head anatomy final flash cards.txt

  1. What type of fibers from CN V innervate the temporalis muscle?
    SVE (Pharyngeal arch 1, muscles of mastication)
  2. The ____ nerve is responsible for innervation of the superior oblique muscle.
    trochlear (CN 4)
  3. Which cranial nerve provides GVE innervation to the gut?
  4. Innervation to the lateral rectus muscle is:
    VI (CN 6 abducens)
  5. Innervation to the muscles of mastication is via:
  6. Which of the following muscles is not innervated by the trigeminal nerve?
  7. * Muscles of mastication, there are 4 total. All of these muscles are innervated by V3 (of CN 5) and they consist of:
    masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid.
  8. The most important factor in stabilizing the temporomandibular joint and maintaining the mandibular condyle in the mandibular fossa is the:
    muscles of mastication
  9. Which of the following does not help to open the jaw?
    a. medial pterygoid muscle
  10. * Things that open the jaw:
    gravity, lateral pterygoid, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, and geniohyoid.
  11. The parotid duct:
    e. all of the above
  12. 172. The vessels and nerves of the scalp are located predominantly in:
    B. the dense connective tissue layer (C)
  13. 173. Which of the following is not a muscle of facial expression:
    E. all of the above are muscles of facial expression
  14. 170. Sensory nerves of the cheek include:
    B. buccal branch of V3
  15. 176. What is the origin of the muscles of mastication?
    A. pharyngeal arch 1
  16. 177. What is the origin of the mandible?
    A. pharyngeal arch 1
  17. 178. What is the origin of the muscles of facial expression?
    B. pharyngeal arch 2
  18. 179. What cranial nerve is associated with structures derived from pharyngeal arch 3?
    D. IX (CN 9 Glossopharyngeal, it innervates the stylopharyngeus)
  19. 186. Which of the following statements is true regarding the venous drainage of the scalp?
    D. neither a nor b are correct
  20. 323. Which of the following is true regarding the buccinator?
    a. it is continuous with the superior constrictor m
  21. 324. What branch of the facial artery supplies the side of the nose?
    d. angular artery
  22. 459. Where does the parotid duct empty?
    a. upper 2nd molar
  23. 460. What cranial nerve is related to secretomotor function of the parotid gland?
    c. CN IX (CN 9 glossopharyngeal)
  24. 461. What nerve fibers are related to secretomotor innervation to the parotid gland?
    c. GVE (general visceral efferent. Sympathetic and parasympathetic motor to heart, smooth muscle in the eye and GLANDS)
  25. 462. What nerve fibers are related to motor function of the temporalis muscle?
    b. SVE (Special visceral efferent. Pharyngeal arch 1, muscles of mastication)
  26. 463. Which of the following is true regarding the buccinator?
    b. it develops from the second pharyngeal arch (muscles of facial expression, CN 7, SVE fibers)
  27. 465. Motor innervation to the orbicularis oculi is via:
    a. CN VII (muscle of facial expression, SVE fibers, pharyngeal arch 2)
  28. 466. Which of the following innervates the scalp?
    c. both a and b are correct
  29. 478. Which of the following is not a derivative of the fourth and sixth pharyngeal arches?
    c. lower part of the body of the hyoid
  30. 479. Which of the following muscles is not derived from pharyngeal arch I?
    b. posterior digastrics (not a muscle of mastication)
  31. 503. Which of the following statements is true regarding the arterial supply of the scalp?
    A. Both the supraorbital and suprtrochlear arteries supply the area above the eyes (both of these arteries are branches off of the internal carotid artery)
  32. 505. Which of the following is not a muscle of facial expression:
    e. genioglossus
  33. 506. What is the origin of the anterior belly of the digastric?
    a. pharyngeal arch 1 (Because this muscle is considered a muscle of mastication)
  34. 577. The action(s) of the lateral pterygoid muscle include:
    c. both a and b are correct* This muscle inserts onto the TMJ
  35. 144. Openings of the temporomandibular joint capsule include the:
    d. neither a nor b are correct* The TMJ is a hinge-synovial joint, has fibrocartilage, and a disc. It is innervated by two nerves 1. Auriculotemporal nerve 2. Masseteric nerve of V3.
  36. 150. Which of the following muscles protrudes the mandible:
    a. lateral pterygoid muscle*Things that protrude the jaw: lateral pterygoids (main one), masseter, and medial pterygoid.
