Intrinsic Muscles of the Foot

  1. Abductor hallucis
    • O: flexor retinaculum,plantar aponeurosis,medial tubercle of calcaneus
    • I: medial side base of proximal phalanx of big toe
    • N: medial plantar n. S2,S3
    • A: abducts & flexes big toe
  2. Flexor Digitorum Brevis
    • O: plantar aponeurosis,intermuscular septum,medial tubercle of calcaneus
    • I: both sides of middle phalanges of lateral 4 toes
    • N: medial plantar n. S2,S3
    • A: flexes lateral 4 toes
  3. Abductor Digiti Minimi
    • O: plantar aponeurosis,intermuscular septum,medial & lateral tubercles of calcaneus
    • I: lateral side base of proximal phalanx of 5th digit
    • N: lateral plantar n. S2,S3
    • A: abducts & flexes 5th digit
  4. Quadratus Plantae
    • O: Two heads from the medial and lateral sides of the inferior surface of the calcaneus.
    • I: Lateral border of the tendon of the flexor digitorum longus.
    • N: Lateral plantar, S2,3
    • A: Flexes the 2nd-5th toes
  5. Lumbricals
    • O: tendon of FDL
    • I: medial side of dorsal expansion of lateral 4 toes
    • N: 1st lumbrical – medial plantar n. S2,S32nd, 3rd, 4th lumbricals – lateral plantar n. S2,S3
    • A: flexes MTP,extends IPs of 4 lateral toes
  6. Flexor Hallucis Brevis
    • O: plantar surfaces of cuboid & lateral (3rd) cuneiform
    • I: both sides of base of proximal phalanx of big toe
    • N: medial plantar n. S2,S3
    • A: flexes MTP joint of big toe
  7. Adductor Hallucis
    • O: oblique head – bases of 2nd,3rd, 4th metatarsal bones; transverse head – plantar ligament of 3rd, 4th, 5th MTPjoints
    • I: lateral side base of prox.phalanx of big toe
    • N: deep branch of lateral plantar n. S2,S3A: adducts big toe
  8. Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
    • O: base of 5th metatarsal
    • I: base of proximal phalanx of 5th toe
    • N: superficial branch of lateral plantar n. S2,S3
    • A: flexes proximal phalanx of 5th toe
  9. Dorsal Interossei
    • O: adjacent sides of metatarsals 1-5
    • I: 1st – medial side of proximal phalanx of 2nd toe 2nd-4th – lateral sides of digits 2-4, dorsal digital expansion
    • N: lateral plantar n. S2,S3
    • A: abducts digits 2-4, flexes MTPs, extends IPs
  10. Plantar Interossei
    • O: bases and medial sides of metatarsal 3-5
    • I: medial sides of bases of prox. phalanges of 3rd-5th digits; dorsal expansion
    • N: lateral plantar n. S2,S3
    • A: adducts digits 3-5,flexes MTPs, extends IPs
  11. Extensor Digitorum Brevis
    • O: calcaneus, stem of inferior extensor retinaculum
    • I: lateral sides of extensor digitorum longus tendons 2nd,3rd, 4th, 5th toes
    • N: deep peroneal n. (L5 or S1or both)
    • A: extends digits
  12. Extensor Hallucis Brevis
    • O: calcaneus, stem of inferior extensor retinaculum
    • I: dorsal aspect of base of proximal phalanx of big toe
    • N: deep peroneal n. (L5 or S1or both)
    • A: extends big toe
Card Set
Intrinsic Muscles of the Foot
origin, insertion, nerve supply, action