53. What type of fibers from CN V innervate the temporalis muscle?
- a. GSE
- b. --SVE (Pharyngeal arch 1, muscles of mastication)
- c. GVE
- d. SSE
- e. none of the above
65. The ____ nerve is responsible for innervation of the superior oblique muscle.
- a. optic
- b. --trochlear (CN 4)
- c. abducens
- d. vagus
- e. spinal accessory
74. Which cranial nerve provides GVE innervation to the gut?
75. Innervation to the lateral rectus muscle is:
- a. --VI (CN 6 abducens)
- b. IV
- c. V
- d. IX
76. Innervation to the muscles of mastication is via:
152. Which of the following muscles is not innervated by the trigeminal nerve?
- a. masseter
- b. --buccinator
- c. medial pterygoid
- d. temporalis
* Muscles of mastication, there are 4 total. All of these muscles are innervated by V3 (of CN 5) and they consist of:
masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid.
153.The most important factor in stabilizing the temporomandibular joint and maintaining the mandibular condyle in the mandibular fossa is the:
- a. --muscles of mastication
- b. temporomandibular ligament
- c. stylonmandibular ligament
- d. sphenomandibular ligament
- e. capsule of the temporomandibular joint
156. Which of the following does not help to open the jaw?
- a. --medial pterygoid muscle
- b. lateral pterygoid muscle
- c. geniohyoid muscle
- d. mylohyoid muscle
- e. anterior belly of the digastric muscle
* Things that open the jaw: gravity, lateral pterygoid, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, and geniohyoid.
155. The parotid duct:
- a. crosses the masseter muscle
- b. is usually accompanied by the transverse facial artery
- c. opens into vestibule opposite the second molar
- d. passes through the buccinators muscle
- e. --all of the above
172. The vessels and nerves of the scalp are located predominantly in:
- A. the outer skin layer (S)
- B. --the dense connective tissue layer (C)
- C. the aponeurotic layer (A)
- D. the loose connective tissue (L)
- E. the periosteal layer (P)
173. Which of the following is not a muscle of facial expression:
- A. orbicularis oculi
- B. orbicularis oris
- C. frontalis
- D. platysma
- E. --all of the above are muscles of facial expression
170. Sensory nerves of the cheek include:
- A. buccal branch of CN VII
- B.-- buccal branch of V3
- C. both a and b are correct
- D. neither a nor b are correct
176. What is the origin of the muscles of mastication?
- A. --pharyngeal arch 1
- B. pharyngeal arch 2
- C. pharyngeal arch 3
- D. pharyngeal arch 4
177. What is the origin of the mandible?
- A.-- pharyngeal arch 1
- B. pharyngeal arch 2
- C. pharyngeal arch 3
- D. pharyngeal arch 4
178. What is the origin of the muscles of facial expression?
- A. pharyngeal arch 1
- B. --pharyngeal arch 2
- C. pharyngeal arch 3
- D. pharyngeal arch 4
179. What cranial nerve is associated with structures derived from pharyngeal arch 3?
- A. III
- B. V
- C. VII
- D. --IX (CN 9 Glossopharyngeal, it innervates the stylopharyngeus)
186. Which of the following statements is true regarding the venous drainage of the scalp?
- A. the anterior retromandibular vein connects with the posterior auricular vein to form the internal
- jugular vein (should be external jugular vein)
- B. the occipital vein drains with the posterior auricular vein into the posterior retromandibular vein
- C. both a and b are correct
- D. --neither a nor b are correct
323. Which of the following is true regarding the buccinator?
- a. --it is continuous with the superior constrictor m
- b. it develops from the first pharyngeal arch (should be second pharyngeal arch)
- c. it is innervated by branches of the mandibular nerve (should be facial nerve CN 7)
- d. it is considered a muscle of mastication (muscle of facial expression)
