Cervicis? Illioscostalis-
- Origin: Superior 6 Ribs
- Insertion: Middle Cervical Vertebrae
- Action: Extension, Lateral Flexion, Rotation of Upper Trunk
Thoraics? Illiocostalis-
- Origin: Inferior 6 Ribs
- Insertion: Superior 6 Ribs
- Action: Extension, Lateral Flexion, Rotation of middle trunk
Lumborum? Illiocostalis-
- Origin: Sacrum and Illium
- Insertion: Inferior 6 Ribs
- Action: Extension, Lateral Flexionn, Rotation of lower trunk
Capitis? Longismis-
- Origin: Upper Thoraic
- Insertion: Base of Skull
- Action: Extends Head
Cervicis? Longismus-
- Origin: C6 AND C7
- Insertion: CS AND C3
- Action: Extends Neck
Thoracis? Longismus-
- Origin: T11-L2
- Insertion: Middle and upper thoraic
- Action: Extends middle and lower trunk
Psoas Minor?
- Origin: T12-L1
- Insertion: Pubic Crest
- Action: Flexes trunk
Quadratus Lumborum?
- Origin: Illiac Crest
- Insertion: Upper Lumbar and 12th Rib
- Action: Trunk Lateral Flexion
Rectus Adomonis?
- Origin: Pubic Crest
- Insertion: Lower Ribs
- Action: Flexes Trunk
External Oblique?
- Origin: Ribs 5-12
- Insertion: Illiac Crest
- Action: Flexes and Rotates trunk
Internal Oblique?
- Origin: Illiac Crest
- Insertion: Ribs 10-12
- Action: Flexes and Rotates trunk
True Ribs?
Attach to Sternum
False Ribs?
Attach to cartilage to Sternum
Floating Ribs?
Do not attach to sternum
Sternal End?
Opposite side of head or rib
Action potential to CNS
Action potential away from CNs
Within CNS from one neuron to another, send info for function
2 or more dendrites 1 axon
1 dendrite 1 axon
0 dendrites 1 axon cant recieve
Myelin protects and insluatrs to prevent cross fire
Nodes of Ranvier
Greater speed of transmission and atinulate faster response
Slower response time
Spinal cord?
Extends from foramen magnum to second lumbar vertebrae
Coordinate head and neck movement
Stimulate upper lef lower body organs
Lower leg lowest body organs
Reflex arc
Basic functional unit and simplest portion capable of receieving stimulus.
Sensory receptor
Skin located in body
Sensory neuron
Takes info to interneuron
Determines responsd
Effect organ
Muscle; creates response
Stretch reflex
Muscle contract in response to a stretching force applied to them
Golgi tendon reflex
Prevents contracting muscles from applying excessive tension to tendons
Withdrawal reflex
Function to remove a body limb from a pain stinulus
Hot stove
Withdrawal reflex with recip. Intervation
Causes relaxarion of extensors muscles wheb flexor muslce contract
Loss balance and fall on something painful
Crossed extensor reflex
Withdrawal reflex intitaited in lower limb when crossed extebsor reflex causes extension of opposite lower limb.
Walking down stairs stepping on tack
Brain stem
Connects brain to spinal cord
Medella oblongata
Regulates heart rate sneezing coughing swallowing hiccup
Sleep and respiratory center
Auditory pathway in CNS
involved in control of locomotion balance, posture, movement, muscle pulling on bones
Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Subthalamus, Epithalamus
- Largest part
- most sensory input
- influence mood
Controlling motor
Pineal gland may control sleep cycle as a backup
- Endocrine control
- muscle
- body temp
- food and water intake reg
- emotions
- regulation of sleep cycle
- Largest brain tissue
- right and left brained
- lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital
Center of Cerebrum
Cerebrospinal fluid
- protects brain from slidding and damaging
- provide nutrients & takes waste
Brain Blood Supply
- 15-20% of blood the heart pumps
- high metabolic rate
- receives blood through arteries
Excitatory, increase heart rate
Maintains functions, communicates with organs
In charge of functions when body is at rest- salivating, digestions, urinating, etc.
Cranial Nerve 1
Olfactory, Sensory, smelling
Cranial Nerve 2
Optic- sensory, sight
Cranial Nerve 3
oculomotor-motor and para, moves eye
Cranial Nerve 4
Cranial Nerve 5
Trigeminal- motor and sensory
Cranial Nerve 6
Cranial Nerve 7
Facial- motor, para,sensory
Cranial Nerve 8
vestiblelocochlear- sensory
Cranial Nerve 9
Glossophayngeal- motor, sensory, para
Cranial Nerve 10
Vagles- motor, sensory, para
Cranial Nerve 11
Accessory- motor
Cranial Nerve 12
Somatic Senses?
