Bio Lab Exam #1

  1. What is the difference between a Hypothesis and a Theory?
    A hypothesis is an idea based on an observation and a theory is an accept plausible gerneral statement as to why things happen.
  2. K H D B C M?
    • K = 1000
    • H = 100
    • D = 10
    • B = 1
    • D = .1
    • C = .01
    • M = .001
  3. Celsius formula?
    C = (F-32) / 1.8
  4. Fahrenheit formula?
    F = (C x 1.8) + 32
  5. pH 7 is?
    Water! (Has both hydogen & hydroxide ions)
  6. What is diffusion?
    The movement of molecules from a grater concentration area to a lower concentration area to create a balance.
  7. What is Osmosis?
    It is the diffusion of water across a permeable membrane.
  8. What is concentration gradient?
    It is a difference in the concentration of molecules over a distance.
  9. What is dynamic equilibrium?
    It is molecules become uniformly distributed.
  10. pH levels?
    • 1 - 6 = acidic
    • 7 = Water
    • 8-14 = basic
  11. How does the temperature effect the rate of osmosis?
    A warmer temperature increase the rate of Osmosis, and a colder temperature decreases.
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Bio Lab Exam #1
Biology Lab Exam