What is the top center of the manubrium termed
suprasternal notch
What is the space termed where the manubrium & sternum meet
sternal angle
The cardiac notch of the left lung is in what interspace
4th interspace
What is the space termed for the angle btwn the 2 ribs
costal angle
How should you describe the abnormalities of the chest wall
- vertical axis
- circumference of the chest
How do you determine the vertical locations
- count the ribs & interspaces
- sternal angle best guide
What intercostal space is used for needle insertion for tension pneumothorax
What intercostal space is used for chest tube instertion
What spinous process is the lowest margin for endotrachial tube on chest x-ray
Which ribs articulate with the sternum
1st seven
Which ribs articulate with the costal cartilages superior to them
Name the floating ribs
Where is the inferior tip of the scapula
7th rib interspace
how do you locate findings around chest circumference
vertical lines
Which two lines are precise
midsternal & vertebral
where does the midclavicular line drop to
midpoint of clavicle
where does the ant & post axillary lines drop
vertically from ant & post axillary folds
where does midaxillary line drop
apex of axilla
vertebral line overlies what
spinous processes
scap line drops
inf angle scapula
How high does the apex of each lung go
2-4 cm above inner 3rd clavicle
how low does lower border of rib go
- crosses 6th ribs at midclavicular line
- 8th ribs midaxillary line
- post=T10
What divides the lungs in half
oblique (major) fissure
Additionally the right lung is further div by
horizontal fissure (minor)
Fissures div lungs into
What is the approximated location of the oblique fissure
T3 down & around chest 6th ribs midclavicular line
What is the approximated location of the horizontal fissure
ant=4th ribs meets obl fiss at midax line 5th rib
where does the trachea bifurcate into mainstem bronchi
level of sternal angle ant & T4 post
A serous membrane that cover outer surface of each lung
visceral pleura
what covers the inner rib cage & upper surface of diaphragm
parietal pleura
What are the common or concerning symptoms of the thorax
- chest pain
- dyspnea
- wheezing
- cough
- hemoptysis
What should your intial question be for chest pain
Do you have any discomfort or unpleasant feelings in chest & have them point to location of pain. try to elicit 7 attributes symptom
Chest pain may come from other areas besides the lungs including
- cardiac
- vascular
- GI
- musclesk
- skin
- anxiety
How is pain in the lungs determined
inflammation of adj parietal pleura
What does a clenched fist over sternum suggests
A finger pointing to a tender area on chest wall suggests
muscle sk pain
A hand moving from neck to epigastrum suggests
Most frequent cause of chest pain in children
anxiety or costochondritis
what is dyspnea
shortness of breath
A nonpainful but uncomfortable awareness of breathing that is inappropriate to level of exertion
How do you start your questioning with dyspnea
Have you had any difficulty breathing
How do you determine the severith of dyspnea
by patients daily activities=quantify for example how many stairs they can walk up before pausing for breath
Musical resp sounds that may be audible to the patient or to others
What does wheezing suggests
partial airway obstruction-secretions, tissue inflammation;foreign body
A reflex response to stimuli that irritate receptors in larynx, trachea or lrg bronchi or cardiovasc orgin
A cough may be a symptom of what type of heart failure
A good question to ask about cough
Does the cough produce sputum, phlegm or is it dry
What is important for patient to explain to the clinician about cough
vol sputum & its color odor, consistency
what is most common cause of acute cough
Coughing up blood from the lungs
hemoptysis & it varies from blood streaked phlegm to frank blood
How you should as the clinician address the patient about hemoptysis
have them describe vol blood produced & sputum Battributes
Blood originating in the stomach will look how
darker than blood from resp tract
What are some important topics for health counseling & promotion
- tobacco cessation
- immunizations
When addressing tobacco cessation how should you go about addressing the issue of usage
- Ask about smoking
- Advise them to stop
- Assess their readiness to quit
- Assist them with stop dates & educational resources
- Arrange follow-up visits
how often should you advise patients to get a flu shot
1 dose annually in fall or winter
how often should you adive patients to get a pneumococcal vacine
- 65 years & older if 1st dose was given prior to age 65 & 5 yrs have elapsed since 1st dose
- 2-64 with chronic illnesses
- anyone w/cochlear implant
- immunocompromised
- native americans
how often should patients get a Tdap
never had one or dealing with infants younger than 12mos, healthcare personnel,over 65 with risk indicator
how should you examine post thorax
patient sitting
how should you examin ant thorax
patient supine
How should you proceed in an orderly fashion
- inspect
- palpate
- percuss
- ausculatate
What is the intial survey of respiration & the thorax
observe rate, rhythm, depth, effort of breathing
