Darkroom Temperature
- 60-70deg F
- 40-60% Humidity
Latent Image
Invisible image after exposure to radiation beam
Manifest Image
Visible image after processed
- 2 Parts
- Base and Emulsion
- Surrounded by protective covering of gelatin called Supercoating
- 95% Silver Halide
- 5% Silver Iodide
- Double Emulsion (on both sides)
Photoelectric Interaction
Transfer of info from radiation to emulsion
Ionized Silver Halide Crystals
Change to black grains during developing
Screen-Type Film
- Less rads exposure to patient
- Sensitive to light
Screen-Type Film
3 Characteristics
- Contrast (High = B&W, Low = gray shaded)
- Speed (sensitivity)
- Light absorption (high speed = thick emulsion, lg crystals, decreased visibility)
Spectral Absorption or
Spectral Matching
Use of film whos sensitivity matches light spectrum of screen
Blue Sensitive Film
Amber safe light
Green Sensitive Film
Red-brown filter safe light
Film Fog
Undesirable increase of density of emulsion
Intensifying Screen
- 4 Layers
- Protective coating, Phosphor, Reflective layer, Base
- Higher speed of screen = more density less detail
- Must contact entire film
- Ability to consistantly produce image of an object
- High speed = low resolution
Chemical Processing
- Change Latent Image (non-visible) held in film emulsion
- Into Manifest Image we can see
Film Processing
Convert exposed silver halide into metallic silver
Film Processing
- Removes unexposed silver halide from emulsion
- Hardens gelatin to make permanent record
Film Processing
Removes fixer
Film Processing
Prepares for viewing
Developer Agents
- Phenidone
- Elon
- Hydroquinone
Silver Halide
Electrical Charges
- Unexposed = positive
- Exposed = negative
- Developer = negative
Auto Processor
- Transport
- Water
- Recirculation
- Replenishment
- Dryer
Film Artifacts
- Physical, Mechanical, Chemical
- Brown stain = old developer
- Multicolor = poor rinsing
- Yellow = exhausted fixer
- Reticulation = web-like = extreme diference in solutions
- Study of how film responds to rads exposure and processing conditions
- 3 Methods:
- Step-wedge pentrometer and medium exposure
- Sensitometer exposure
- Pre-exposed strips