APP - Endocrine

  1. 1) Paracrines are:
    A) local hormones that act on neighboring cells.
    B) local hormones that act on the cells that produced them.
    C) circulating hormones that are never broken down.
    D) the receptors for steroid hormones.
    E) inactive forms of circulating hormones.
    Answer: A
  2. 2) A chemical grouping of hormones derived from arachidonic acid is the:
    A) eicosanoids.
    B) biogenic amines.
    C) proteins.
    D) peptides.
    E) steroids.
    Answer: A
  3. 3) Which of the following hormones works by direct gene activation?
    A) ADH.
    B) hGH.
    C) insulin.
    D) cortisol.
    E) glucagon.
    Answer: D
  4. 4) When a steroid hormone binds to its target cell receptor, it:
    A) causes the formation of cyclic AMP.
    B) is converted into cholesterol, which acts as a second messenger.
    C) causes the formation of releasing hormones.
    D) turns specific genes of the nuclear DNA on or off.
    E) alters the membrane's permeability to G proteins.
    Answer: D
  5. 5) The compound that most often acts as a second messenger is:
    A) cholestero.
    B) phosphodiesterase.
    C) cyclic AMP.
    D) COMT.
    E) CRH.
    Answer: C
  6. 6) The specific effect of a water soluble hormone on a target cell depends on the:
    A) particular gene that is activated.
    B) type of adenylate cyclase present.
    C) source of the phosphate for the phosphorylation reaction.
    D) extent to which the hormone can diffuse into the target cell.
    E) specific protein kinase activated.
    Answer E.
  7. 7) When a hormone that uses a second messenger binds to a target cell, the next thing that happens is that:
    A) phosphodiesterase is activated.
    B) a protein kinase is activated.
    C) a gene is activated in the nucleus.
    D) adenylate cyclase is activated by a G protein.
    E) voltage regulated ion channels open in the plasma membrane.
    Answer: D
  8. 8. Steroids include the following EXCEPT:
    A. Cortisone
    B. Aldosterone
    C. Estrogen
    D. Insulin
    E. Testosterone
    Answer: D.
  9. 9. Amine hormones include the following:
    A. Epinephrine
    B. Thyroxin
    C. Dopamine
    D. All of the answers are correct.
    Answer: D.
  10. 10. Catecholamines include the following:
    A. Epinephrine
    B. Norepinephrine
    C. Adrenalin
    D. Dopamine
    E. All of the answers are correct.
    Answer: E.
  11. 11. Phosphodiesterase enzyme inactivates the following:
    A. ATP.
    B. ADP
    C. cAMP
    D. GDP
    E. All answers are correct.
    Answer: C.
  12. 12) Insulinlike growth factors are necessary for the full effect of:
    A) insulin.
    B) hGH.
    C) somatostatin.
    D) triiodothyronine.
    E) glucagon.
    Answer: B
  13. 13) GnRH directly stimulates the release of:
    A) FSH.
    B) estrogen.
    C) testosterone.
    D) DHEA.
    E) All of these are correct.
    Answer: A
  14. 14. A hormone that influences an endocrine gland other than its source is called a(n)
    A. Autocrine
    B. Paracrine
    C. Eicosanoid
    D. Tropin
    E. Mitogen
    Answer: D
  15. 15. Hypoglycermia is a stimulus for release of
    A. ACTH
    B. GHRH
    C. Insulin
    D. Both A and B
    E. A,B,and C are correct.
    Answer: D.
  16. 16. The hypophyseal portal system drains
    A. Anterior pituitary
    B. Posterior pituitary
    C. Hypothalamus
    D. Thalamus
    E. All answers are correct.
    Answer: C.
  17. 17. Suckling is an important stimulus for release of:
    A) oxytocin.
    B) DHEA.
    C) estrogen.
    D) FSH.
    E) LH.
    Answer: A
  18. 18) Hormones from the posterior pituitary are released in response to:
    A) releasing hormones from the hypothalamus.
