverage is easy to obtain.

    B. Professional Liability
  88. Also referred to as premise liability, this insurance takes care of liability coststhat are a result of bosily injusry property damage and personal injury when your client is on the permises.

    A. General Liability
  89. This type of insurance covers the cost of business property such as a
    desk, massage table, chairs, and stereo equipment in your business
    location that your homeowners insurnace does not cover.A. Term
    LifeB. Business Personal PropertyC. Professional LiabilityD.
    General Liability
    B. Business Personal Property
  90. Type of insurance that covers an automobile and should be rated for
    business for clients and travel.A. AutomobileB. HealthC.
    LifeD. Disability
    A. Automobile
  91. Type of insurnace that covers expenses such as physician visits and
    hospitalizationsA. AutomobileB. HealthC. LifeD.
    B. Health
  92. Type of insurance provides your loved ones with financial support in the
    event of your death.A. AutomobileB. HealthC. LifeD.
    C. Life
  93. Type of insurnace that provides income protection from disability in the
    event you cannot work as a result of injury or illness.\A.
    AutomobileB. HealthC. LifeD. Disability
    D. Disability
  94. Involving the movement of goods and services from the providerto the
    consumer. The process involves promoting business with image, purpose
    and direction.
    What is Marketing?
  95. The process of making a business noticeable to the public by purchasing
    print space or broadcast media time.
    What is Advertising?
  96. Airtime or space from systems of mass communication. Massage therapists
    often use this in the form of phone book, newspaper and newsletter
    What is Media?
  97. Also known as a resume, this is an autobiographical sketch that
    documents all your achievements, including occupational, avocational,
    academic and personal information.
    What is a Curriculum Vitae (CV)?
  98. Which of the following is not a part that should be included on a
    Curriculum vitae?A. EducationB. Date of BirthC. Work
    ExperienceD. Personal Data
    B. Date of Birth
  99. A written voluntary agreement between two or more parties that
    communicates expectations, duties, and responsibilities. A signed and
    dated docutment that is enforcable by law.
    What is a Contract?
  100. A written idea put foward for consideration, discussion or adoption.
    Many massage therapists entering the field have the opportunity to
    approach businesses with these.
    What is a Proposal?
  101. Considered free media exposure, this is a method to attract attention to
    your business in many different ways such as articles, volunteering and
    health fairs.
    What is Publicity?
  102. Someone who guides you during your postgraduate clinical practice. This
    person is similar to a mentor and may be psychically on the permises or
    might be available to be contacted.
    What is a Preceptor?
  103. The process of having any workshop, office and lecture announced in the
    newspaper as part of publicity. This tactic is a reminder to customers
    and clients that you are in business and what services you provide.
    What is Press Releases?
  104. One of the methods of expanding your practice and increasing your income
    by accepting clients with insurance reimbursement for massage services.
    What is Insurance Billing?
  105. What is the art of interpreting, measuring and describing economic
    activity and also known as language of business.
    What is Accounting?
  106. What is the unsold retail items you have on hand that may be sold to
    What is Inventory?
  107. What is the process of spreading out the deduction for the cost of an
    asset over time. Some fixed assets cane be deducted in one fiscal year.
    What is Depreciation?
  108. What is the form used as a method of standardizing claims, eliminating the confusion of different forms for different insurance comapnies.

    A. HCFA 1500 Form
  109. What does HCFA stands for?
    Health Care Financing Admimistration
  110. One of the types of financial reports, this statement provide an overview of the amounts and sources of money coming into and going out of the company. Since cash flow is regarded as life-giving blood of business, keeping track of these accounts is importatnt.
    What is Cash Flow Statements?
  111. What is known as a collection of differnent investiments held by an individual investor.
    What is a Financial Portfolio?
  112. What are the ten parts of the Confirmed Consent form for a patient?
    • 1. Therapist's credentials
    • 2. Description of modalities
    • 3. Expectations and potential benefits
    • 4. Potential risks and possible underirable side effects
    • 5. Statement of Scope of Practice
    • 6. Right of Refusal
    • 7. Professional and Ethical Responsibility
    • 8. Information use
    • 9. Office Policies
    • 10. Authorization and Signature, date and confirmation of client and therapist
  113. The process of providing written information regarding client care that a therapist needs to collect for many reasons is:

    B. Documentation
  114. The treatment plan for a client serves as an organizational framework for a massage. The diagram that emcompasses all of the steps that the therapist takes is?

    C. Client Web
  115. What is the process involved in appraising a client's condition based on subjective reporting and objective findings, involving the clients goals and objectives for the session and determine the length and depth?

    D. Assessment
  116. What is the therapist's strategy used to help the client achieve their goals, established once the assessment data is analyzed?