Touch, press, temp, pain, propriception
Visceral Senses?
internal organs and consits of pain and pressure
special senses?
Smell, taste, sight, hearing and balance
compression, bending, stretching of cells
smell and taste, chemical composition
Light and vision
Associated with skin tissue, can also be any other receptors
associated with organs
- associated with tendons and joints
- (knowing where the body is)
Static Proprio?
Knowing where body parts are when the body is still?
Kinetic proprio?
Knowing where body part is when the body is moving
Have axons that conduct action potential: receive and responde to a stimulus
Have no axons and receptor potentials produced do not result in action potentials but cause release in neurotrans
Sensory memory?
- short term retention of sensory input
- -dont remember it
Short-term memory?
- Info retained for a few minutes or seconds
- -someone introducing themselves
Explicit Long-term Memory?
retention of facts and emotions
Implicit Long-term memory?
developmental skills, bike ridding, driving a car
Effects of Aging on Nervous System?
- -Gradual decline in sensory and motor
- -Size and weight of brain decreases
- -Reflexes slow
- -decreased short term memory in some people
- -long-term unaffected or improved
- Odorants bind to chemorecep molecules
- Depolarize and intiate action potentials in neurons
- low threshold for odor detection
detected by taste buds, receptors on hairs detect dissolved substances
Taste Types
Sour, salty, bitter, unami (meat) and sweet
Protect, filter sunlight
Protect, squint, close,
Filter out damaging and helps focus light
Tear glands?
protect, liquid to lubricate eye
Lacrimal Apparatus?
Extrinsic Eye Muscles?
- create movement
Inner Eyelid
Optic Nerve?
Tracts, Pathways
Eyes respond to ___ and intitate ____ action potentials?
Light, afferent
Near sighted, recognize close objects
Far sighted, recognize far objects
degeneration of accomadation, cant focus on thingsm corrected by reading glasses
Cornea or lens not uniformly curved
Cross eyed- lack of parrallel light paths
Retinal detachment?
can result in complete blindness
Increased pressure
Clouding of lens
Macular degeneration/>
loss in acute vision, loss in muscle strength
Dysfunction of peripheral circulation loss in eye function
External Ear?
terminates at eardrum, gets sounds
Middle ear?
Hearing, auditory ossicles, equalization in pressure
hearing and balance, interconnecting fluid-filled tunnels and channels
External Ear?
- Pinna- elastic cartliage
- External auditory meatus
- lined with hairs and cerminous gland
Tympanic Membrane?
Ear drum, vibrated by sounds
Middle ear?
- Auditory or Eustachian tube
- opens into pharynx to equalize pressure
- ossicles, mallues, stapes, incus
- transmit vibrations
Oval window?
Separates middle from inner
Inner Ear?
- Bony
- cochlea- hearing, vesitbule- balance, semicircular canals- balance
- membranous
high or low sound is
Function of wave length
Static Balance?
- Evaluates postition of head
- Detecr linear acceleration and deceleration
Kinetic Balance?
- Evaluates movements of head
- 3 semicircular canals
Effects of Aging of Special Senses?
- -loss in detecting odors
- -decrease taste
- -eye lens lose flexibility
- -cataracts, etc
- -decline in visual acuity, color perception, possbile color blindness
Past 5 Superbowl Winners?
- 1. Packers
- 2. Saints
- 3.Steelers
- 4. Giants
- 5. Colts
Past 5 Stanley Cup?
- 1. Bruins
- 2. Blackhawks
- 3. Penguins
- 4. Redwings
- 5. Ducks
Past 5 Masters?
- 1. Schwartzel
- 2. Mickelson
- 3.Cabrera
- 4. Immelmon
- 5. Johnson
5 World Cups?
- 1. Italy
- 2. Brazil
- 3. France
- 4. Brazil
- 5. West Germany
- 1. Mavericks
- 2. Lakers
- 3. Lakers
- 4. Lakers
- 5. Spurs
Tour de France?
- 1. Contador
- 2.Contador
- 3. Sastre
- 4. Contador
- 5. Pererio
- 1. Nadal
- 2. Federer
- 3. Nadal
- 4. Federer
- 5. Federer
NCAA Football?
- 1. Auburn
- 2.Alabama
- 3. Florida
- 4. LSU
- 5. Florida