NR 435

  1. cost-benefit analysis
    An evaluation of large scale public projects by comparing the costs and benefits that accrue from them.
  2. ecological economics
    Application of ecological principles and priorites into economic accounting systems.
  3. externalizing costs
    Shifting expenses, monetary or otherwise toe someone other than the individuals or groups who use a resource.
  4. GPI
    An alternative to GPN or GPD for economic accounting that measures the real progress in quality of life and sustainability.
  5. internalizing costs
    Planning so that those who reap the benefts of resource use also bear the external costs.
  6. marginal cost
    The cost to produce one additional unit of a good or service.
  7. megacity
    An urban area with more than ten mil. inhabitants.
  8. nonrenewable resources
    Minerals, fossil fels and other materials present in essentially fixed amounts ( within human time scales) in our environment.
  9. renewable resources
    Resources normally replaced or replenished by natural process, not depleted by moderate use.
  10. resources
    In economic terms, anything with potential use in creating wealth or giving satisfaction.
  11. smart growth
    The efficient use of land resources and existing urban infrastructure.
  12. steady-state economy
    Characterized by low birth and death rates, use of renewable energy sources, recycling of materials and existing urban infrastructure.
  13. tragedy of the commons
    An inexorable process of degradation of communal resources due to selfish self-interest of 'free riders' who use or destroy more than their fair share of common property.
Card Set
NR 435
energy resources