history final

  1. woodrow wilson's ________ were/was meant to provide peace at the conclusion of WWI
    14 points
  2. A major goal of france and Britain at the post-WWI versailles peace conference was to
    not rebuild military
  3. Which of the following was not a provision of the treaty of Versailles?
    • limit military
    • guilt clause
    • reparations
    • league of nations
  4. the u.s. chose not to join the league of nations because
    many feared u.s. would be drawn into world affairs
  5. the war guilt clause in versailles forced ___ to accept blame of WWI
  6. the creation of ___ after WWI created tension and set up future conflict because it set several states and peoples with very strong nationalistic desires
  7. one result of WWI was that ____ was broken up into several smaller countries
  8. which of the following countries did not lose territory as a result of WWI
    Great Britain
  9. an overall effect of the great depression in europe was
    the rise of authoritarian governments
  10. the rise of dictatorial govs in italy and germany between the 2 wars was a result of all the following
    • charismatic leader
    • poor economies
    • treaty of versailles
  11. ______, an artistic style, is an attempt to show multiple point of views using geometric figures
  12. this daughter of german american immigrants to America was an extremely influential writer, lost generation
    Gertrude Stein
  13. this american author showcased disillusionment with war and the material values that lead to it in two of his well known novels
    ernest hemmingway
  14. the emperor of germany during WWI was
    Wilhelm II
  15. the lost generation refers to
    American writers in Paris
  16. President Wilson's 14 points were largely
    ignored by european powers
  17. A major goal of france and great britain at the conference of verailles following WWI was to
    punish germany
  18. the hammer and _______ was on the USSR flag
  19. the _____ used terror tactics against the enemies of the bolsheviks to help Lenin keep control of Russia
  20. The Gulag, a system of forced labor camps used by the soviet government, was located in ______, a region of north-central Russia
  21. upon seizing power, Lenin let it be known to the world that he wished for
    revolutions to break out everywhere
  22. one of the main immediate causes of the Russian revolution was Russia's
    Military losses in WWI
  23. joseph Stalin persecuted those he perceived as enemies and is responsible for the deaths of millions of russians who perished suring the
    great purge
  24. which of the following was an effect of stalin's five year plan?
    USSR become world leader is technology
  25. the Stalinist era of the 1930s was characterized by
    millions arrested - labor camps
  26. italian fascists and german nazis both gained pwer by using _____ against their political opponents
    terror tactics
  27. the governments in hitler's germany, mussolini's italy, and stalin's soviet union were all single party dictatorships. of the 3, only the soviet union was
  28. a totalitarian regime is characterized by all of the following traits except
    • strong central gov
    • charismatic leader
    • no personal freedom
    • secret police
  29. the totalitarian govs of italy, germany, and japan were based on
  30. in which of the following ways did hitler unite germany?
    brought people together against common enemy
  31. stalin's great purge from 1934 - 1939
    imprisoned and executed people
  32. one reason kitler signed a non-aggression pact with stalin before WWII started in europe was to
    invade poland without soviet opposition
  33. in 1941, hitler broke his treaty with the soviet union and invaded russia. what effect did this have on the war?
    taxed military supplies, lowered defeat of germany.
  34. fascist aggression in the 1930s included mussolinis invasion of ____, hitlers invasion of _____, and franco's overthrow of the republican gov of _____
    • ethiopia
    • Czechoslovakia
    • spain
  35. which of the following helped fascist leaders gain power in eastern europe?
    mistrust of democracy and economic instability
  36. in response to the league of nations' investigation into Japan's invasion and occupation of Manchuria,
    japan left the league
  37. why were the japanese able to gain influence over china in the early 1900s
    civil war + famine weakened china
  38. which of the following could be a valid reason that countries like britain and france used appeasement instead of standing up to hitler's aggression in the years leading up to WWII?
    they were reluctant to engage in another war
  39. in response to Axis aggression in the 1930s, western democracies followed a policy of
  40. in 1938 the british and french bought peace with hitler at the munich conference at the expense of
  41. the 1928 kellogg-briand pact
    outlawed war as a solution to international rivalry
  42. in the 1930s, france and england were slow to declare war on germany because
    • appeasement
    • were war-tied
    • poor economy
  43. the june 1944 d-day invasion during WWII was carried out to liberate
    open a second front, defeat germany
  44. the war in europe ended with the
    surrender of germany
  45. which of the following cities was the target of a nazi air blitz in 1941?
