Bar Exam Mnemonics

  1. Torts: Subject to Products Liability "MINIS"
    • Misrepresentation
    • Implied Warranty
    • Negligence
    • Intent
    • Strict Liability
  2. Torts: When you have to warn licencees of danger
    Artificial Conditions / Dangerous Concealed ones
  3. Torts: Affirmative Duty to Rescue- "CRAPS"
    • Contract
    • Relationships, special
    • Assumption of risk
    • Peril created by you
    • Statute
  4. Torts: Invasion of Privacy "CLIP"
    • Commercial appropriation
    • Light, false
    • Intrusion upon seclusion
    • Public disclosure of private facts
  5. Torts: Slander per se categories "LUMP"
    • Loathsome disease
    • Unchasity
    • Moral turpitude
    • Profession/ business reputation
  6. Property: Ways to create an easement "PING"
    • Prescription
    • Implication
    • Necessity
    • Grant

    *Also express
  7. Property: Covenants you convey via general warranty deed "QWF-ERS"
    • Quiet enjoyment
    • Warranty against future lawsuits
    • Further surrances

    • Encumberances
    • Right to convey (no restrictions)
    • Seisin (you own the land)
  8. Property: Exception to voluntary waste
    Prior Use

    • Repair (can use proceeds from thing to make R repair)
    • Grant (conveyance expressly say you can do)
    • Exploitation (land is only good for the particular use)
  9. Property: Adverse Possession
    • Continuous
    • Open
    • Hostile
    • Exclusive
    • Notorious
    • Statutory Period
  10. Property: How to terminate an easement
    • Esoppel (promise by holder it won't be enforced + serviant estate reliance)
    • Necessity (expire when necessity ends, unless expressly granted)
    • Destruction(of serviant land, unless thru willful conduct of serviant tenant)

    • Condemnation (eminent domain)
    • Release (written release by easement holder)
    • Abandonment (holder demonstrates by physical action)
    • Merger (title of dominant & serviant become vested in same person)
    • P rescription (Adverse possession--> COHENS)
  11. Evidence: Authentication for Business Records "BLAC"
    • B- record kept in ordinary course of regular business
    • L- (knowledge)was regular course of ordinary busiess for a person who learned of the matter to make such a record
    • A- records were made at or near the time of the event
    • C- W must say that he is the custodian of the record (he wrote it)
  12. Evidence: Expert W "Daubert Test" TARP
    • Tested methodology
    • Acceptance by other experts
    • Rate of error
    • Peer review and publication
  13. Evidence: Uses of prior bad acts for non-character purposes POMIP KIA
    • Preparation
    • Opportunity
    • Motive
    • Intent
    • Plan

    • Knowledge
    • Identity
    • Absence of mistake/accident
  14. Evidence: Hearsay exceptions- Declarant Unavailable

    or Fucks Sake Dawg
    • Former testimony
    • Forfiture by wrongdoing
    • Statement against interest
    • Dying declarations
  15. Crim: The 6th A gives you the rithto CATS
    • Confront Ws
    • Assistance of counsel
    • Ttrial by jury
    • Speedy trial
  16. Crim: The exclusionary rule doesn't apply to "KC PIGS"
    • Knock and announce
    • Civil proceedings

    • Parole revocation proceedings
    • Impeachment purposes
    • Grand jury
    • State law violations
  17. Crim: Burglary "BED NOW"
    • Breaking and
    • Entering of a
    • Dwelling at

    • Nighttime
    • Of another
    • With intent to commit a felony inside the dwelling
  18. Crim: Stealing Crimes

    "LEFT" hand people steal
    • *All specific intent crimes
    • Larceny
    • Embezzlement
    • False pretenses (to gain title)
    • Trick, larceny by (to gain possession)
  19. Crim: MAlice Crimes

  20. Crim: General Intent Crimes BaRK FID
    • Battery
    • Rape
    • Kidnapping

    • False imprisonment
    • Involuntary manslaugher
    • Depraved heart murder
  21. Crim: Exceptions to warrant reqs "ESCAPIST"
    • Exigent circumstances (fligh or destructiono of evidence)
    • Special needs (border searches, schools, probationers homes, gov employees)
    • Consent
    • Automobile
    • Plainview
    • Inventory
    • Search Incident to Lawful Arrest
    • Terry Stop & Frisk
  22. Contracts: Reasons a K may not be enforceable
    • Duress
    • Ambiguity
    • Mistake


    • Statute of Frauds
    • Misrepresentation
    • Existing laws
    • Lack of consideration
    • Lack of capacity
  23. Contracts: Agreements subject to Statute of Frauds
    "MY LEGS"
    • Marriage
    • Year long +

    • Land
    • Estate (testamentary)
    • Goods > $500
    • Surety (guaranteeing another's debt)
  24. Con Law: Lemon Test "SEX"
    • Elements:
    • 1)Secular purpose
    • 2) Primarily secular Effect
    • 3)Avoids eXcessive entanglements between gov & religion
  25. Con Law: Commerce Power "SIC"
    • 1. Substantially effects interstate commerce
    • 2. Instumentalities of interstate commerce
    • 3. Channels of interstate commerce
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Bar Exam Mnemonics
Bar Exam Mnemonics