324. What branch of the facial artery supplies the side of the nose?
- a. superior labial artery
- b. infraorbital artery
- c. lacrimal artery
- d. --angular artery
459. Where does the parotid duct empty?
- a. --upper 2nd molar
- b. upper canine
- c. lower 2nd molar
- d. upper 3rd molar
460. What cranial nerve is related to secretomotor function of the parotid gland?
- a. CN X
- b. CN V
- c. --CN IX (CN 9 glossopharyngeal)
- d. CN VII
461. What nerve fibers are related to secretomotor innervation to the parotid gland?
- a. GSE
- b. SVE
- c.-- GVE (general visceral efferent. Sympathetic and parasympathetic motor to heart, smooth muscle in the eye and GLANDS)
- d. GVA
462. What nerve fibers are related to motor function of the temporalis muscle?
- a. GSE
- b. --SVE (Special visceral efferent. Pharyngeal arch 1, muscles of mastication)
- c. GVE
- d. GVA
463. Which of the following is true regarding the buccinator?
- a. it inserts onto the coronoid process of the mandible (inserts onto orbicularis oris)
- b. --it develops from the second pharyngeal arch (muscles of facial expression, CN 7, SVE fibers)
- c. it is innervated by branches of the mandibular nerve (should be CN 7)
- d. it is considered a muscle of mastication (muscle of facial expression)
465. Motor innervation to the orbicularis oculi is via:
- a. --CN VII (muscle of facial expression, SVE fibers, pharyngeal arch 2)
- b. CN V
- c. both a and b are correct
- d. neither a nor b are correct
466. Which of the following innervates the scalp?
- a. ventral rami of C2 and C3
- b. dorsal rami of C2 and C3
- c.-- both a and b are correct
- d. neither a nor b are correct
478. Which of the following is not a derivative of the fourth and sixth pharyngeal arches?
- a. arytenoid cartilage
- b. superior 1/3 of the esophagus
- c.-- lower part of the body of the hyoid
- d. pharyngeal constrictor muscles
479. Which of the following muscles is not derived from pharyngeal arch I?
- a. temporalis
- b.-- posterior digastrics (not a muscle of mastication)
- c. geniohyoid
- d. lateral pterygoid
503. Which of the following statements is true regarding the arterial supply of the scalp?
- A.-- Both the supraorbital and suprtrochlear arteries supply the area above the eyes (both of these arteries are branches off of the internal carotid artery)
- B. all arteries are derived from the external carotid artery (they are derived by external and internal carotid arteries)
- C. both a and b are correct
- D. neither a nor b are correct
505. Which of the following is not a muscle of facial expression:
- a. orbicularis oculi
- c. frontalis
- c. platysma
- e.-- genioglossus
506. What is the origin of the anterior belly of the digastric?
- a. --pharyngeal arch 1 (Because this muscle is considered a muscle of mastication)
- b. pharyngeal arch 2
- c. pharyngeal arch 3
- d. pharyngeal arch 4
577. The action(s) of the lateral pterygoid muscle include:
- a. rotation of the mandible
- b. protraction of the mandible
- c.-- both a and b are correct
- d. neither a nor b are correct
* This muscle inserts onto the TMJ
144. Openings of the temporomandibular joint capsule include the:
- a. stylomastoid foremen
- b. inferior orbital fissure
- c. both a and b are correct
- d. --neither a nor b are correct
* The TMJ is a hinge-synovial joint, has fibrocartilage, and a disc. It is innervated by two nerves 1. Auriculotemporal nerve 2. Masseteric nerve of V3.
150. Which of the following muscles protrudes the mandible:
- a. --lateral pterygoid muscle
- b. anterior belly of the digastric muscle
- c. temporalis muscle
- d. mentalis muscle
- e. platysma
*Things that protrude the jaw: lateral pterygoids (main one), masseter, and medial pterygoid.
159. Innervation of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle is via:
- a. --CN III
- b. CN IV
- c. CN V
- d. CN VI
160. The sphinctor papillary muscle is innervated by:
- a. --parasympathetic fibers from CN III
- b. sympathetic fibers from the superior cervical ganglion
- c. GSE fibers from CN IV
- d. SVE fibers from CN VII
228. Which of the following is not a correct relationship between pharyngeal arch development and the cranial nerves?
- a. arch I --> CN V (muscles of mastication)
- b. arch II --> CN VII (muscles of facial expression)
- c. arch III --> CN IX (stylopharyngeus)
- d. arch IV & VI --> CN X & XI (muscles of the pharynx and larynx)
- e. --all of the above relationships are correct
* SVE fibers, motor to each of those muscles
322. Which of the following is true regarding the parotid gland?
- a. empties into the oral cavity via Warton�s duct (should be Stensens duct)
- b. it is innervated by CN VII (should be CN 9)
- c. --it cups the ramus of the mandible
- d. it is a compound endocrine gland (should be exocrine, exocrine glands secrete products into ducts, this contrasts endocrine glands which secrete products directly into the bloodstream without a duct)
* Sensory innervations from great auricular and auriculotemporal nerves (V3) and parasympathetic innervations from CN IX for fluid release.
