Chapter 6 Lymphatic and Immune System

  1. blast/o
    means immature or embryonic
  2. carcin/o
    means cancer
  3. cervic/o
    means neck
  4. -cide
    means causing death
  5. -genesis
    means creation, reproduction
  6. immun/o
    means immune, protection, safe
  7. -lytic
    means to destroy
  8. neo-
    means new or strange
  9. -oma
    means tumor
  10. onc/o
    means tumor
  11. phag/o
    means to eat, swallow
  12. -plasm
    means formation
  13. sarc/o
    means flesh
  14. splen/o
    means spleen
  15. -tic
    means pertaining to
  16. lymph/o
    means lymph, lymphatic tissue
  17. lymph/o, aden/o
    means lymph nodes
  18. tonsill/o, adenoid/o
    means tonsils and adenoids
  19. myel/o
    means bone marrow
  20. lymph/o, -cyte
  21. thym/o
  22. immun/o
    immune system
  23. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

    aka: AIDS
    describes the advanced stages of an HIV infection
  24. allergen
    an antigen that is capable of inducing an allergic response
  25. anaphylaxis
    a severe response to a foreign substance such as a drug, food, insect venom, or chemical
  26. antibody
    a disease-fighting protein created by the immune system in response to the presence of that specific antigen
  27. antigen
    any substance such as a virus, bacterium, toxin, or tissue that the body regards as foreign
  28. antiviral drug
    is used to treat viral infections or to provide temporary immunity
  29. aspergillosis
    is an infection, growth, or allergic response due to the Aspergillus fungus
  30. autoimmune disorder
    a disorder of the immune system in which the body attacks itself
  31. axillary lymph nodes
    are located under teh arms
  32. bacilli
    rod-shaped spore-forming bacteria
  33. bacteria
    a group of one-celled microscopic organisms
  34. bactericide
    an agent that inhibits, slows, or retards the growth of bacteria
  35. bacteriostatic
    an agent that inhibits, slows, or retards the growth of bacteria
  36. brachytheraphy
    the use of radioactive materials in contact with or implanted into, the tissues to be treated
  37. carcinoma

    aka: CA or Ca
    a malignant tumor that occurs in epithelial tissue
  38. cervical lymph nodes
    are located in the neck
  39. complement
    a complex series of proteins that normally circulate in the blood in an inactive form
  40. cytomegalovirus
    an infection caused by a group of large herpes-type viruses with a wide variety of disease effects
  41. cytotoxic drug
    kills or damages cells
  42. ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
    breast cancer at its earliest stage (stage 0) before the cancer has broken through the wall of the duct
  43. ELISA

    aka: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
    a blood test used to screen for the presence of HIV antibodies
  44. herpes zoster

    aka: shingles
    an acute viral infection characterized by painful skin eruptions that follow the uderlying route of the inflamed nerve
  45. Hodgkin's disease

    aka: Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL)
    distinguished by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells.
  46. immunodeficiency disorder
    a condition that occurs when one or more parts of the immune system are deficient or missing
  47. human immunodeficiency virus

    aka: HIV
    a bloodborne pathogen that invades and then progressively impairs or kills cells of the immune system
  48. immunoglobulin

    aka: Ig
    a synonym for antibody
  49. immunologist
    a specialist in the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of the immune system
  50. immunosuppressant
    a drug that prevents or reduces the body's normal reactions to invasion by disease or by foreign tissues
  51. immunosuppression
    treatment used to interfere with the ability of the immune system to respond to stimulation by antigens
  52. immunotherapy
    a treatment of disease either by enhancing or repressing the immune response
  53. infectious mononucleosis
    is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (one of the herpesviruses), is characterized by fever, a sore throat, and enlarged lymph nodes
  54. infiltration ductal carcinoma (IDC)

    aka: invasive ductal carcinoma
    starts in the milk duct, breaks through the wall of that duct, and invades fatty breast tissue
  55. infiltrating lobular carcinoma (ILC)