  46. WWII was fought on all of these continents except
    Africa, Asia, Europe
  47. the marginot line was a series of bunkers along the french-german border built to prevent a german invasion. why didnt it protect the french from the nazis?
    nazis invaded through belgium
  48. why was it important for the axis powers to control norway and denmark?
    better control of atlantic
  49. in 1940, after neville chamberlain's policy of appeasement toward hitler has clearly failed, this man became prime minister of great britain and courageously led his country through the battle of britain through the defeat of germany.
    winston churchill
  50. He was the political leader of Japan during WWII. Japanese citizens viewed him as a "living god.
    emperor hirohito
  51. He was the leader of fascist Italy from 1922-1945. His repressive totalitarian policies were an example for other totalitarian dictators 0f the era.
    benito mussolini
  52. He gained control of the USSR in 1927 and led the Soviets through WWII.
    joseph stalin
  53. ___ -', an American general, was the Supreme Commander of Allied troops in Western Europe during much of WWII and oversaw the D-Day invasion.
    dwight eisenhower
  54. America's best known general in the Pacific Theater during wwII is known for his "I shall return" statement following the Japanese takeover of the Philippines.
    douglas macarthur
  55. "Nature is cruel, so we may be cruel too ... I have a right to remove millions of an inferior race that breeds like vermin." This quote expresses the ideas of
    Adolph hitler
  56. _____ was an early sign that Hitler was willing to act upon his hatred of the Jews.
  57. Hitler's "Final Solution" targeted all of the following EXCEPT _
    • jews
    • slave
    • poles
  58. Japan and Britain had very large numbers of civilian casualties during WWII because their -----
    cities were bombed by enemies
  59. The nation that suffered the greatest number of both civilian and military dead and wounded in WWII was
    soviet union
  60. One reason that the United States suffered so few civilian casualties during WWII was that ------'
    • geography protected
    • vast oceans
  61. Following the United States' entry into WWII, American and British leaders decided that their highest priority would be to
    • invade europe
    • defeat germany
  62. Most of Eastern Europe became _____ of the USSR (Russia) because the Soviet army occupied these countries when WWII ended.
  63. Stalin's post-WWII behavior (e.g., occupation of Eastern Europe) and his continuing moves (e.g., the Berlin Blockade) were viewed by the West (NATO) as _
    aggressive actions
  64. The main goal of the ____ was to help Europe recover after WWII.
    marshall plan
  65. The ____ was the US belief that if one Southeast Asian fell to communism, the rest of Southeast Asia would follow
    domino theory
  66. ______ resulted in a long-term commitment to resist the spread of communism.
    truman doctrine
  67. The United States entered the Vietnam War to '
    stop the spread of communism
  68. The 1989 uprising in China is a tragic example of Chinese citizens demonstrating for democratic reforms.
    tianaman square
  69. ____ used military force to crush uprisings in Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia during the 1950s.
  70. __ ---'_ was created after WWII to unifY the military defense of the United States and Western Europe.
  71. The ____ was created by the USSR to unifY the defense of its satellite countries.
    warsaw pact
  72. In India and Pakistan. feelings of nationalism are intertwined with religious conflict between -------
    muslims and hindus
  73. Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran '
    • rejected western values
    • returned from exile in france
    • turn iran to muslim values
  74. Ataturk encouraged '
    • muslim fundamentalism
    • close relations with USSR
  75. Stages of the Korean War included, IN ORDER
    • north korea suprise attack
    • inchon invasion
    • chinese attack
  76. Who looked stronger, politically, after the Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved?
  77. What country (ies) colonized Vietnam before the United States entered the country?
    china, japan, france
  78. The Gulf of Tonkin incident in Vietnam _
    was used as an excuse to escalate american involvement
  79. The Launch of the Sputnik _
    scared americans, nukes shot from it
  80. The Berlin airlift _
    • 1st action of cold war
    • supplied berlin after supplies cut off
  81. Einstein was famous for his _
    work in physics
  82. The Balfour Declaration _
    • supported zionists
    • favored creation of israel
    • disliked by arabs
  83. Zionism is '
    2000 year yearning for israel by jews
  84. What weapon did Gandhi use to fight for independence against the British?
    nonviolent resistance
  85. Soviet dissidents had to endure _
    golas, cold, disease, beatings
  86. The 1930s famine in the Soviet Union was due to
    stalins orders forcing peasants to work in communal farms
  87. The United States accepted the "I was acting, under orders" defense at the Nuremberg trials. This statement is
  88. Perestroika and glasnost were the ideas of what Soviet leader?
  89. Perestroika and glasnost led to
    • break up of USSR
    • democracy in E. germany
  90. Which is NOT an argument used by the Palestinians in their struggle with the Israelis?
    palestineans created more open, democratic society
  91. what were some arguments used by the Israelis in their struggle with the Palestinians?
