A/P-"Endocrine Sys"

  1. *Endocrine Sys*
    ~ consists of glands which produces a secretion called "Hormones"
  2. *Hormones*
    ~ is a protein that "Increases" or "Decreases" the activity of a cell.
  3. (I) *Thyroid Gland*
    ~ is located @ the base of the Neck
  4. The Thyroid Gland consists of "3" Hormones:
    • ~ Triodothyramine (T3): Regulates Metabolism
    • ~ Thyroxoine (T4):
    • ~ Calcitonin: Removes Calcium frm Blood
  5. (II) *Parathyroid Glands*
    • ~ r located behind the Thyroid (total of "4" glands)
    • ~ Secretes hormone "Parathyroid Hormone"
    • ~ Removes Calcium frm the Bone
  6. (III) *Pancreas*
    • ~ the "Head" of the pancreas lives 2/ward the "Duodenum"
    • ~ the "Body" of the pancreas is behind the "Stomach"
    • ~ the "Tail" of the pancrease is 2/ward the "Spleen"
    • ~ it consists of a group of specialized cells called "Islets of Longhorn"
  7. *Functions of the "Pancreas": *Exocrine & Endocrine*
    • Endocrine: produces "Insulin" which is secreted by "Beta Cells"
    • - Beta Cells "decreases" sugar
    • -Glucagon secretes "Alpha" & "increases" sugar.
  8. "Exocrine"...
    -Digestive Juice
  9. 4. Adrenal Gland:-...
    • - is located on top of the kidney
    • - has 2 parts: the "Cortex" & "Medulla"
  10. *Cortex*:
    • - Cortisol (Glucose Metabolism)
    • - Aldosterene (Function: Increases Salt & Water-Re/absorbption)
    • - Anderogen (Sex Hormone)
  11. *Medulla*:
    - "Epinephrine & Non Epinephrine" Flight or Fight
  12. 5. Pituitary Gland:
    • - Mastery Gland
    • - Located in the "
    • Sella Turcica" @ the base of the Skull
    • -2 Lobes (Posterior & Anterior Lobes)
  13. *Anterior Lobe*: (Has 6 hormones)...
    • 1. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: "T.S.H
    • 2. A.C.T.H- Adrenocorticotrophic
    • 3. G. H - Growth Hormone
    • 4. F. S. H - Follicular Stimulating Hormone
    • 5. L.H.- Leutinizing Hormone (Controls ovaries & Testies)
    • 6. P.H. - Prolactin Hormone
    • -Production of Milk
  14. *Posterior Lobe*
    • -Anti-Diuretic Hormone
    • - Oxytocin: (Ejection of Milk)
  15. 6. Hypothalmus: (aka Master of the Master gland)-
    • - Connection bet. Nervous & Endocrine Sys
    • - Produces "Inhibiting" & "Releasing" Hormones
  16. 7. Sexy Glands: (There R 2)...
    • a. *Ovary*:
    • - Estrogen (Matures the egg)
    • - Progestrone (Maintains Pregnancy)

    • b. *Testes*(Scrotum):
    • - Testosterone (If absent, no external genitalia)
    • - 2ndary male characteristics

  17. 8. Pineal Gland:
    • - Located in the Central portion of the brain
    • - Secretes Melatonin
  18. 9. Thymus:
    • - Located in the chest
    • - Thymosin (4 immune response)
  19. *Duodenum*
    • - Cholecystokinin contracts gall bladder & Bile is released
    • - Secretion-2-Pancrease-2-Releasing NAHCOZ(Sodium Bicarbonate) is released 2 neutralize Acid.
    • - Kidney; Erythropoiten
    • - Placenta: HGG {Human Chorionic Gonadotropin}
    • - Prostaglandin Hormone~it's produced by the stomach(a protection hormone)
  20. *Reproductive Sys*
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A/P-"Endocrine Sys"
Anatomy and Physiology: *ENDOCRINE SYS*