honors english vocab words

  1. phantasmic
    adj. pertaining to or of the nature of a phantasm; unreal; illusory; spectral: phantasmal creatures of nightmare
  2. aspirate
    • n. 1. strong desire for achievements; ambition toward long-range goal
    • 2. expulsion of breath in speaking
  3. vent
    n. an outlet; and opening for passage of liquids, fumes, or sometimes air

    tr. v. to utter; to express especially in relieving strong feelings
  4. sycophant
    n. a flatterer seeking favors or gain; a servile self-seeker
  5. diaphanous
    adj. allowing light to show through; translucent; delicate
  6. pusillanimous
    adj. cowardly; fearful
  7. dispirited
    adj. dejected; discouraged; gloomy
  8. hyperventilate
    n. the condition of taking abnormally fast, deep breaths
  9. frenetic
    adj. frantic; frenzied
  10. physiognomy
    n. the art of judging human character by facial features; facial features when regarded as revealing character
  11. hypocrisy
    n. pretending to have feelings beliefs, or virtues that one does not have
  12. prognosis
    n. prediction of the outcome of a disease; any forecast or prediction
  13. agnostic
    n. a person who believes nothing can be known about the existence of a god

    adj. relating to the belief that the existence of a god is unknowable
  14. schizophrenia
    • n. 1. a severe mental disorder in which a person becomes unable to act or reason in a rational way, often with delusions and withdrawal from relationship
    • 2. a situation of extreme conflict between choices, loyalties, or ways of life
  15. rationale
    n. the reasons underlying something, often presented as a statement (used with for)
  16. heterodox
    adj. not in agreement with accepted beliefs; holding unorthodox opinions
  17. dogma
    n. a system of doctrines put forward by an authority, especially a church, to be absolute truth
  18. circumscribe
    • v. 1. to draw a line around; to encircle
    • 2. to confine; to limit
  19. conscript
    v. to draft for military or naval service
  20. proscribe
    • v. 1. to denounce or condemn
    • 2. to prohibit; to forbid
  21. transcribe
    • v. 1. to make a copy of; to write out fully
    • 2. to make a sound recording for later reproduction
    • 3. to arrange music for an instrument different from the one first composed for
  22. obliterate
    v. to do away with completely; to wipe out; erase
  23. ignominious
    adj. shameful; disgraceful
  24. immutable
    adj. never changing or varying; unchangeable
  25. ultimatum
    n. a final, uncompromising condition or demand, especially one whose rejection will close negotiations
  26. permutation
    n. an alteration; a rearrangement of elements, especially in mathematics
  27. transmute
    v. to transform; to change from one form of nature into another
  28. turbid
    • adj. 1. muddy; not clear; opaque
    • 2. confused; disordered
  29. graphic
    • adj. 1. relating to the visual arts like drawing, painting lettering, or engraving
    • 2. giving a vivid description
  30. eclectic
    adj. consisting of parts selected from various sources
  31. expiate
    v. to make amends for; to atone for
  32. hierarchy
    n. a group organized by rank
  33. sanctity
    n. godliness; holiness
  34. execrate
    v. to denounce as vile or evil; to curse; to detest
  35. sanction
    • n. 1. approval; support; permission
    • 2. (usually plural) a penalty for breaking with law or custom

    v. to approve; to encourage
  36. pittance
    n. a meager portion of anything, especially an allowance or salary
  37. consecrate
    • v. 1. to make or declare something sacred
    • 2. to dedicate something to a goal
  38. sagacity
    n. acuteness of mental discernment and soundness of judgement
  39. sagacious
    adj. shrewd; having good judgment; perceptive
  40. connoisseur
    n. an expert or very discriminating person, especially in matters of art and taste
  41. cognition
    n. the act of perceiving or knowing
  42. cognizant
    adj. aware; having knowledge of something
  43. prescience
    n. knowledge of events before they occur; foresight; foreknowledge
  44. putative
    adj. supposed; reputed
  45. notorious
    adj. widely and unfavorably known; infamous
  46. impute
    v. to attribute or ascribe a quality, especially a fault, to a person
  47. inundate
    • v. 1. to submerge or overflow with water; to flood
    • 2. to overwhelm
  48. redound
    v. to reflect or come back either favorably or unfavorably (upon a person or thing)
  49. redundant
    • adj. 1. superfluous; exceeding what is needed, or what is needed no longer
    • 2. verbose; needlessly repetitious
  50. confluence
    • n. 1. the flowing together of two or more elements: streams or rivers, or ideas, influences, or cultures
    • 2. an assembling or flocking together in a crowd
  51. flux
    • n. 1. flow
    • 2. a continuous succession of changes
  52. marinade
    n. a liquid often seasoned with spices or herbs to flavor meat or fish for a period of time before cooking
  53. dehydration
    • v. 1. to remove water of moisture
    • 2. to lose water or moisture
  54. hydrology
    n. the study of water and its effects on and in the earth and in the atmosphere
  55. undulate
    v. to have or to cause to have a wavy motion
  56. cauterize
    v. to burn with a hot iron or a chemical to destroy abnormal tissue and/or to stop infection and/or bleeding
  57. flamboyant
    adj. colored or decorated in a showy way; having a showy appearance or manner
  58. effervescent
    • adj. 1. bubbling up from a liquid
    • 2. very excited; bubbling over with high spirits
  59. inflammatory
    • v. 1. to kindle or excite
    • 2. to arouse to a high degree of passion or feeling
    • 3. to burst into flame; take fire
    • 4. to become hot with passion; as the heart
  60. extempore
    adj. improvised; composed or uttered without advance preparation

