Bone Markings

  1. Articulating Surface: Condyle
    Large, smooth, rounded articulating oval structure
  2. Articulating Surface: Facet
    Small, flat, shallow articulating surface
  3. Articulating Surface: Head
    Prominent, rounded epiphysis
  4. Articulating Surface: Trochlea
    Smooth, grooved, pulley-like articular process
  5. Depression: Alveolus
    Deep pit or socket in the maxillae or mandible
  6. Depression: Fossa
    Flattened or shallow depression
  7. Depression: Sulcus
    Narrow groove
  8. Projections for tendon and ligament attachment: Crest
    Narrow, prominent, ridgelike projection
  9. Projections for tendon and ligament attachment: Epicondyle
    Projection adjacent to a condyle
  10. Projections for tendon and ligament attachment: Line
    Low ridge
  11. Projections for tendon and ligament attachment: Process
    Any marked bony prominence
  12. Projections for tendon and ligament attachment: Ramus
    Angular extension of a bone relative to the rest of the structure
  13. Projections for tendon and ligament attachment: Spine
    Pointed, slender process
  14. Projections for tendon and ligament attachment: Trochanter
    Massive rough projection found only on the femur
  15. Projections for tendon and ligament attachment: Tubercle
    Small, round projection
  16. Projections for tendon and ligament attachment: Tuberosity
    Large, rough projection
  17. Openings and Spaces: Canal
    Passageway through a bone
  18. Openings and Spaces: Fissure
    Narrow, slitlike opening through a bone
  19. Openings and Spaces: Foramen
    Rounded passageway through a bone
  20. Openings and Spaces: Sinus
    Cavity or hollow space in a bone
Card Set
Bone Markings
Bone Markings Anatomy