
  1. Dermatophytes
    • Infectious disease that consist of a type of fungi that infect the keratin of the stratum corneum, hair, and nails.
    • Cause circular, elevated, red, and scaly lesions of the skin.
    • Spread really quickly.
  2. Types of Dermatophytes
    • Infectious disease that consist of a type of fungi that infect the keratin of the stratum corneum, hair, and nails.
    • Cause circular, elevated, red, and scaly lesions of the skin.
    • Spread really quickly.
  3. Psoriasis
    • A chronic inflamatory rash characterized by erythematous papules and plaques found on extensor surfaces and scalp.
    • Known for causing "beefy-red" plaques with silver scaling skin.
    • Features Rapid Epidermal Hyperplasia.
  4. What is the most important cause of cutaneous cancer?
    Ultraviolet light because it causes damage to the DNA, leading to cancer with continued cell divisions.
  5. Osteoarthritis
    • Type of disease of the synovial joint
    • Most common cause of joint disability
    • Is a noninflammatory degeneratioon of articular cartilage manifested in weight bearing joints and fingers
  6. Chondromalacia
    Secundary - underlaying cause (trauma) of Osteoarthritis that affects the patellar cartilage in young people causing pain and stiffness.
  7. 5 types of low back pain
    Tension, irritation, and compression of lumbar nerves usually caused by disc herniation or spinal injuries.
  8. Vascular back pain
    Tension, irritation, and compression of lumbar nerves usually caused by disc herniation or spinal injuries.
  9. Neurogenic back pain
    Tension, irritation, and compression of lumbar nerves usually caused by disc herniation or spinal injuries.
  10. Tension, irritation, and compression of lumbar nerves usually caused by disc herniation or spinal injuries.
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