    adv. without advance preparation
  61. synchronous
    adj. happening at the same time; moving at the same rate
  62. diurnal
    • adj. 1. daily; occurring in a dey or every day
    • 2. active during the daytime rather than at night
  63. anachronism
    • n. 1. a person or thing out of place in a historical period or sequence of events
    • 2. a person, custom, or idea considered out-of-date
  64. millennium
    n. a span of one thousand years
  65. accredit
    v. to authorize; to certify; to believe
  66. pantheon
    n. all the gods of a people or religion
  67. credulous
    adj. believing too easily; gullible
  68. creed
    n. a statement of belief or principle
  69. credence
    n. belief; acceptance as true
  70. divinity
    • n. 1. a god or goddess; a divine being
    • 2. the state of being divine
    • 3. the study of christian theology
  71. apotheosis
    • n. 1. making a god of something; defication
    • 2. a glorified ideal; an essence
  72. edict
    n. a decree or proclamation issued by an authority
  73. interdiction
    n. a prohibition; the act of forbidding
  74. dictum
    n. an authoritative expression of opinion
  75. indict
    • v. 1. (legal) to issue a formal charge of a crime
    • 2. to accuse
  76. declaim
    v. to speak loudly or passionately
  77. acclamation
    • n. 1. applause; enthusiastic approval
    • 2. an oral vote, especially an enthusiastic vote of approval
  78. circumlocution
    • n. 1. the use of many words when few would do
    • 2. evasive talk; roundabout expression
  79. lingua franca
    n. a language used by people who do not speak a common tongue; usually combines aspects of different languages
  80. verbatim
    adj. word for word; in exactly the same words
  81. loquacious
    adj. very talkative
  82. locution
    n. a word of expression; phraseology
  83. clamor
    n. a loud outcry, especially in protest

    v. to insist or exclaim noisily
  84. ordinance
    • n. 1. a command or order; a law or regulation especially by a city government
    • 2. a custom or practice established by tradition, especially a religious rite
  85. rectify
    v. to set right; to correct
  86. astral
    adj. of or from the stars
  87. insubordinate
    adj. not submissive to authority
  88. senescent
    adj. growing old; aging
  89. immemorial
    adj. going deep into the past before history, knowledge, or memory; primordial
  90. obdurate
    • adj. 1. stubborn; unyielding
    • 2. hardened against good influence; impenitent
  91. memorabilia
    n. things worthy of remembrance
  92. jurisdiction
    • n. 1. control and authority especially to interpret and exercise the law
    • 2. the specific area of someone's or something's control or authority
  93. gloss
    n. an explanation of a difficult expression in a text

    v. (with over) to explain away
  94. geocentric
    • adj. 1. referring to the center of the earth in measurement or observation.
    • 2. considering the earth as the center of a planetary system
  95. pastoral
    • adj. 1. pertaining to a christian minister or the duties accompanying the office
    • 2. referring to life in open country or to fields for farming or grazing
    • 3. pertaining to an idealized rural life
  96. paramount
    adj. of chief importance; primary; foremost
  97. rustic
    adj. typical of country life and people; simple; rough

    n. a rural person
  98. exhume
    • v. 1. to dig out of the ground or from a grave; to disinter
    • 2. to bring to light; to uncover
  99. neoclassical
    n. a revival of the literary, architectural, musical, and artistic forms that are considered a standard or model, and therefore "classical"
  100. sporadic
    • adj. 1. appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time; occasional
    • 2. appearing in scattered or isolated instances, as a disease
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honors english vocab words
vocab words