PAMPHLET: what are the six bullets for stoich about?
- 1) stoichiometry is super important
- 2) stoich is used by companies
- 3) stoich helps enviornment
- 4) stoich saves $
- 5) stoichmakes products work
- 6) ideas of stoich are like cooking
PAMPHLET: explain how hot air balloons work, and Charles' Law (5 bullets)
- hot air balloons based on Charles' Law
- Charles' Law says as temp goes up, volume goes up
- for balloons to rise,density of balloon must be less than density of outside air
- density formula, if you increase volume, density lowers
- heat up balloon and it rises!
PAMPHLET: explain how fireworks work (4 bullets)
- color of fireworks is because of chem
- atoms go from excited state to ground state, they emit energy in the form of light
- heat causes particles to move to excited state, like the heat in fireworks, and atoms' desire for stability bring it back down to the ground state
- each element releases different color, like humans have different fingerprints
PAMPHLET: Explain the importance of the atom (3 bullets)
- atoms make up everything in our world
- boiling water relies on them
- without atom and our knowledge of them, no other chem would be possible
ATOMS: explain how atoms fit into states of matter.
this unit exlpained what atoms looked like at atomic level
ATOMS: explain solids, liquids and gases at the particle level, (five different things for each).
- solids: close together, move slowly, strong bonds, definite shape, definite volume
- liquids: farther apart, move a little faster, weaker bonds, varied shape, definite volume
- gases: far apart, move fasr, weak bonds, varied shape, varied volume
ATOMS: explain how atoms relate to patterns on the periodic table. (2 bullets)
- basic patterns is about atomic size
- explain this pattern across periods and down groups
ATOMS: eplain how atoms are connected to moles, stoich and balancing equations. (5 bullets)
- stoich is important becasue it is how you can find the number of atoms of something
- stoich is impossible w/o moles
- conversion factors come down to moles
- explain balancing equations and Law of Conservation of Mass
- through all three atoms can be counted
MODELS: What is a model for atomic structure? How is it useful? What are its limitations?
- current model of the atom
- helps scientists understand atomic theory since atoms are too small to look at
- cannot properly show that electrons could be in a certain spot at any moment through drawing- electron cloud used instead
MODELS: What is a model for chemical bonding? Use? Limitations?
- 2D drawings of molecular compounds
- help to show bond between atoms and their reaction to get stability
- electrons really want to get as far away from eachother as possible, (VSEPR). cant be shown in a 2D drawing
MODELS: What is a model for States of Matter? Use? Limitations?
- class activity where students were atoms in different states
- helped students understand states of matter and see states at particle level
- students couldnt remove all space between them like in solids, or constantly move