
  1. best defined as misconduct by police in the forms of illegal activities
    for economic gain and accepting gratuities, favors, or payment for services
    that police are sworn to carry out as part of their peacekeeping role
    police corruption
  2. attracting police will make
    establishment safer
    aka police presence
  3. Many departments have est. _____________ policy
    no acceptance
  4. Police can receive fees for referring arrested
    suspects to bail bond agents, or defense attorneys, putting victims in contact
    with certain doctors, etc…
  5. –typically involve jewelry and other goods take
    from the scene of a burglary or from a suspect; narcotics confiscated from drug
    users and dealers; merchandise found at a fire scene, etc…
    Opportunistic theft

    • Opportunities to pilfer
    • valuable items –
  6. Refers to the involvement of police in predatory
    criminal activities, either directing or through complicity with criminals
    Planned theft and Robbery
  7. A form of extortion in which police officers accept money from citizens
    in lieu of enforcing the law
    was a term for a bed commonly found in a whore
    house – involved a scheme of stealing a Johns money
  8. Appears at al levels of the criminal justice process and involves not
    just officers but bailiffs, court personnel, members of juries, prosecutors and
    most common situation involves bribing an
    officer in exchange for not being arrested
    Simply knowing the right person can be enough to
    get a case thrown out
    Case Fixing
  9. providing more police protection or presence
    than is required by standard operating procedures
    police security
  10. meaning police officer
    Latin “capere” meaning to “seize or snatch” or the Gypsy “kap” and “cop”
    both meaning “to take”
    “to cop” meant to snatch, grab, or arrest – thus “to cop a feel”
    cop and coppers
  11. the use of one’s official position to influence decision making

    granting of promotions and transfers for a fee – pay off to falsify
    attendance records, influence vacation days
  12. 1) society at large
    2) by influences within police departments
    3) by a predisposition toward corruption in some
    individuals (“rotten apples”)
    3 most common forms for police corruption
  13. Corruption begins with apparently harmless and
    well-intentioned practices and eventually leads in individual officers or in
    depts. As a whole, to all manner of crimes for profit

    Slippery-slope hypothesis
    Society at large Expalnation
  14. Officers are exposed by nature to a steady diet of wrong doing and in time a cynical attitude is developed in which
    corruption is viewed as a game in which everyone is out to get a share
    The Structural Explanation
  15. otherwise honest dept., there are a few bad
    officers operating in their own world – but this corruption spreads to others

    Used as an excuse by police chiefs
    Rotten Apple
  16. form of brutality,unwarranted deadly force, and other mistreatment of citizens
    Police Violence
  17. located in older cities with high concentration of poor on minorities –
    officers act primarily as reluctant maintainers of order – ignore minor
    offenses/problems – act tough in serious situations
    Watchman's Style of Policing
  18. leads to organized corruption, discriminatory arrest and unnecessary
    police violence
    watchman's style of policing
  19. What are the 3 add. issues contributing towards police violence?
    • 1) police perceptions that citizen acceptance of
    • authority is fundamental to effectiveness

    • 2) police judgments of the “social value” of
    • certain citizens

    • 3) the conservative nature of police decision
    • making
  20. often intense verbal coercion is used, when that
    fails, the police will gladly bust skulls!
    police authority
  21. certain citizens (prostitutes,junkies, drunk frat guys) offer little to society – many officers do not think
    such people are worth protecting or they use different means of protection
    Judgments of Social Value
  22. Officers and their superiors tend to defend the
    use of violence as a means of rapid problem resolution
    Police decision making
  23. ________ ________ as a last resort to apprehend a fleeing felon
    Deadly Force
  24. ______ ______ involves willful and wrongful use of force by
    officers who knowingly exceed the bounds of their office
    Extralegal Violence
  25. when well-meaning officers are unable to deal with the situations they
    Deadly Force occurs
  26. what case has virtually every police dept., in the US has reexamined
    its policies on the use of deadly force
    TennesseeV. Garner (1985)
  27. Have specific impact on and they might being by decriminalizing victimless crimes (AMEN!) like
    alcohol consumption, drugs (weed), prostitution, gambling, where police
    corruption most likely occurs
    Legislative Control
  28. Influence on police behavior is most evident in small communities –
    closer contact
    Civilian Review Board
  29. 1. restrain officers who engage in abusive and
    illegal practices
    2. thorough and unbiased investigation and protect officers from acusations
    3. offer minorities an avenue of redress, which would help restore their
    confidence in police
    4. explain procedures to citizens, review enforcement requirements with
    Civillian Review Board
  30. police misconduct from within police departments
    1. Preventative 2. punitive
    Police Control
  31. changes in the structure and philosophy of the police dept
  32. holds members of law enforcement responsible for their own actions as well as others
    internal accountability
  33. which involves direct surveillance of officers and other staff by field commanders and daily work
    tight supervision
  34. _____________ getting rid of procedures that inadvertently encourages corruption
    Abolition of corruptive procedures
  35. _________ area of policing known as internal affairs or internal policing – the
    domain of “headhunters” and “shoo-fly” cops who investigate complaints against
    police personnel or other actions involving police misconduct
    Punitive Control
  36. brutality and corruption are symptoms of incompetent policing
    police professionalism
  37. _______ _________ excercising powers and using discretion according to the highest
    standards of competence, fairness, and honesty
    Police Integrity
  38. rules differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction because of the decentralization of
    police departments – create policies and make officers fully aware of them and
    communicate the agency’s rationale for them
    Organizational Rule Making
  39. § 1) Organizational rulemaking

    § 2) Detecting, investigating and
    disciplining rule violations

    § 3) Circumscribing “the code”
    Police Integrity
  40. Policing against reporting the misconduct of other officers
    "the code"
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criminal justice