shosh: biochem enzymes

  1. Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase
    • Converts acetaldehyde (toxic) to acetate in ethanol metabolism
    • Requires NAD+-->NADH
    • Inhibited by disulfiram (used to treat alcoholism)
  2. Alcohol dehydrogenase
    • Converts ethanol to acetaldehyde
    • Requires NAD+-->NADH
    • Inhibited by fomepizole (used to treat methanol poisoning)
  3. Phosphofructokinase
    Rate limiting enzyme of glycolysis
  4. Fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase
    Rate limiting enzyme of gluconeogenesis
  5. Isocitrate dehydrogenase
    • Rate limiting enzyme of the TCA cycle
    • Converts acetyl CoA to citrate
  6. Glycogen synthase
    Rate limiting enzyme of glycogen synthesis
  7. Glycogen phosphorylase
    Rate limiting enzyme of glycogen degradation
  8. G6PD
    Rate limiting enzyme of the HMP shunt, produces NADPH
  9. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II
    Rate limiting enzyme of pyrimiding synthesis
  10. Glutamine PRPP amidotransferase
    Rate limiting enzyme of purine synthesis
  11. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I
    Rate limiting enzyme of the urea cycle
  12. Acetyl CoA carboxylase
    Rate limiting enzyme of fatty acid synthesis
  13. Carnitine acetyle transferase (carnitine shuttle)
    Rate limiting enzyme of fatty acid oxidation
  14. HMG CoA synthase
    Rate limiting enzyme of ketogenesis
  15. HMG CoA reductase
    Rate limiting enzyme of cholesterol synthesis
  16. Three major enzymes of glycolysis
    • Hexokinase/glucokinase
    • Phosphofructokinase
    • Pyruvate kinase
  17. Four major enzymes of gluconeogenesis
    • Pyruvate carboxylase
    • PEP carboxykinase
    • Fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase
    • Glucose 6 phosphatase
  18. Pyruvate dehydrogenase
    Converts pyruvate to acetyl CoA
Card Set
shosh: biochem enzymes