325. Sensory innervation to the orbicularis oculi is via:
- a. CN VII
- b. --CN V
- c. both a and b are correct
- d. neither a nor b are correct
329. The sebaceous glands of the eyelid are found in what layer?
- a. skin
- b. --loose connective tissue
- c. muscular layer
- d. conjunctiva
361. Weakness of the anterior digastric may be related to what nerve?
- a. facial
- b. --trigeminal (CN 5)
- c. accessory
- d. hypoglossal
377. The ____ nerve is responsible for innervation of the stylohyoid muscle.
- a. glossopharyngeal
- b. --facial (CN 7)
- c. trigeminal
- d. vagus
508. What is the origin of the pharyngeal constrictor muscles?
- a. pharyngeal arch 1
- b. pharyngeal arch 2
- c. pharyngeal arch 3
- d. --pharyngeal arch 4
646. Which of the following is not supplied by branches of the internal carotid artery?
- a. lacrimal gland
- b. forehead
- c. paranasal sinuses
- d.-- levator labii superioris m
145.Middle ethmoid air cells empties into the:
- a. laryngopharynx
- b. nasopharynx
- c. --middle nasal meatus
- d. superior nasal meatus
146. Maxillary sinuses empty into:
- a. laryngopharynx
- b. nasopharynx
- c. nasopharynx
- c.-- middle nasal meatus
- d. superior nasal meatus
147. Innervation to the lateral nasal wall is provided by all of the following except:
- a. CN V1
- b. CN V2
- c. branches of the pterygopalatine ganglion
- d. anterior ethmoidal nerve
- e. posterior ethmoidal nerve
148. The cribiform plate of the anterior cranial cavity is associated with:
- a. --the olfactory bulb
- b. the frontal nerve
- c. the supratrochlear nerve
- d. the optic nerve
- e. the maxillary nerve
149. All of the following bones contain paranasal sinuses except:
- a. maxilla
- b. sphenoid
- c.-- temporal
- d. frontal
151. The otic ganglion in the infratemporal fossa is functionally associated with which cranial nerve?
- a. --IX
- b. X
- c. VII
- d. V
- e. XI
154. The blood and nerve supply to the nasal septum are derived from the:
- a. greater palatine nerve and the descending palatine artery
- b. lesser palatine artery and descending palatine nerve
- c. incisive artery and incisive nerve
- d. --sphenopalatine artery and nasopalatine nerve
157. Concerning the nasal cavity:
- a. the middle and inferior chonchae are portions of the ethmoid bone
- b. the sensory innervation to the anterior portion is chiefly via the mandibular division of the
- trigeminal nerve
- c. --the arterial supply to this area is via branches from both the internal and external carotid
- arteries
- d. the frontal sinus drains into the superior meatus
- e. all of the above
313. Which of the following is a paired dural venous sinus?
- a. inferior sagittal sinus
- b. superior sagittal sinus
- c. --superior petrosal sinus
- d. occipital sinus
330. The nasolacrimal duct opens into the:
- a. middle nasal meatus
- b. superior nasal conchae
- c.-- inferior nasal meatus
- d. nasal choanae
367. A lesion of the GVE nucleus of cranial nerve VII would produce a deficit in the:
- a. function of the parotid gland
- b. --function of the lacrimal gland
- c. downward gaze of the contralateral eye
- d. function of the platysma
* Remember GVE fibers innervate glands and CN 7 innervates the lacrimal gland.
