Blood and Lymph Systems: Anatomical Terms; Lymph Structures

  1. lymph
    fluid originating in the organs and tissues of the body that is circulated through the lymph vessels
  2. lymph capillaries
    microscopic vessels that draw lymph from the tissues to the lymph vessels
  3. lymph vessels
    vessels that receive lymph from the lymph capillaries and circulate it to the lymph nodes
  4. lacteals
    specialized lymph vessels in the small intestine that absorb fat into the bloodstream
  5. chyle
    a white or pale yellow substance of the lymph that contains fatty substances absorbed by the lacteals
  6. lymph nodes
    many small oval structures that filter the lymph received from the lymph vessels
  7. lymph ducts
    collecting channels that carry lymph from the lymph nodes to the veins
  8. right lymphatic duct
    receives lymph from the upper-right part of the body
  9. thoracic duct
    receives lymph from the left side of the head, neck, chest, abdomen, left arm, and lower extremities
Card Set
Blood and Lymph Systems: Anatomical Terms; Lymph Structures
Quiz 3