    B) nerve impulses from the hypothalamus.
    C) permissive hormones from the pineal gland.
    D) renin from the kidneys.
    E) releasing hormones from the anterior pituitary.
    Answer: B
  19. 19) Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus stimulate secretion of:
    A) renin from the kidney in response to low osmotic pressure.
    B) ADH from the hypothalamus in response to low osmotic pressure.
    C) ADH from the hypothalamus in response to high osmotic pressure.
    D) aldosterone from the kidney in response to low osmotic pressure.
    E) aldosterone from the adrenal cortex in response to low osmotic pressure.
    Answer: C
  20. 20) Increasing the uptake of iodide by the thyroid gland and increasing the growth of the thyroid gland are two functions of:
    A) TRH.
    B) TSH.
    C) T3.
    D) thyroglobulin.
    E) thyroid binding globulin.
    Answer: B
  21. 21) The main target for ADH is the:
    A) kidney.
    B) hypothalamus.
    C) uterus.
    D) adrenal cortex.
    E) posterior pituitary.
    Answer: A
  22. 22) The primary effect of T3 and T4 is to:
    A) decrease blood glucose.
    B) promote the release of calcitonin.
    C) promote heat generating reactions.
    D) stimulate the uptake of iodide by the thyroid gland.
    E) promote excretion of sodium ions in urine.
    Answer: C
  23. 23) Increasing synthesis of the enzymes that run the active transport pump Na to power of (+)/K+ ATPase is the major effect of:
    A) androgens.
    B) glucocorticoids.
    C) mineralocorticoids.
    D) thyroid hormones.
    E) insulin.
    Answer: D
  24. 24) The primary effect of calcitonin is to:
    A) increase blood glucose.
    B) decrease blood glucose.
    C) increase excretion of calcium ions in urine.
    D) increase blood calcium.
    E) decrease blood calcium.
    Answer: E
  25. 25. Hormones secreted from the posterior pituitary gland are synthesized by the:
    A) anterior pituitary gland.
    B) thyroid gland.
    C) posterior pituitary gland.
    D) hypothalamus.
    E) pineal gland.
    Answer: D
  26. 26) Promotion of the formation of calcitriol is a major effect of:
    A) parathormone.
    B) aldosterone.
    C) calcitonin.
    D) TSH.
    E) cortisol.
    Answer: A
  27. 27. Digestion of thyroid’s colloid uses what cytoplasmic organelle
    A. Golgi apparatus
    B. Endoplasmic reticulum
    C. Lysosome
    D. Nucleus
    E. All answers are correct.
    Answer: C.
  28. 28. In the formation of thyroxin, iodine is added to which amino acid:
    A. Tyrosine
    B. Phenylalanine
    C. Tryptophane
    D. Alanine
    E. All answers are correct.
    Answer: A.
  29. 29. Calcitonin is synthesized by
    A. Parathyroid
    B. Anterior pituitary
    C. Posterior pituitary
    D. Hypothalamus
    E. Thyroid
    Answer: E.
  30. 30) The thyroid gland is located:
    A) under the sternum.
    B) behind and beneath the stomach.
    C) in the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone.
    D) in the neck, anterior to the trachea.
    E) in the roof of the third ventricle of the brain.
    Answer: D
  31. 31) A primary effect of mineralocorticoids is to promote:
    A) increased urine production.
    B) excretion of potassium ions by the kidney.
    C) excretion of sodium ions by the kidney.
    D) decreased blood glucose.
    E) increased secretion of ACTH.
    Answer: B
  32. 32) The innermost layer of the adrenal cortex is the:
    A) medulla.
    B) delta cells.
    C) zona glomerulosa.
    D) zona reticularis.
    E) zona fasciculata.
    Answer: D
  33. 33.) The primary stimulus for release of cortisol and corticosterone is:
    A) ACTH.
    B) increased levels of blood glucose.
    C) the renin angiotensin pathway.
    D) increased levels of sodium ions in the blood.
    E) increased levels of calcium ions in the blood.
