1. The body can lose heat in how many ways?
    • 1. conduction
    • 2. convection
    • 3. evaporation
    • 4. radiation
    • 5. respiration
  2. Mild hypothermia occurs when?
    When the body's core temperature is between 90 and 95f

    The pt is usaully alert and shivering in an attempt to generate more heat.
  3. What is frostbite?
    Frostbite is the most serious local cold injury, because the tissues are actually frozen
  4. If prompt hopsital care is not available what actions should you take for frostbite and frostnip?
    Immerse the frostbitten part in water with a temperature between 100 to 112f.

    Check the water with a thermometer before immersing the limb.
  5. What is the difference between drowning and near drowning?
    • Drowning is death from suffocation after submersion in water
    • Near drowning is defined as survival, at least temporarily (24hrs), after suffocation in water.
  6. What are the differences between air embolism and decompression sickness?
    As a general rule, air embolism occurs immediately on return to the sureface, whereas the symptoms of decompression sickness may not occur for several hours.
  7. What is the most serious injuries associated with diving?
    Ascent emergencies

    Two dangerous medical emergencies are air embolism and decompression sickness.
  8. Why do pts that suffered from heatstroke have hot,dry, flushed skin?
    Because their sweating mechanism has been overwhelmed
  9. What temperature does hyperthermia begin?
    high core temp of 101f or higher
  10. What are three illness from heat exposure.
    • Heat cramps
    • Heat exhaustion
    • Heatstroke
  11. What is normal body temp?
  12. What mechanism is used during hypothermia?
  13. Covering the head can minimize hea loss by how much?
  14. What happens when your core temperature falls below 90f?
    Your body stops shivering

    Also is a sign of severe hypothermia
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Quiz review