    aka: invasive lobular carcinoma
    cancer that starts in the milk glands (lobules), breaks through the wall of the gland, and invades the fatty tissue of the breast
  56. inguinal lymph nodes
    are located in the inguinal (groin) area of the lower abdomen
  57. interferon
    is produced by the T cells, is a family of proteins released by cells when invaded by a virus
  58. Kaposi's sarcoma
    an opportunistic infection frequently associated with HIV
  59. lumpectomy
    the surgical removal of ony the cancerous tissue and a margin (rim) of normal tissue
  60. lymphadenitis
    an inflammation of the lymph nodes
  61. lymphadenopathy
    any disease process usually involving enlargement of the lymph nodes
  62. lymphangiogram
    a radiographic study of the lymphatic vessels and nodes with the use of a contrast medium to mke these structures visible
  63. lymphangioma
    a benign abnormal collection of lymphatic vessels forming a mass
  64. lymphedema
    an abnormal accumulation of lymphatic fluid that causes swelling usually in the arms or legs
  65. lymphocytes
    are WBCs that specialize so they can attack specific microorganisms
  66. lymphokines
    are produced by the T cells, direct the immune response by signaling between the cells of the immune system
  67. lymphoma
    a general term applied to malignancies that develop in the lymphatic system
  68. macrophage
    which is a typeof phagocyte, protects the body by ingesting (eating) invading cells and by interacting with the other cells of the immune system
  69. metastasis
    the new cancer site that results from the spreading process
  70. metastasize
    the verb that describes the process by which cancer spreads from one place to another
  71. moniliasis
    is caused by the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans, is an infection of the skin or mucous membranes
  72. myoma
    a benign neoplasm made up of muscle tissue
  73. myosarcoma
    a malignant tumor derived from muscle tissue
  74. neoplasm
    a new and abnormal tissue formation
  75. neuroblastoma
    a sarcoma of nervous system origin
  76. non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL)
    used to describe all lymphomas other than Hodgkin's lymphoma
  77. oncologist
    a specialist in diagnosing and treating malignant disorders such as tumors and cancer
  78. oncology
    the study of the prevention, causes, and tratment of tumors and cancer
  79. opportunistic infection
    a pathogen that normally does not cause disease but is able to cause illness in a weakened host whose resistance has been decreased by a different disorder
  80. osteosarcoma
    a malignant tumor usually involving the upper shaft of lone bones, the pelvis, or knee
  81. parasite
    a plant or animal that lives on or within another living organism at the expense of that organism
  82. pathogen
    a microorganism that causes a disease
  83. phagocyte
    a large WBC that can ingest (eat) and destroy substances such as cell debris, dust, pollen, and pathogens
  84. phagocytosis
    The engulfing and ingestion of bacteria or other foreign bodies by phagocytes
  85. rabies
    an acute viral infection that may be transmitted to humans by the blood, tissue, or saliva of an infected animal
  86. retinoblastoma
    a malignant tumor of childood arising from cells of the retina of the eye and usually occurring before the third year of life
  87. rickettsia
    a small bacterium that lives in lice, fleas, ticks, and mites
  88. rubella

    aka: German measles or 3-day measles
    a viral infection characterized by fever and a diffuse, fine, red rash
  89. sarcoma
    a malignant tumor that arises from connective tissue
  90. spirochetes
    spiral-shaped bacteria that have flexible walls and are capable of movement
  91. splenomegaly
    an enlargement of the spleen
  92. splenorrhagia
    bleeding from the spleen
  93. staphylococci
    bacteria that form irregular groups or clusters
  94. streptococci
    are bacteria that form a chain
  95. teletherapy
    is radiation therapy administered at a distance from the body
  96. thymus
    located superior to (above) the heart
  97. Western blot test
    performed to confirm the diagnosis if the ELISA test is positive
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Chapter 6 Lymphatic and Immune System
Chapter 6 Lymphatic and Immune Systems