Biology Ch. 7

  1. Where in the cell does photosynthesis occur?
  2. Write the chemical equation of photosynthesis
    Light + CO2 + H2O = Glucose & Oxygen
  3. What are pigments?
    They are molecules that absorb light.
  4. What are carotenoids and how do they help plants?
    Carotenoids are accessory pigments and they help by aborbing blue & green pigments.
  5. Name 2 things that excited electrons from chlorophyll help generate.
  6. Where in the chloroplasts do the light-dependent reactions occur?
    Thylakoid Membrane
  7. Where does the energy come from to fuel the light-independent reactions?
    From light-dependent reactions.
  8. What does RuBisCO do for the cell?
    RuBisCo captures CO2 & combines it w/ Ribulose to make an unstable 6 carbon molecule.
  9. What do the photosystems do and where are they located?
    They capture energy from light and are located in the Thylakoid Membrane.
  10. Name 2 difference between photosystems I & II.
    PS II splits water and occurs first.

    PSI makes NADPH and occurs second.
  11. What is added to CO2 to help generate glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate during the Calvin Cycle?
  12. Name5 producrs glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate can be used to make.
    • Glucose
    • DNA
    • RNA
    • ATP
    • Lipids
    • Amino Acids
    • Recycles Ribulose
  13. Describe what this picture is illustrating.
    Photosynthesis and Aerobic Respiration rely on each other to function.
  14. What makes plants green?
  15. Where do Light-Independent reactions occur?
  16. Photosynthesis Cell
  17. Light-Capturing Events: The Details
    When a photon hits a pigment molcule, electrons are excited....

    Electrons moves on to make ATP, the Chlorophyll needs another electron so it breaks down water and steals its electron. (Releases oxygen)
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Biology Ch. 7
Biology Chapter 7