Kazen Master 3.4.1

  1. 晴れる
    • はれる
    • to clear up; to clear away; to be sunny; to stop raining
  2. 洗濯
    • せんたく
    • washing; laundry
  3. 貸す
    • かす
    • to lend; to loan
    • みずうみ
    • lake
  4. 吹く
    • ふく
    • to blow (wind, etc.); to play a wind instrument
  5. 相談
    • そうだん
    • consultation; discussion
  6. 値段
    • ねだん
    • price; cost
  7. 調べる
    • しらべる
    • to examine; to investigate; to check up; to sense; to study; to inquire; to search
  8. なかなか
    very; considerably; easily; readily; fairly; quite; highly; rather; by no means (with negative verb)
  9. みつかる
    to be found; to be discovered
  10. 急行電車
    • きゅうこうでんしゃ
    • express train
    • せい
    • -made; make
    • こたえ
    • response; reply; answer; solution
  11. 景色
    • けしき
    • scenery; scene; landscape
  12. 故障
    • こしょう
    • break-down; failure; fault; accident; out of order
  13. そんなに
    so much; so; like that
  14. 倒れる
    • たおれる
    • to fall; to collapse; to drop; to fall senseless
  15. 押す
    • おす
    • to push; to press
  16. 決める
    • きめる
    • to decide
  17. 熱心
    • ねっしん
    • zeal; enthusiasm
Card Set
Kazen Master 3.4.1
kazen master