    Answer: A
  34. 34) An increase in blood glucose and an anti inflammatory effect are important effects of:
    A) epinephrine.
    B) glucagon.
    C) corticosterone.
    D) insulin.
    E) ADH.
    Answer: C
  35. 35) The stimulus for release of parathyroid hormone is:
    A) PRH.
    B) low levels of calcium ions in the blood.
    C) TSH.
    D) nerve impulses from the hypothalamus.
    E) calcitonin.
    Answer: B
  36. 36. Ren-angiotensin-aldosterone controls
    A. Na/K
    B. Calcium
    C. Glucose
    D. Tryrosine
    E. All Answers are correct.
    Answer: A.
  37. 37) The islets of Langerhans are the endocrine portion of the:
    A) adrenal cortex.
    B) adrenal medulla.
    C) anterior pituitary gland.
    D) posterior pituitary gland.
    E) pancreas.
    Answer: E
  38. 38) The only hormone that promotes anabolism of glycogen, fats, and proteins is:
    A) hGH.
    B) insulin.
    C) epinephrine.
    D) aldosterone.
    E) corticosterone.
    Answer: B
  39. 39) The primary target for glucagon is the:
    A) liver.
    B) hypothalamus.
    C) adrenal cortex.
    D) pancreas.
    E) kidney.
    Answer: A
  40. 40) Sympathetic autonomic stimulation increases:
    A) glucagon secretion.
    B) secretion from chromaffin cells.
    C) insulin secretion.
    D) Both B and C are correct.
    E) Both A and B are correct.
    Answer: E
  41. 41) Increased heart rate and force of contraction are effects of:
    A) ADH.
    B) insulin.
    C) cortisol.
    D) epinephrine.
    E) aldosterone.
    Answer: D
  42. 42. Dehydroepiandrosterone is a
    A. Glucocorticoid
    B. Mineralocorticoid
    C. Androgen
    D. Aldosterone
    E. Cortisone
    Answer: C.
  43. 43. Glucocorticoids have the following effects:
    A. Gluconeogenesis
    B. Lipolysis
    C. Anti-inflamatory
    D. Depression of immune system
    E. All answers are correct.
    Answer: E.
  44. 44) The primary source of estrogens after menopause is the:
    A) ovaries.
    B) uterus.
    C) hypothalamus.
    D) thyroid gland.
    E) zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex.
    Answer: E
  45. 45) The interstitial cells of the testes are an important target for:
    A) FSH.
    B) LH.
    C) GnRH.
    D) oxytocin.
    E) Both A and B are correct.
    Answer: B
  46. 46) The role of somatostatin from the pancreas is to:
    A) promote secretion of pancreatic digestive enzymes.
    B) promote formation of calcitriol to facilitate calcium absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.
    C) inhibit secretion of insulin and glucagon.
    D) promote secretion of insulin and glucagon.
    E) inhibit the activity of the adrenal cortex.
    Answer: C
  47. 47) An increase in glycogenolysis by the liver is an important effect of:
    A) glucagon.
    B) insulin.
    C) PTH.
    D) aldosterone.
    E) Both A and B are correct.
    Answer: A
  48. 48) The primary stimulus for the release of insulin is:
    A) an elevated level of blood glucose.
    B) a decreased level of blood glucose.
    C) insulin releasing hormone.
    D) insulinlike growth factors.
    E) pancreatic stimulating hormone.
    Answer: A
  49. 49) Protein anabolism is promoted by:
    A) insulin.
    B) somatotropin.
    C) triiodothyronine.
    D) cortisol.
    E) All of the above except cortisol.
    Answer: E
  50. 50.Pineal gland secretes
    A. Glucocorticoids
    B. Eicosanoids
    C. Melatonin
    D. Thymosin
    E. Aldosterone.
    Answer: C.
  51. 51. MATCH: Synthesis of lipids
    A. Gluconeogenesis
    B. Lipolysis
    C. Glycogenesis
    D. Lipogenesis
    E. Glycolysis
    Answer: D.