    B. Planning
  117. What is the outlined steps the therapist will follow, to provide a tailor-made session for each client, thereby improving professional services and open communication with other health care providers regarding how to serve the client?

    C. Treatment Plan
  118. What is the standard documentation method in the medical and paramedical fields?

    C. SOAP Notes
  119. What is a prescription is a written order by a physician or other qualified health care provider to a person properly authorized to dispense or perform the order which is usually for medication, therapy or a therapeutic device.

    B. Prescriptive Directives
  120. What is the collection of information learned from the client or the client's family and friends, including most written information obtained on the intake form and the clients personal preception.

    B. Subjective Data
  121. What is the collection of measurable and quantitative obtained by the therapist through emprical means (measurable and verifieable via the senses) such as the size of a mole, whether the right shoulder is higher than left or whether left knee is swollen?

    A. Objective Data
  122. What is the assessment method done through touching with purpose and intent, including locating muscle origin and insertion via tendons and bony markings noting differences between muscle tension and tone.

    C. Palpation
  123. What does the acronynm SOAP mean?
    • S-Subjective,
    • O-Objective,
    • A-Assessment,
    • P-Plan
  124. What does the Acronym SOAPIER stand for?
    • S - Subjective
    • O-Objective
    • A-Assessment
    • P-Plan
    • I-Implementation
    • E- Evaluation
    • R-Review
  125. What does the Acronym APIE stand for?
    • A- Assessment
    • P- Plan of Care
    • I-Implementation
    • E- Evaluation
  126. What is the client's authorization for professional services based on information that the massage therapist provides, permission for treatment and is a common principle in all health care fields?

    C. Informed Consent
  127. Part of an informed consent form, this section is the therapist's education skills, and abilities and will very among therapists.

    C. Description of Modalities
  128. Part of the client informed consent form, this section explains the effects that could happen durring a massage that may be negative such as blood clots, bruising, soreness.

    C. Potential Risks and Side Effects
  129. One of the sections of the Informed consent form, this means that the client has the right to terminate the session at anytime for any reason.It can also be for the therapist when a contraindication is suggested or presented, the therapist has a right, responsibility and even an obligation to refuse to treat the client or the local area involved.

    A. Right of Refusal
  130. What are Ten Tips for Documenting?
    • 1. Therapist's name and signature, along with date of session
    • 2. Maintain confidentiality
    • 3. Use blue ink color
    • 4. Correct errors with a single line and initials, avoiding correction fluid or tape
    • 5.Use precise and correct medical terminology
    • 6. If client misses appointment, document with an entry on their record such as no show or canceled, no reschedule.
    • 7. Be careful with abbreviations and use of symbols, avoiding jargon as this could be misinterpreted, such as SOB for Shortness of Breath
    • 8. Write Legibly
    • 9. Use sentence fragments to highlight the information gained from client, using direct quotes when applicable
    • 10. Keep in mind of scope of practice, you can make observations, but cannot diagnose a disease.
  131. What does the acronym PPALM stand for?
    • P - Purpose of Session / reason for wanting the massage
    • P - Pain and Discomfort / subjective reporting of the client's pain
    • A - Allergies -Skin conditions / questions, observations and palpations of skin temperature, disorders and allergies
    • L - Lifestyle / Factors that contribute to this domain are occupation, Leisure, Stress Level, Nutrition, Regular Exercise
    • M - Medical History / Medical information from client's past and the intake
  132. What does the acronym OPPQRST stand for when reviewing pain and discomfort?
    • O - Onset / When did it start?
    • P - Provocative / What makes it worse?
    • P - Palliative/ What makes it better?
    • Q - Quality / How would you describe the pain?
    • R Radiation / Does the pain radiate?
    • S - Site / Where does it hurt
    • T -Timing / How often does it hurt?
  133. What are Eight different types of medication that can effect a massage therapy?
    • 1. Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) - deep effleurage needs to be monitored for it can cause bruising while on these
    • 2. Muscle Relaxers - same as Narcotic Analgesics
    • 3. Narcotic Analgesics - Caution is merited for these depress sensory information enterning the nervous system
    • 4. Corticosteroids - taking these, over a period of 30 days, results in loss of integrity of various body tissues
    • 5. Antidepressents and antipsychotics - Same as Narcotic Analgesics
    • 6. Anticoagulants and Platelet Inhibitors
    • 7. Transdermal Patches
    • 8. Injected Medications
  134. What is a type of lengthy summarization of client progress spanning through numerous sessions and prescriptive periods

    B. Narrative Report
  135. What is a summarization of client progress over an extended period, usually 30 days or the length of a prescriptive period, whichever comes first.

