Big 3
AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria
prokaryotic cell vs. eukaryotic cell
- smaller
- lacks nucleus an other membrane bound organelles
- bacillus - rod
- coccus - spherical
- spirllum - spiral
- spirochaeta - corkscrew
- vibrio - comma
species with multiple shapes
large mass of bacteria descene from a single bacterium
entire set of chemical reactions whih maintain life in a cell
Types of metabolism
- phototrophs - energy from sunlight
- lithotrophs - energy from inorganic compounds
- organo(chemo)trophs - energy from organic compounds
- carbon from CO2: -autotroph
- carbon from organic compounds: -heterotroph
chemoheterotroph: most pathogens
need oxygen for growth
need reduced oxygen level for growth
need absence of oxygen for growth
able to grow with or without oxygen
- postive and negative chemotaxis
- movement
- attachment
composition of flagella
filament is a triple helix of proteins
axial filaments
- found in sprial shaped bacteria
- internal to cell wall, wrap around body
- undulating contractions of proteins causes movement
Pili (or fimbria)
- short filament extending from surface
- function in attachment, not locomotion
- thick polysaccharide coat exterior to cell wall
- important in protecting pathogens from engulfment and digestion by white blood cells
- metabolically dormant, non-reproductive
- protects against changes in temperature and moisture
- differentiates inside of the cell
- allows survival in extremely adverse environmental conditions
cell wall
- protects against rupture due to changes in osmotic pressure
- consists of peptidoglycan:
- - unique carbohydrate
- - alternating units of NAM and NAG
- - peptide crosslinks
gram + vs. gram -
Gram +: thick layer of peptidoglycan with teichoic acid and lipteichoic acid, no outer membrane
Gram -: thin layer of peptidoglycan, outer membrane with protein, lipopolysaccharide
gram stain
gram negative loses crystal violet and becomes pink
acid-fast bacteria
- thin layer of peptidoglycan, outer lipid layer
- - high mycolic acid content causes cell to resist decolorization by acid
- use alternate ziehl-neelsen stain
- have single chromosome - circular
- some have plasmids
- reproduce through binary fission
- genetic diversity made by transformation, conjucation and transduction
uptake of free DNA from environment
- begins with sex pilus, special structure to make bridge between cells (often plasmid encoded)
- DNA is replicated as it is transferred
- donor retains plasmid, recipient receives copy
transfer of DNA from one cell to another by way of a bacteriophage
beneficial aspects
- metabolisms (recycling of elements in nature, bioegradation, bioremediation, endosymbionts)
- industrial uses (antibiotics, food processing, biotechnology)
- disease prevention - microflora helps prevent colonization of pathogens
- model organisms
detrimental aspects
- food spoilage
- human disease