The average American eats how many kgs of meat and dairy per year?
90kg per person
Most of the increase in agricultural productivity since 1950 (a two-fold increase) has been due mostly to_?
The major problem with DDT is
biomagnification and bioaccumulation
A major problem with heavy metal problem is their
The internation agreement to roll back carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxid emissions to about 5% below the 1990 levels by 2012, signed by 160 nations in 1997 was...
Kyoto agreement
Fossil fuels currently provide what percent of the world's energy?
80 to 90%
We currently produce what percent of US energy domestically
about 70% (mostly from coal)
Fuel cell efficiency is about?
40 to 45%
The country that is the biggest producer of hydroelectric energy exported to the US
In 1950 the percentage of the world's population living in cities was
When a factory pollutes a river, the costs and losses that affect people downstream are called