MGKT Chapter 9

  1. Marketing Decision Support Systems
    An interactive, flexible computerized information system that enables managers to obtain and manipulate information as they are making decisions.
  2. Characteristics of Marketing Decision Support Systems
    • Interactive
    • Flexible
    • Discovery Oriented
    • Accessible
  3. Database Marketing
    • The creation of a large computerized file of customers’ and potential customers’profiles and purchase patterns.
    • The key tool for successful one-to-one marketing
  4. Marketing Research
    The process of planning, collecting, and analyzing data relevant to a marketing decision.
  5. The Role of Marketing Research
    • Descriptive
    • Diagnostic
    • Predictive
  6. The Importance of Marketing Research
    • Improve quality of decision making
    • Trace problems
    • Focus on keeping existing customers
    • Understand changes in marketplace
  7. Sources of Secondary Data
    • Internal Corporate Information
    • Government Agencies
    • Trade and Industry Associations
    • Business Periodicals
    • News Media
  8. Advantages of Secondary Data
    • Saves time and money if on target
    • Aids in determining direction for primary data collection
    • Pinpoints the kinds of people to approach
    • Serves as a basis of comparison for other data
  9. Disadvantages of Secondary Data
    • May not give adequate detailed information
    • May not be on target with the research problem
    • Quality and accuracy of data may pose a problem
  10. Primary Data
    Information collected for the first time. Used for solving the particular problem under investigation.
  11. Advantages of Primary Data
    • Answers a specific research question
    • Data are current
    • Source of data is known
    • Secrecy can be maintained
  12. Disadvantages of Primary Data
    • Expensive
    • “Piggybacking” may confuse respondents
    • Quality declines if interviews are lengthy
    • Reluctance to participate in lengthy interviews
  13. Survey Research
    The most popular technique for gathering primary data in which a researcher interacts with people to obtain facts, opinions, and attitudes.
  14. Open-Ended Question
    An interview question that encourages an answer phrased in respondent’s own words.
  15. Closed-Ended Question
    An interview question that asks the respondent to make a selection from a limited list of responses
  16. Scaled- Response Question
    A closed-ended question designed to measure the intensity of a respondent’s answer.
  17. Observation Research
    • A research method that relies on three types of observation:
    • people watching people
    • people watching an activity
    • machines watching people
  18. Ethnographic Research
    The study of human behavior in its natural context; involves observation of behavior and physical setting.
  19. Probability Sample
    A sample in which every element in the population has a known statistical likelihood of being selected.
  20. Random Sample
    A sample arranged so that every element of the population has an equal chance of being selected.
  21. Nonprobability Sample
    Any sample in which little or no attempt is made to get a representative cross-section of the population.
  22. Convenience Sample
    A form of nonprobability sample using respondents who are convenient or readily accessible to the researcher.
  23. Measurement Error
    Error when there is a difference between the information desired and the information provided by research
  24. Sampling Error
    Error when a sample somehow does not represent the target population.
  25. Frame Error
    Error when a sample drawn from a population differs from the target population
  26. Random Error
    Error because the selected sample is an imperfect representation of the overall population
  27. Cross-Tabulation
    A method of analyzing data that lets the analyst look at the responses to one question in relation to the responses to one or more other questions.
  28. Advantages of Internet Surveys
    • Rapid development, Real-time reporting
    • Reduced costs
    • Personalized questions and data
    • Improved respondent participation
    • Contact with the hard-to-reach
  29. Uses of the Internet by Marketing Researchers
    • Administer surveys
    • Conduct focus groups
    • Other types of marketing research
  30. Role of Blogs in Marketing Research
    • Refined technologies allow companies to mine data available in Internet blogs.
    • Companies can identify the most influential bloggers and learn exactly what they are saying (and how they are saying it).
  31. Competitive Intelligence
    An intelligence system that helps managers assess their competition and vendors in order to become more efficient and effective competitors.
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MGKT Chapter 9
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