NR 435 Chapter 9

  1. acid precipitation
    Acidic rain, snow or dry particles deposited from the air de to increased acids released by anthropogenic or natural resources.
  2. aerosols
    Minte particles or liqid droplets suspended in the air.
  3. albedo
    A description of a surface's reflective properties.
  4. ambient air
    The air immediately around us.
  5. carbon management
    Projects to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel or to ameliorate their effects
  6. carbon monoxide
    Colorless, odorless, nonirritationg but highly toxic gas produced by incomplete combstion of fuel, incineration of biomass or solid wastes, etc.
  7. chlorofluorocarbons
    Chemical compounds with a carbon skeleton and one or more attached chlorine and fluorine atoms.
  8. climate
  9. A description of the long term pattern of weather in a particular area.
  10. convection currents
    Rising or sinking air currents that stir the atmosphere and transport heat from one are to another. Convection currents also occur in water.
  11. convectional pollutants
    The seven substances identified by the Clean Air Act that make up the largest volume of air quality degradation.
  12. Coriolis effect
    The tendency for air above the Earth to be deflected to the right ( N. hemisphere) or to the left (S. hemisphere) because of the earth's rotation.
  13. dust domes
    High concentrations of dust and aerosols in the air over cities.
  14. El Nino
    A climatic change marked by shiftin of a large warm water pool from the western Pacific Ocean toward the east.
  15. fugitive emissions
    Substances that enter the air withot going throgh a smokestack, such as dust from soil erosion, strip mining, rock crushing.
  16. greenouse effect
    Trapping of heat by the earth's atmosphere, wich is transparent to incoming visible light waves, bt absorbs outgoing longwave radiation.
  17. heat islands
    Areas of higher temperatures around cities.
  18. IPCC
    A group of scientist from a wide variety of fields assembled by the United Nations to asses the current state of knowledge about climate change.
  19. jet streams
    Powerful winds or currents of air that circulate in shifting flows, similar to oceanic currents in extent and effect on climate.
  20. Kyoto protocol
    An international treaty adopted in 1997, in which 160 nations agreed to roll back CO2, methane and nitros oxide emissions.
  21. latent heat
    Stored energy in a form that is not detectable by ordinary senses.
  22. Milankovitch cycles
    Periodic variations in tilt. eccentricity and wobble in the earth's orbit, possibly responsible for cyclic weather changes.
  23. monsoons
    Seasonal reversals of wind patterns caused by the differential heating and cooling rates of the oceans and continents
  24. nitrogen oxygens
    Reactive gasses formed when nitrogen in fuel or air is heated with oxygen, or when bacteria or water oxidize nitrogen containing compounds.
  25. ozone
    Reactive molecule containin 3 oxygen atoms; dangerous pollutant in ambient air - but in the stratosphere protects us from uv radiation
  26. particulate material
    Atmospheric aerosols such as dust, ash, soots, lint, smoke, polle, spores, algal cells, droplets of liqiud and other suspended materials.
  27. photochemical oxidants
    Products of secondary atmospheric reactions, such as a smog.
  28. stratosphere
    The zone in the atmosphere axtending from the tropopause to about 50 km above the earth's surface.
  29. sulfur dioxide
    A colorless, corrosive gas directly damageing to both plants and animals.
  30. temperature inversions
    Atmospheric conditons in which a layer of warm air lies on top of cooler air and blocks normal convection currents.
  31. troposphere
    The layer of air nearest to the earth's surface; both temperature and pressure usually decrease with increasing altitude.
  32. unconventional pollutants
    Toxic or hazardous substances not listed in the original Clean Air Act becase they were not released in large quantities.
  33. volatile organic compnds
    Organic chemicals that evaporate readily and exist as gases in the air.
  34. weather
    The physical conditions of the atmosphere (moisture, temps, pressure and wind)
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NR 435 Chapter 9
air pollution