SP151 Chapter 15

  1. persuasion
    attempting to change or reinforce attitudes, belifs, values, behavior
  2. coercion
    • use of force to get another to do as you wish.
    • unethical; takes away choice
  3. cognitive dissonance
    info contradictory / inconsistent with current thinking
  4. hierarchy of needs
    • Maslow's theory.
    • 5 levels of needs.
    • lower needs beofre beofre higher needs.

    • (bottom > top)
    • physiological
    • safety
    • social
    • self-esteem
    • self-actualization
  5. attitude
  6. belief
  7. value
  8. proposition
    what you want your audience to agree with

    • fact: did/ didnt happen
    • value: judge worth or importance
    • policy: change regulation, procedure, behavior
  9. ethos
    credibility or ethical character of ther speaker
  10. logos
    logical arguments
  11. pathos
    emotional appeals
  12. credibility
    audience perception of competence, trustworthiness and dynamism
  13. competence
    aspect of credibility that reflects informed, skilled, knowledgebale speaker
  14. trustworthiness
    honest & believable
  15. dynamism
    energetic speaker
  16. charisma
    talent, charm , attractivness
  17. initial credibility
    impression audience has beofre speaker speaks
  18. derived cred.
    impression on speaker's cred. based on what speaker says and does during presentation
  19. terminal cred.
    final impression after all is said and done
  20. proof
    evidence + reasoning
  21. evidence
    material usedt to support point or premise
  22. reasoning
    process of drawing conclusion from evidence
  23. inductive reasoning
    using spefici instances or examples to reach probable or general conclusion
  24. reasoning by analogy
  25. inductive reaosng that draws cpomparison between 2 ideas, things or situations
  26. deductive reasoning
    moving from general statement or principle to reach certain specific conclusiomn
  27. syllogism
    3-part argument including major premise, minor premise, and conclusion
  28. casual reaosning
    relating 2 or more events in a way to conclude one or more events caused others
  29. logical fallacy
    • false reasoning w/o adequate evidence
    • irrelevent or inappropriate arguement
  30. casual fallacy
    faulty cause and effect connection between 2 events
  31. bandwagon fallcy
    beliueveing just because everyone does, its okay
  32. either - or fallacy
    oversimplifying an issue as only having 2 choiuces
  33. hasty generalization
    reaching a conclusion w/out support
  34. personal attack
    attacking irrelevant or personal characteristics connected w/ idea, rather than idea itself.
  35. red herring
    irrelevant facts or information used to disract someone from issue under discussion
  36. appeal to misplaced authority
    using someone w/out credentials or epertise to endorse iseal or product
  37. non sequitur
    • latin: "does not follow"
    • presenitng something thatdoesnt follow previous idea
  38. problem - solution orgainizartion
    problem --> solution
  39. cause- effect organization
    discuss situation causes --> situation effects
  40. refutation
    organization according to audeince ideas against argument
  41. motivated sequence
    • Monroe's 5 step plan for persuasive message:
    • attention
    • need
    • satisfaction
    • visualization
    • action
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SP151 Chapter 15
Midterm III