  52. 52. MATCH: Breakdown of glucose
    A. Gluconeogenesis
    B. Lipolysis
    C. Glycogenesis
    D. Lipogenesis
    E. Glycolysis
    Answer: 52. E.
  53. 53. MATCH: Glycogen synthesis
    A. Gluconeogenesis
    B. Lipolysis
    C. Glycogenesis
    D. Lipogenesis
    E. Glycolysis
    Answer: 53. C
  54. 54. MATCH: Breakdown of lipids
    A. Gluconeogenesis
    B. Lipolysis
    C. Glycogenesis
    D. Lipogenesis
    E. Glycolysis
    Answer: 54. B.
  55. 55. MATCH: Synthesizes mineralocorticoids
    A. Zona glomerulosa
    B. Zona fasciculata
    C. Zona reticularis
    D. Medulla
    E. All answers are correct
    Answer: 55. A
  56. 56. MATCH: Synthesizes androgens
    A. Zona glomerulosa
    B. Zona fasciculata
    C. Zona reticularis
    D. Medulla
    E. All answers are correct
    Answer: 56. C.
  57. 57. MATCH: Synthesizes glucocorticoids
    A. Zona glomerulosa
    B. Zona fasciculata
    C. Zona reticularis
    D. Medulla
    E. All answers are correct
    Answer: 57. B
  58. 58. MATCH: Synthesizes epinephrine
    A. Zona glomerulosa
    B. Zona fasciculata
    C. Zona reticularis
    D. Medulla
    E. All answers are correct
    Answer: 58. D.
  59. 59. MATCH: Secretes glycogen
    A. Alpha cells
    B. Beta cells
    C. Delta cells
    D. C. Cells
    E. F cells
    Answers: 59. A
  60. 60. MATCH: Secretes somatostatin
    A. Alpha cells
    B. Beta cells
    C. Delta cells
    D. C. Cells
    E. F cells
    Answers: 60. C.
  61. 61. MATCH: Secretes pancreatic polypeptide
    A. Alpha cells
    B. Beta cells
    C. Delta cells
    D. C. Cells
    E. F cells
    Answers: 61. E
  62. 62. MATCH: Secretes insulin
    A. Alpha cells
    B. Beta cells
    C. Delta cells
    D. C. Cells
    E. F cells
    Answers: 62. B.
  63. 63. MATCH: High blood glucose causes
    A. Insulin
    B. Glucagon
    C. Calcitonin
    D. Parathyroid hormone
    E. Aldosterone
    Answer: 63. A
  64. 64. MATCH: High blood calcium
    A. Insulin
    B. Glucagon
    C. Calcitonin
    D. Parathyroid hormone
    E. Aldosterone
    Answer: 64. C.
  65. 65. MATCH: Low blood calcium
    A. Insulin
    B. Glucagon
    C. Calcitonin
    D. Parathyroid hormone
    E. Aldosterone
    Answer: 65. D
  66. 66. MATCH: High blood potassium
    A. Insulin
    B. Glucagon
    C. Calcitonin
    D. Parathyroid hormone
    E. Aldosterone
    Answer: 66. E.
  67. 67. MATCH: Release of epinephrine
    A. Resistance phase
    B. Exhaustion phase
    C. Alarm reaction
    D. All answers are correct.
    Answer: 67. C
  68. 68. MATCH: Release of Glucocorticoids
    A. Resistance phase
    B. Exhaustion phase
    C. Alarm reaction
    D. All answers are correct.
    Answer: 68. A.
  69. 69. MATCH: Death of the person
    A. Resistance phase
    B. Exhaustion phase
    C. Alarm reaction
    D. All answers are correct.
    Answer: 69. B
  70. 70. MATCH: General Adaptation Syndrome
    A. Resistance phase
    B. Exhaustion phase
    C. Alarm reaction
    D. All answers are correct.
    Answer: 70. D.
Card Set
APP - Endocrine
Ch 18 questions (70 of 100)