    • most holy city
    • change for jews
    • guarenteed safety of sites
    • need state of their own
  92. The United States' involvement in Korea, and Vietnam to prevent communism from taking over the world is an example of:
  93. The ~ given by the United States to countries that were fighting to stop the spread of communism in North Korea and North Vietnam was part of which policy:
    truman doctrine
  94. The communist leader who, upon seizing control in Vietnam in the early 1960's, behaved as an "evil dictator" and shipped his opposition offlo reeducation camps was:
    ho chi minh
  95. The person who wished to use nuclear weapons to win the Korean War was:
    douglas macarthur
  96. A result of the Korean War could be summarized as:
    communists kept control
  97. Why were the Communists in Vietnam so successful at fighting against a better-equipped, more advanced U.S. military?
    used guerilla tactics, gave up 10 to us
  98. Nixon's plan to slowly hand over the task of fighting the communists to the South Vietnamese was:
    vietnamization, not successful
  99. Major effect(s) of the Tet offensive were:
    • communist last a lot of troops in battle
    • shook confidence of u.s.
    • could have won war
  100. This organization, of which the United States was a member, sought to moderate and reduce international conflicts.
    united nations
  101. Containment was a policy designed to:
    stop spread of communism
  102. The Yalta Conference served to:
    divide up germany between allies
  103. The United States enacted the Marshall Plan to:
    help rebuild europe and mistakes of WWI
  104. A cause of the Berlin Airlift was that:
    stalin trying to reverse unification of west germany
  105. A result of the massive build-up of nuclear missiles in the U.S. and the Soviet Union was:
    • relative stability
    • neither could safely attack the other
  106. Events that served to increase tension between the U.S. and the Soviet Union were:
    • cuban missle crisis
    • U2 incident
    • berlin airlift
  107. As a reaction to the formation of NATO, the Soviet Union:
    formed warsaw pact
  108. The Berlin wall was built:
    by USSR to protect movement of people/jews
  109. As a result of the Chinese Civil war:
    nationalists fled to taiwan
  110. Way(s) in which Mao chose to move towards communism in China was to:
    • create communes
    • raise food prouction
    • kill/displace landlords
    • encourage backyard steelmaking
  111. Mao felt that his communist revolution was growing stale so he:
    began cultural revolution to establish a society where all are equal
  112. Strategies used to fight the Cold War consisted of:
    • proxy wars
    • brinkmanship
    • foreign aid
  113. Third World Nations were:
    underdeveloped nations who were used to fight cold war
  114. The U.S. policy of keeping nuclear missile bases close to targets in the Soviet Union, but not wanting Soviet nuclear missile bases close to targets in the U.S. led to:
    cuban missle crisis
  115. In order to remove Castro the U.S.:
    bay of pigs, assassinate him
  116. In order to maintain the balance of power in the middle east during the Cold War the U.S.:
    supplied Iraq, iran, israel
  117. A major turning point which led to the fall of the Soviet Union was the:
    failed invasion of afghanistan
  118. The United States began to practice the policy of detente by:
    reducing open confrontation with USSR
  119. The United States has given support to the following governments or leaders which then turned into its enemies:
    saddam hussein. talliban
  120. A result of the Korean war could be summarized as:
    very similar borders before war
  121. President Ronald Reagan's promotion of this defense program was a key blow to the Soviet Union's confidence
    star wars
  122. The _____ war (also known as the South African War) between the British and the indigenouspeoples was in many ways the first modem "total" war.
    Boer war
  123. ____ was one of the most important leaders of the ANC (African National Congress) and later became the President of South Africa after being jailed for 27 years.
    nelson mandela
  124. This economic program removed trade barriers between the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
  125. In the 1940s and 1950s, this former army officer (and his wife) turned Argentina into a welfare state.
    juan peron
  126. In 1973 the United States government supported a coup that overthrew the democratically-elected socialist government of which country?
  127. Which of the following has not been a cause of conflict in the Middle East?
    the actual existance of nuclear weapons
  128. Which Middle East leader was an ally of the United States during most of the 1980s?
    shah reza pahlavi
  129. The invasion of which small country led to the first Gulf War?
  130. What event in 1937 halted the Chinese Civil War?
    japanese launched all out attack on china
  131. Who led the Communists in China during their Long March?
    mao zedong
  132. In 1979, the Soviet Union invaded:
  133. The dividing of India into two nations was referred to as:
    the partition
  134. The extremist Islamic group that seized control of Afghanistan during the 1990s was known as the:
  135. Which of the following colonies became an independent city-state with a standard ofliving far higher than any of its Southeast Asia neighbors?
  136. The main purpose of the Cultural Revolution in China was to:
    to eliminate maos political rivals
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history final