Chapter 4

  1. abduction
    moving away from
  2. adduction
    moving toward
  3. sign
    objective finding that is perceived by an examiner. ( fever, rash, abnormal blood cell count )
  4. symptom
    subjective change in condition as perceived by the patient. (loss of appetite, abdominal pain, and fatigue )
  5. benign
  6. malignant
  7. adrenal glands
    endocrine glands located above each kidney
  8. antigen
    usually a foreign substance ( such as a poison, virus, or bacterium ), stimulates the production of antibodies
  9. antibodies
    protein substances made by white blood cells in response to the presence of foreign antigens
  10. adrenaline (epinephrine)
    a hormone that affects the bodys function
  11. immune reponse
    the reaction between an antigen and an antibody. Ex. the flu virus(antigen) enters the body, causing the production of antibodies in the bloodstream. They attach and destroy the antigens.
  12. vaccin
    dead or weakened antigens that simulate white blood cells (lymphocytes) to make antibodies
Card Set
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Definitions