Science Study Guide

  1. What holds ions together in an ionic bond?
    ionic compounds and the attraction between postive and negative ions
  2. how do you know from a formula if a substance is an inorganic acid? Give an example of an inorganic acid.
    an acid base neutralization reaction produces water and salt molocules.
  3. Which family is unreactive?
    The noble gases
  4. Which family of non-metals is most reactive?
    the halogen
  5. What is the formula used to calculating density? be able to use this formula. ex: calculate the density of a 100 gram sample with a volume of 25 ml.
    • Density= Mass/Volume
    • Density= 100/25 25 is the density
  6. how do you identify an element on the periodic table?
    by the atomic symbol
  7. what is the maxinum number of valence electrons an element can have?
  8. if magnesium loses 2 electrons how many valence? total? and how is it charged?
    • 1) 8 valence
    • 2) 10 total
    • 3) positive
  9. name 2 methods used in class to identify bases and acids.
    cabbage juice and litmus paper
  10. how many bonds can each carbon atom form in a hydrocarbon?
    can form 4 bonds
  11. name 2 types of large biological molocules that are polymers:
    silk and cotton are polymers along with polyester and nylon
  12. name and describe the process by which stars produce and release large amounts of energy
    nuclear fusion
  13. name a concern of prolong exposure to radiation
    illness, disease, or death
  14. how many valence electrons do atoms of the following elements have? sodium, boron, clorine, and neon?
    • sodium-1
    • boron-3
    • chlorine-7
    • neon-8
  15. why is it useful to know the half-life of radioactive isotopes?
    to know how long has passed since the item had died
  16. describe the states of matter, including arrangment and motion of particles in each state
    • solid- slow motion and close
    • liquid- medium motion and average
    • gas- fast motion and far apart
  17. what happens when chemical bonds break and new ones form?
    chemical change
  18. if nitrogen gains 3 electrons, how mabt valence electrons, total and how will it be charged?
    • 1) 8 valence electrons
    • 2) 10 total electrons
    • 3) negative charge
  19. how do u know from a formula if a substance is a base? give and example of a base.
    if it produces hydroxide ions in water.
  20. what elements bond together to form a hydrocarbon? which kinds of bonds are formed between these elements.
    hydrogen and carbon also double and triple bonds
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Science Study Guide
My 52 questions ugggg