    C. Progress Report
  136. What is a term denoting information that is verifiable through the senses?

    B. Empirical
  137. What are the ten parts of the Confirmed Consent form for a patient?
    • 1. Therapist's credentials
    • 2. Description of modalities
    • 3. Expectations and potential benefits
    • 4. Potential risks and possible underirable side effects
    • 5. Statement of Scope of Practice
    • 6. Right of Refusal
    • 7. Professional and Ethical Responsibility
    • 8. Information use
    • 9. Office Policies
    • 10. Authorization and Signature, date and confirmation of client and therapist
  138. What is the feel of pain experienced by approximately 70% of people withamputated limbs and usually occurs within the first week after the amputation (involves peripheral and central nervous systems)?

    A. Phantom Limb Sensation
  139. What is the flexible tube that is inserted and sewn into a large vein, usually the right subclavian vein in upper chest, and left in place for aextended period for blood withdrawal, chemotherapy, dialysis and frequent administration of medicine?

    A. Central Venous Catheter
  140. What is the device that is used to treat abnormal heart rates, can detect heart rhythms that are too slow or too fast and when necessary, delivers an electrical shock to restore normal heart rate and rhythm?

    D. Implatable Cardioverter Defibulator
  141. What is the device that is surgically implanted and sends out small electrical currents to stimulate the heart to contract, can automatically speed up the heart beat during exercise?

    B. Pacemaker
  142. What is the small, expandable lattice-shaped metal tube or hollow perforated tube used in cornary arteries, peripheral arteries, veins, bile ducts and other vessels to increase the vessel or duct diameter?

    C. Stent
  143. What is the incision in the colon to create an opening that is affixed to the exterior abdominal wall with a bag attached to collect fecal material?

    D. Colostomy
  144. What is the incision in the ileum of the small instestine connecting to the external abdominal wall with a bag attached to collect fecal material?

    D. Ileostomy
  145. During an Ileostomy and Colostomy, this is when the end of the instestine is pulled through an opening made in the abdominal wall and then folded outward onto itself and attached to the abdomen with stitches

    C. Stoma
  146. What is an condition or illness in which the client is expected to die within a time frame, usually six months?

    B. Terminal
  147. A condition or illness of the body for which no cure is known and a gradual decline in health is expected.

    A. Chronic
  148. What is the coping mechanism to trauma where the victim leaves the body so as not to feel, or to believe that abuse or trauma was happening to someone else. Clients may relive abuse memories during massage.

    D. Disassociation
  149. When a tumor "Mestatsizes" its spreads cancerous cells within the body to other parts of the body. What type of tumor causes this?

    C. Malignant
  150. A cancer of the epithelial tissue.

    B. Carcinomas
  151. A cancer that grows from melonocytes or the skin cells that produce pigment melonin

    C. Melanomas
  152. A cancer developed from muscle cells or connective tissues.

    C. Sarcomas
  153. A Cancer characterized by rapid growth of abnormal white blood cells.

    C. Leukemia
  154. A Cancer of the Lymphatic Tissue.

    D. Lymphomas
  155. One of the causes of cancer, these chemicals, agents or radiation that causes permanent structural changes in the genetic material of the cell. Examples are cigarette tar, radon gas and ultraviolent radiation in sunlight.

    C. Carcinogens
  156. Cancer-causing genes that when inappropriately activated, they transform a normal cell into a cancerous cell.

    D. Oncogenes
  157. A cancer-causing virus that stimulates cells to devide abnormally. Example (HPV) causes cervical cancer in woman.

    A. Oncoviruses
  158. What is the Study of the Tumors?

    A. Oncology
  159. Tumors are excess tissue that develops when body cells divide without control, or abnormal cell growth. They are also called _______

    C. Neoplasm
  160. What type of tumor that will spread cancerous cells to other parts of the body but is name for the place it begins.

    D. Malignant
  161. Which tumor that does not spread but may become life-threatening if, as it grows, puts pressure on vital areas, such as areas of the brain

    B. Benign
  162. What is the disease also known as humpback condition, may be uncomfortable lying in the prone position.

    D. Kyphosis
  163. What is the disease also known as swayback, common in clients who are overweight or who have flaccid abdominal muscles. Support needed for prone or supine position.

    C. Lordosis
  164. A disease that causes lateral spine distortion that occurs mostly in women and girls, over 60% to 80%

    D. Scoliosis
  165. A mechanism that causes repressed memories to come to the conscious mind, such as when a clients physical body may remember a past traumaticevent while recieving a massage.

    B. State-Dependent Memory
  166. A relapse into a previous condition such as substance abuse. During these episodes, massage can be used for its psychological and physiological benefits

    A. Recidivism
  167. Aids is caused by the HIV virus, affecting _______ of the immune styste.Can be transmitted by sexual contact, sharing needles or transfusions.

    A. T Lymphocytes
  168. Term referring to someone who is 70 years of age or older. Some may require assistance with accomplishing daily activities.