  37. 159. Innervation of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle is via:
    a. CN III
  38. 160. The sphinctor papillary muscle is innervated by:
    a. parasympathetic fibers from CN III* Muscle of the iris
  39. 228. Which of the following is not a correct relationship between pharyngeal arch development and the cranial nerves?
    e. all of the above relationships are correct * SVE fibers, motor to each of those muscles
  40. 322. Which of the following is true regarding the parotid gland?
    c. it cups the ramus of the mandible* Sensory innervations from great auricular and auriculotemporal nerves (V3) and parasympathetic innervations from CN IX for fluid release.
  41. 325. Sensory innervation to the orbicularis oculi is via:
    b. CN V
  42. 329. The sebaceous glands of the eyelid are found in what layer?
    b. loose connective tissue
  43. 361. Weakness of the anterior digastric may be related to what nerve?
    b. trigeminal (CN 5)
  44. 377. The ____ nerve is responsible for innervation of the stylohyoid muscle.
    b. facial (CN 7)
  45. 508. What is the origin of the pharyngeal constrictor muscles?
    d. pharyngeal arch 4
  46. 646. Which of the following is not supplied by branches of the internal carotid artery?
    d. levator labii superioris m
  47. 145.Middle ethmoid air cells empties into the:
    c. middle nasal meatus
  48. 146. Maxillary sinuses empty into:
    c. middle nasal meatus
  49. 147. Innervation to the lateral nasal wall is provided by all of the following except:
    e. posterior ethmoidal nerve
  50. 148. The cribiform plate of the anterior cranial cavity is associated with:
    a. the olfactory bulb
  51. 149. All of the following bones contain paranasal sinuses except:
    c. temporal
  52. 151. The otic ganglion in the infratemporal fossa is functionally associated with which cranial nerve?
    a. IX
  53. 154. The blood and nerve supply to the nasal septum are derived from the:
    d. sphenopalatine artery and nasopalatine nerve
  54. 157. Concerning the nasal cavity:
    • c. the arterial supply to this area is via branches from both the internal and external carotid
    • arteries
  55. 313. Which of the following is a paired dural venous sinus?
    c. superior petrosal sinus
  56. 330. The nasolacrimal duct opens into the:
    c. inferior nasal meatus
  57. 367. A lesion of the GVE nucleus of cranial nerve VII would produce a deficit in the:
    b. function of the lacrimal gland* Remember GVE fibers innervate glands and CN 7 innervates the lacrimal gland.
  58. 578. The secretomotor innervation of the lacrimal gland is via:
    d. CN VII
  59. 68. The cell bodies for preganglionic fibers to the sphincter papillary muscle are located in the:
    d. brainstem
  60. 161. The origin of the superior rectus muscle is:
    c. common tendinous ring
  61. 332. Which of the following relationships is not correct?
    c. inferior oblique: CN VI (should be CN III)
  62. 333. Which of the following best describes the levator palpebrae superioris?
    b. Insertion: attaches to upper lid
  63. 334. Which of the following is not supplied by branches of the ophthalmic artery?
    d. levator labii superioris m
  64. 455. Cranial nerves III, IV, and VI are all associated with what blood vessel?
    c. opthalmic artery
  65. 469. Sensory innervation to the eye is via what cranial nerve?
    b. Trigeminal
  66. 487. Cranial nerves III, IV, and VI are all related to:
    a. visuomotor functions
  67. 29. Which of the following statements is true?
    B. the emissary veins connect the dural venous sinuses with veins on the outside of the skull
  68. 39. Touch, pain, and temperature from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is transmitted by:
    a. CN V (GSA)
  69. 41. What cranial nerves all have preganglionic parasympathetic fibers?
    d. III, VII, IX, X
  70. 44. CN V provides _____ innervation around the eyes.
    a. sensory
  71. 45. Special visceral efferent fibers are related to:
    c. muscles of facial expression
  72. 49. Innervation of the dura of the anterior cranial fossa is via:
    a. branches of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve
  73. 82. Your patient present with atrophy of the platysma muscle. You suspect a lesion is which Cranial Nerve?
    a. CN VII (CN 7 facial nerve)
  74. 407. The otic ganglion in the infratemporal fossa is functionally associated with which cranial nerve?
    a. IX
  75. 411. CN V provides _____ innervation around the eyes.
    a. sensory
  76. 454. Innervation of the dura of the posterior cranial fossa is via:
    d. recurrent meningeal branches of the vagus nerve
  77. 458. Sensory innervation to the eye is via what cranial nerve?
    b. Trigeminal
  78. 465. Motor innervation to the orbicularis oculi is via:
    a. CN VII
  79. 499. In a patient with an acute onset of Bell�s Palsy on the left, which of the following is true?
    e. Both A and C are correct
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head anatomy final flash cards.txt
final head anatomy flash cards