Chapter 6

  1. -ectasis, -ectasia
    stretching, dilation, dilatation; widening

    • bronchioectasis - stretching of the bronchial tubes
    • lymphangiectasia - stretching of the lymph vessels
  2. -emesis

    hematemesis - vomiting of blood
  3. -lysis
    destruction, breakdown, separation

    hemolysis - destruction of blood
  4. -pepsia

    dyspepsia - difficulty in digestion
  5. -phagia

    • polyphagia - uncontrolled eating
    • dysphagia - difficulty swallowing
    • odynophagia - pain caused by swalling
  6. -plasty
    surgical repair

    • rhinoplasty - surgical repair of the nose
    • enteroplasty - surgical repair of the small intestine
    • blepharoplasty - surgical repair of the eyelid
  7. -ptosis
    droop; sag; protrude

    protopsis - forward protrusion
  8. -ptysis

    hemoptysis - spitting of blood
  9. -rrhage, -rrhagia
    bursting forth (of blood)

    • hemorrhage - loss of a large amount of blood in a short period
    • menorrhagia - excessive bleeding at the time of menstruation
  10. -rrhaphy

    herniorrhaphy - repair (as in stitching or suturing) of a hernia
  11. -rrhea
    flow, disharge

    dysmenorrhea - pain associated with menstruation
  12. -spasm
    sudden, involuntary contraction of muscles

    • plyorospasm - involuntary contraction of muscles of the plyoric sphincter
    • bronchospasm - involuntary contraction of the bronchial tubes
  13. -stasis
    to stop; control

    • cholestasis - to stop or control the flow of bile
    • hemostasis - to stop or control the bleeding
  14. -stenosis
    tightening, stricture, narrowing

    pyloric stenosis - blocking the flow of food into the small intestine
  15. -tresia

    • atresia - absence of opening
    • esophageal atresia - esophagus does not connect to the stomach
    • biliary atresia - nonformation of bile ducts that causes neonatal cholestasis and jaundice
  16. alk phos
    alkaline phosphate
  17. ALT, AST
    alanine transaminase. aspartate transaminase
  18. BE
    barium enema
  19. BM
    bowel movement
  20. BRBPR
    bright red blood per rectum
  21. CT
    computed tomography
  22. EGD
  23. ERCP
    endoscopic retrogade cholangiopancreatography
  24. FOBT
    fetal occult blood test
  25. G tube
    gastrostomy tube; also called stomach tube and PEG tube - used to introduce nutrients into the stomach after insertion through the abdominal wall with laparoscopic instruments
  26. GB
  27. GERD
    gastroesophageal reflux disease
  28. GI
  29. HBV
    hepatitis B virus
  30. IBD
    irritable bowel disease
  31. LAC
    laparoscopic assisted colectomy
  32. LFTs
    liver function tests
  33. MRI
    magnetic resonance imaging
  34. NG tube
    nasogastric tube
  35. NPO
    nothing by mouth
  36. PEG tube
    percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy
  37. PTHC
    percutaneous transhepatic choloangiography
  38. PUD
    peptic ulcer disease
  39. STEP
    serial transverse enteroplasty
  40. TPN
    total parenteral nutrition
  41. T tube
    tube placed in the biliary tract for drainage
Card Set
Chapter 6
Additional Suffixes and Digestive System Terminology