    C. Geriatric
  169. Term referring to clients between ages 3 to 18 years. This type of massage address specific tissue problems and injuries.

    A. Pediatric
  170. What is the term used to describe the life force that runs through the 10 zones in the body?

    B. Chi'
  171. In reflexology, this is the mapping tool to define and describe the body's energy pathways, in which there are ten, five on each foot.
    What are Zones?
  172. What is a factor or method that is needed in Reflexology?

    A. Pointwork
  173. If the client is in a weakened state caused by illness, age or disability, treatment time is shorter than normal and pressure lighter than usual, how long should the procedure be per foot?

    C. 10 minutes
  174. Traced back over 5000 years in many countries including egypt, china and japan. This is based on the theory that our entire body has reflex points located on the feet and through applied pressure, can be released?
    What is Reflexology?
  175. In the Early 1900's this doctor's research and writings developed modern reflexology as well as from another from of therapy called "zone therapy"
    Who is William Fitzgerald?
  176. The location of the tomb that features a pitograph dating back to 2500BC depicting a physician peforming foot reflexology to ease patients pain.
    What is Egypt?
  177. What is the total number of energy pathways or zones that the body possesses, which run vertically from head to foot?

    C. 10
  178. If the client is in a weakened state caused by illness, age or disability, treatment time is shorter than normal and pressure lighter than usual, how long should the procedure be per foot?

    C. 10 minutes
  179. What is the specific technique in reflexology used when working specific reflex areas, using the methods direct pressure and hook.
    What is Pointwork?
  180. The general technique in reflexology used for working the 10 zones and is normally applied with the thumb, bending and straightening the thumb's distinterphalangeal joint.
    What is Walking?
  181. Also known as the mother of Reflexology, she was a Physiotherapist who populized modern Reflexology in North America.
    Who is Eunice Ingham?
  182. What is the technique used when applying pressure directly on the top of the foot and pressure for Diabetes Mellanitus?

    D. Fingertips Light Pressure
  183. The four horizontal areas that provide assistance in locating the foot reflexes beginning at the ball of the foot and work their way down the heel. What are they named?
    What are the _________.
    • Landmarks
    • 1. Neck and Shoulders
    • 2. Diaphragm
    • 3. Waistline
    • 4. Pelvic
  184. Relaxation techniques that are used for relaxing the feet before, during and after a reflexology session which includes shaking the feet and ankles?
    What are Desserts?
  185. Which of the following is NOT a form of Desserts or relaxation techniques in Relexology?

    D. Thumb-walking on top of foot
  186. Part of the hygiene process is seated massage, this method is further protects the hands by applying a cream or foam that dry and create a barrier on the skin.

    C. Skin Protectants
  187. Often referred to as chair massage, was introduced by David Palmer in the 1980's in places such as Apple Inc, and Pacific Bell.
    What is Seated Massage?
  188. What is the traditional Japanese system of massage from which Palmer's techniques were derived

    B. Amma
  189. Known as the father of seated massage, his vision was to make massage therapy safe, convienent and affordable for anyone, anywhere, anytime in the 1980's
    Who is David Palmer?
  190. This term was coined in 1986 when David Palmer introduced first special massage chair.

    C. On-sited massage
  191. These products sanitize hands, face support, armrest, and chest pad of the chair between client sessions and the leg rest if the client is wearing skirt or shorts?

    D. Antomicrobial Disposal Towels
  192. What is the proper position of the thumb that the bones of the thumb are in relatively straight alignment with the bones of the wrist and arm?

    C. Stacking the Bones
  193. What is the name of the face cover that helps keep makeup off the vinyl of the face cradle and make the face itself feel more comfortable?

    B. Nurse Bouffant Cap
  194. Because eye contact is impossible when the client is in the face cradle, other ways to let the client advise you of pain and discomfort when it happens. This is called:

    A. Adaptive Professional Communication
  195. What is the position used by most massage therapist durring a chair massage for the purpose of stamina and proper alignment.

    B. Lunge Stance
  196. A method for obtaining the therapist's attention in a noisy environment in which the clients denotes pain on a 1 to 5 scale with her fingers.

    A. Raised hand motions
  197. What are the Five (5) steps to maintain proper record keeping for clients and therapists during Seated Massage Sessions?
    • 1. Each client fill out intake form
    • 2. Acquired Informed Consent
    • 3. Keep Detailed treatment notes
    • 4. Provide reciepts to clients
    • 5. Maintain Records for up to 4 years
  198. What are the Seven (7) types of massage strokes used for seated massage?
    • 1. Compression
    • 2. Sustained Pressure
    • 3. Deep Friction
    • 4. Superficial Friction
    • 5. Petrissage
    • 6. Effleurage
    • 7. Tapotement
Card Set
Chapters CH 1-10 and 24-29