SP151 Chapter 8

  1. pre-interaction awareness stage
    • stage of becoming aware of attraction
    • NO interaction yet
  2. initiation stage
    • first contact with other person
    • asking/answering questions
  3. exploration stage
    in depth interaction
  4. intensification stage
    • dependence for self-confirmtion
    • shared activities
    • time spent
    • intimate space/ contact
    • personalized laguage
  5. intimacy stage
    • primary confirmation for yourself
    • highly personalized/ synchronized verbals and nonverbals
  6. turmoil stage
    • conflict
    • less mutual acceptance
    • tense communication
    • unclear def. of relationship
  7. stagnation stage
    • loss of vitality
    • taking for granted
    • communication & contact decline
  8. de-intensification
    • hardly interacting
    • distance
    • decreased dependence
  9. individualization
    lives as individuals v couple
  10. separation stage
    intentional decision to cease relationship
  11. post-interaction stage
    lasting effects of relationship on self
  12. relational dialectics
    • interpersonal relationships constantly changing rther than stable due to push-pull factors:
    • integration-separation (autonomy v connection)
    • stability-change (predictability v novelty)
    • expression-privacy (openess v closedness)
  13. interpersonal conflict
    struggle occuring when people cannot figure out a way to meet each other's needs
  14. constructive conflict
    • cooperation
    • dealing w/ differences
    • new insights
    • strengthens relationship
  15. destructive conflict
    • lack of cooperaion
    • weakens relationship
  16. pseudoconflict
    lack of understanding
  17. simple conflict
    difference in ides, definittions, perceptions, goals
  18. ego conflict
    • person issues
    • attacks on self esteem
  19. symbolic displacement
    • superficial argument
    • deeper issue
  20. serial arguments
    repeat arguments
  21. irresolvable conflict
    impossible to resolve
  22. interpersonal power
    • ability to influence in direction of own desires
    • getting what you want from another person
  23. complementary relationship
    willingly cede power to one anohter
  24. symmetrical relationship
    • both dominate for control
    • or one give up power to avoid decison making
  25. parallel relationship
    power is continually shifting
  26. assertive communication
    takes listeners and own thoughts, feelings, and rights, into account
  27. agressive communication
    self serving
  28. non confrontational conflict management
  29. confrontational
    • manipulate by threat and blame
    • win-lose approach
  30. cooperative confict management
  31. conflict management skills
    • manage emotions
    • manage information
    • manage goals
    • manage problem
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SP151 Chapter 8
Midterm II