What do yo want to look for when inspecting for signs of resp difficulty
how do you want to assess the patients color
looking for cyanosis which could signal=hypoxia
What is a high pitched wheeze that is an obvious sign of airway obstruction in larynx or trachea
audible stidor
Inspiratory contraction of SCM & scalens at rest signifies
severe difficulty in breathing
Lateral displacement of trachea could signal
- pneumothorax
- pleural effusion
- atelectasis
Why is it important to observe the shape of the chest/Ap diameter
Ap diameter may increase in COPD
How do you want to inspect the posterior chest
note the shape chest & way it moves
What to look for with palpation
abnormalities & tender areas
How do you test for chest expansion
thumbs at 10th rib & fingers loosely grasping & parallel to lat rib cage watch the distance btwn thumbs as they move apart during inspiration
What does fremetis refer to
palpable vibrations transmitted through bronchopulm tree to chest wall as the patient speaks
What does percussion help to establish
underlying tissues are air-filled, fluid-filled or solid
What are the different percussion notes
- flat
- dull
- resonance
- hyperresonance
- tympany
What type of percussion do you want to use
lightest that produces a clear note
How do you want to percuss
- side to side to assess for asymmetry
- strike using tip of your finger
Healthy lungs have what type of percuss sound
gastric air bubble or puffed out cheek sound with percuss
Thigh produces what kind of percuss sound
liver produces what kind of percuss sound
What replaces resonance when fluid or solid tissue replaces air containing lung or occupies pleural space beneath percussing fingers
pathologic example of flatness
lrg pleural effusion
pathologic example of dullness
lobar pneumonia
pathologic example of resonance
simple chronic bronchitis
pathologic example of hyperresonance
copd & pneumothorax
pathologic example of tympany
lrg pneumothorax
Diaphragmatic excursion
estimate extent by the descent of diaphragm to determine level of diaphragmatic dullness in quiet respiration=5-6cm
most important examination for assessing air flow through tracheobronchial tree
What does auscultation & percussion assess
condition of surrounding lungs & pleural space
What are the normal breath sounds
- vesicular
- bronchial
- bronchovesicular
soft & low pitched heard over most of both lungs
louder & higher in pitch usually heard over manubrium
intermediate intensity & pitch heard over 1st & 2nd interspaces
very loud harsh sounds heard over trachea
What are the adventitious sounds
discontinous intermittent nonmusical & brief sounds
continious musical prolonged but not persisting throughout resp cycle
wheezes & rhonchi
wheezes suggest narrowed airways as in
What does rhonchi suggest
secretions in lrg airways
How to exam the anterior chest
inspect & auscultate
spoken ee heard as ay suggest
whispered words louder & clearer
whispered pectoriloquy
how is tactile fremetis in a normal air filled lung vs airless lung with the case of lobar pneumonia
- normal=normal
- airless=increased due to alveoli filled w/fluid, rbc's, wbc's=consolidation
what are some other causes of increased tactile fremitus
pulm edema or hemorrhage
Tactile fremitis is normal in what conditions
- normal
- chronic bronchitis
- left side Heart failure
Tactile fremitus is decreased in the following conditions
- pleural effusion
- pneumothorax
- Asthma
What conditions produce a resonaut sound with percussion
- normal
- chronic bronchitis
- left side heart failure
what conditions produce a dull over airless area with percussion notes
- consolidation
- atelectasis=lobar obstruction
what condition produces a percussion note of dull to flat over fluid
pleural effusion
what condition produces a percussion note of hyperresonaut or tympanitic over pleural air
what condition produces a diffusely hyperresonaut percussion note
what condition produces a resonaut to diffusely hyperresonant percussion note
The trache stays in midline in all of the following conditions
- normal
- Chr Br
- cons
- Asthma
trachea may be shifted toward involved side in what condition
trachea is shifted toward opposite side in large effusion in what condition
pleural effusion
trachea is shifted toward opposite side if much air in what condition
normal breath sound
Chronic bronchitis breath sound
LSHF breath sound
consolidation breath sound
atelectasis breath sound
- absent=bronchial plug persists
- other=tracheal maybe
pleural effusion breath sound
decreased to absent but bronchial near top
pneumothorax & copd breath sounds
decreased to absent
asthma breath sounds
often obscured by wheezes
normal cond advent sounds
none but maybe transciet crackle at lung base
Chr Bron adven sounds
none or scattered crackles in early inspriation/exp or wheezes/rhonchi
adventious sounds in LSHF
late insp crackles w/possible wheezes
adventious sounds in consolidation
late insp crackles
advent sounds in atelectasis
pleural effusion & pneumothorax advent sounds
none except possible pleural rub
advent sounds of copd
none or crack,wheeze/rhonchi of associated chr bron
advent sounds asthma
wheezes possibly crackles