578. The secretomotor innervation of the lacrimal gland is via:
- a. CN II
- b. CN V
- c. CN III
- d. --CN VII
68. The cell bodies for preganglionic fibers to the sphincter papillary muscle are located in the:
- a. ciliary ganglia
- b. superior cervical ganglia
- c. superior salivatory nucleus
- d. --brainstem
161. The origin of the superior rectus muscle is:
- a. nasalis bones
- b. maxilla
- c. --common tendinous ring
- d. sphenoid
332. Which of the following relationships is not correct?
- a. superior rectus: common tendinous ring
- b. superior oblique: CN IV
- c.-- inferior oblique: CN VI (should be CN III)
- d. medial rectus: inserts into sclera, between equator and corneal magin
333. Which of the following best describes the levator palpebrae superioris?
- a. Origin: medial edge of orbital floor (should be sphenoid bone)
- b. --Insertion: attaches to upper lid
- c. Action: turns eye up and slightly medially (should be elevates the eyelid)
- d. Innervation: CN IV (should be CN III)
334. Which of the following is not supplied by branches of the ophthalmic artery?
- a. lacrimal gland
- b. forehead
- c. paranasal sinuses
- d. --levator labii superioris m
455. Cranial nerves III, IV, and VI are all associated with what blood vessel?
- a. middle cerebral artery
- b. transverse sinus
- c. --opthalmic artery
- d. sigmoid sinus
469. Sensory innervation to the eye is via what cranial nerve?
- a. Facial
- b. --Trigeminal
- c. both a and b are correct
- d. neither a nor b are correct
487. Cranial nerves III, IV, and VI are all related to:
- a. --visuomotor functions
- b. superior cerebellar peduncle
- c. inferior colliculus
- d. diencephalon
29. Which of the following statements is true?
- A. the diploic veins are located between layers of dura
- B. --the emissary veins connect the dural venous sinuses with veins on the outside of the
- skull
- C. the vessels of the scalp lie in the aponeurotic layer (should be loose connective tissue)
- D. the frontalis muscle is anchored to the bone over the orbits
- E. only the ophthalmic division of CN V supplies skin of the scalp
39. Touch, pain, and temperature from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is transmitted by:
- a. --CN V (GSA)
- b. CN VII
- c. CN IX
- d. CN X
41. What cranial nerves all have preganglionic parasympathetic fibers?
- a. IX, X, XI
- b. V, VII, IX, XI
- c. III, IV, VI
- d.-- III, VII, IX, X
- e. none of the above
44. CN V provides _____ innervation around the eyes.
- a. --sensory
- b. motor
- c. both a and b
- d. neither a nor b
45. Special visceral efferent fibers are related to:
- a. muscles of the tongue
- b. extraocular muscles of the eye
- c. --muscles of facial expression
- d. both a and b are correct
- b. all of the above (a,b,c) are correct
49. Innervation of the dura of the anterior cranial fossa is via:
- a. --branches of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve
- b. supratrochlear branch of the trigeminal nerve
- c. branches of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
- d. recurrent meningeal branches of the vagus nerve
82. Your patient present with atrophy of the platysma muscle. You suspect a lesion is which Cranial Nerve?
- a. --CN VII (CN 7 facial nerve)
- b. CN V
- c. CN XI
- d. CN X
407. The otic ganglion in the infratemporal fossa is functionally associated with which cranial nerve?
- a. --IX
- b. X
- c. VII
- d. V
- e. XI
411. CN V provides _____ innervation around the eyes.
- a. --sensory
- b. motor
- c. both a and b
- d. neither a nor b
454. Innervation of the dura of the posterior cranial fossa is via:
- a. branches of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve
- b. supratrochlear branch of the trigeminal nerve
- c. branches of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
- d. --recurrent meningeal branches of the vagus nerve
458. Sensory innervation to the eye is via what cranial nerve?
- a. Facial
- b. --Trigeminal
- c. both a and b are correct
- d. neither a nor b are correct
465. Motor innervation to the orbicularis oculi is via:
- a. --CN VII
- b. CN V
- c. both a and b are correct
- d. neither a nor b are correct
499. In a patient with an acute onset of Bell�s Palsy on the left, which of the following is true?
- a. The patient will present with flaccid paralysis of the left sided facial muscles
- b. The patient will have difficulty opening the left eye
- c. The patient will have difficulty closing the left eye
- d. Both A and B are correct
- e. --Both A and C are correct