Cardiovascular Anatomy

  1. two layered serous membrane, outermost layer of the heart, has serous fluid between layers
  2. innermost layer of heart, composed of thin layer of connective tissue, lines interior of heart
  3. forms bulk of the heart wall and is the thickest and strongest layer of the heart, composed of cardiac muscle tissue
  4. dividing part of the heart, seperates the right and left sides
  5. upper right chamber of heart, receives deoxygenated blood from body, sends blood to right ventricle
    right atrium
  6. lower right chamber of heart, recieves deoxygenated blood from right atrium, sends blood to pulmonary artery for gas exchange in the lungs
    right ventricle
  7. upper left chamber of heart, recieves oxygenated blood from lungs via pulmonary veins, sends blood to left ventricle
    left atrium
  8. lower left chamber of heart, recieves oxygenated blood from left atrium, thickest and most muscular section of heart, pumps blood out aorta to body
    left ventricle
  9. valves located between atrium and ventricles,
    atrioventricular (AV) valves
  10. right AV valve, contains three flaps/cusps
    tricuspid valve
  11. left AV valve, composed of two cusps (bicuspid)
    mitral valve
  12. small cordlike stuctures, connects the AV valves to the wall of the heart, works with papillary muscles to make a tight seal to prevent backflow when the ventricles contract
    chordae tendineae
  13. valves located where blood exits the ventricles, have three cusps
    semilunar valves
  14. valves located between right ventricle and pulmonary artery
    pulmonary semilunar valve
  15. valve located between left ventricle and aorta
    aortic semilunar valve
  16. initiates heart beat, located in upper right atrium, regulates heart beat, aka pacemaker
    sinoatrial (SA) node
  17. Put the impulse pattern in the correct order:

    • D. SA node
    • A. AV node
    • C. bundle of His
    • B. right and left bundle branches
    • D. Purkinje fibers
  18. Contraction phase of heartbeat
  19. relaxation phase of heartbeat, allows blood to enter the relaxed chambers
  20. first sound of heartbeat, produced by AV valves closing
  21. second sound of heart beat, produced by semilnar vlaves closing
  22. tiny blood vessels joining arterioles and venules, gas exchange occurs here
  23. blood vessels carrying blood away from heart, contain oxygenated blood
  24. blood vessels that carries blood toward heart, carrying deoxygenated blood
  25. blood vessels connecting arteries and cappilaries
  26. blood vessels connecting veins and cappilaries
  27. Put the blood flow in the correct order:

    • B. artery
    • A. arteriole
    • E. capillary
    • C. venule
    • B. vein
  28. delivery of oxygen and nutrient rich arterial blood to cardiac muscle tissue and return of oxygen-poor blood to the venous system
    coronary circulation
  29. largest artery of the body, composed of four parts, what is it and list the parts
    • Aorta
    • ascending aorta
    • arch
    • thoracic portion of descending aorta
    • abdominal portion of descending aorta
  30. largest vein of the body, two seperate parts that return blood to the right atrium from body
    vena cava (has superior and inferior vena cavas)
  31. air sacs that is surrounded by capillaries and exchanges gas with the blood, giving it oxygen
  32. Put the blood circulation in the correct order:

    • G. superior/inferior vena cava
    • D. right atrium
    • K. tricuspid valve
    • A. right ventricle
    • B. pulmonary semilunar valve
    • I. pulmonary artery
    • M. capillaries in lungs
    • H. pulmonary veins
    • C. left atrium
    • F. bicuspid valve
    • E. left ventricle
    • N. aortic semilunar valve
    • G. aorta
Card Set
Cardiovascular Anatomy
terms of the cardiac system from A & P