define consumer behavior and describe the role it plays in marketing decisions
- consumer behavior refers to the buyer behavior of individual consumers.
- it plays a huge role in marketing decision, like what good and services to offer, to whom, and where.
- If marketers can understand the factors that influence consumers, they can develop and offer the right products to those consumers
desecribe the interpersonal determinants of comsumer behavior: behavior , social, and family influences
- cultural influnces, such as the general work ethic or the desire to accumlate wealth, come from society.
- Core values may vary from culture to culture.
- Group or social influnce include social class, opinion leaders and refence grps with which concumers may want to be affiliated
- Family influnces may come from parents, grandparents, or children
explain each of the personal determinants of consumer behavior: needs and motives, perceptions, attitudes, learning, and self-concept theory
- need-and imbalacce betwwen a somcumer's actual and desired states.
- motive is the inner state that directs a person toward the goal of satisfying a need
- perception is the meaning that a person attributes to incoming stimuli gathered through the five senses
- attutudes are a person's enduring favorable or unfavorable evaluations, emotions, or actions tendecies toward something.
- self-concept theory a persons view of himself plays a role in purchasing behavior
dintinguish between high involvement and low-involvemetnt perchase decisions
- high involvemetn purchase decisions-purchases with high of potential social or economic consequuence like buying a new car or home
- routine purechses that pose little risj to the consumer are called low incolvemt like buying a candy bar
outline the steps in the consumer decision precess
- six steps
- problem or opportunity recognition
- search
- alternative'prushase decision
- purchase act
- postpurchasse evaluton
- the time involved in each stage of the decision process is determined by the nature of the individual purchases
differentiate amoung routinizied response behavior, limited problem sloving and extended problem solving by concumers
- 1. refers to repeat purchses made of the same brand or limited grp of items
- 2.occurs when a consumer has previously set criteria for a purchase but then ecounters a new brand or model'
- 3. extended problem solving results when brands are difficult to categorizze or evalute. high invilvemt purchass decisions usually require extended problem solving