Ch. 19 Respiratory

  1. apnea
    lack of breathing
  2. bifurcation
    division of a tube or vessel into two channels or branches
  3. bronchodilation
    relaxation of smooth muscle in the bronchioles
  4. caseation
    necrosis in which tissue is changed into a dry mass resembling cheese
  5. clubbing
    proliferation of soft tissue around the ends of fingers or toes without osseous change
  6. cohesion
    tendency to stick together or be attracted
  7. empyema
    condition in which pus and fluid from infected tissue collects in body cavity
  8. eupnea
    normal, regular, quiet breathing
  9. expectorant
    promotes the discharge of mucus from the respiratory system
  10. hemoptysis
    frothy sputum containing streaks of blood
  11. hypercapnia
    increased levels of carbon dioxide
  12. hypoxemia
    insufficient oxygen in the arterial blood
  13. paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
    awakening in severe respiratory distress, usually associated with pulmonary edema
  14. proteases
    enzyme that breaks downa protein into amino acids
  15. pulsus paradoxus
    abnormal decrease in systolic pressure during inspiration
  16. rales
    a bubbly or crackling sound in the lungs caused by air mixing with fluid in the airways
  17. rhonchi
    coarse, rattling sound somewhat like snoring, usually caused by secretions in the bronchial tubes
  18. sputum
    matter coughed up
  19. steatorrhea
    fatty, bulky stool resulting from malabsorption
  20. stridor
    abnormal high-pitched, crowing sound caused by obstruction in the trachea or larynx
  21. surface tension
    tension or resistance which acts to preserve the integrity of the surface
  22. wheezing
    high pitched whining sound typical of obstruction in the bronchioles and small bronchi
Card Set
Ch. 19 Respiratory
Childhood Respiratory disorders, COPD, Vascular and Circulatory lung disease, lung neoplasms and disease of pleura