To A and his heirs.
To A.
- Fee Simple Absolute
- Devisable, descendible, alienable
To A and the heirs of his body.
- Fee Tale.
- Lasts only so long as there are lineal blood decendants.
- FI: Reversion, Remainder
To A so long as...
To A until...
To A while...
- Fee Simple Determinable
- Alienable, Devisable, Descendible, subject to condition
- FI: Possibility of Reverter held by the grantor
To A, but if X event happens, grantor reserves the right to reenter and retake.
- Fee Simple Subject to Condition Subsequent.
- Alienable, Devisable, Descendible, subject ot condition
- FI: Right of Reentry/Power of Termination
To A, but if X occurs, then to B.
- Fee Simple Subject To an Executory Limitation
- Alienable, devisable, descendible, subject to condition.
- FI: Execturoy Interest (third party)
To A for life.
- Life Estate
- Alienable, devisable and descendible if pur autre vie.
- FI: Reversion or Remainder