Gas necessary for energy production
Carbon Dioxide
Waste product of the body's metabolism
The exchange of gases between a living organism and it environment
Important Airway Anatomy
- -Superior, middle and inferior turbinates
- -Hard and soft palates
- -Tonsils/adenoids
- -Uvula
- -Vallecula
- -Epiglottis
- -Esophagus
- -Trachea
- -Glottic opening
- -Vocal cords
- -Thyroid cartilage
- -Cricothyroid membrane
- -Cricoid cartilage
- -Thyroid gland
Upper Airway Components
- Nasal cavity
- Oral cavity
- Pharynx
Cartilage that seperates the right and left nasal cavities
Air cavity that conducts fluids from the eustacian tuves and tear ducts to and from the nasopharynx
Eustacian Tubes
A tube that connects the ear with the nasal cavity
Nasolacrimal Ducts
Tubular vessels that drain tears and debris from the eyes into the nasal cavity
Muscous Membrane
Lining in body cavities that handle air transport. Usually contains small, mucus secreting cells
Slippery secretion that lubricates and protects airway surfaces
A muscular tube that extends verticalls from the back of the soft palate to the superior aspect of the esophagus
Regions of the Pharynx
- Nasopharynx
- Oropharynx
- Laryngopharynx
Gag Reflex
Mechanism that stimulates retching or striving to vomit when the soft palate is touched
Depression between the epiglottis and the base of the tongue
Passing a tube into a body opening
The complex structure that joins the pharynx with the trachea
Liplike opening between the vocal cords
Cricoid Pressure
Pressure applied in a posterior direction to the anterior cricoid cartilage. Occludes the esophagus
Inhaling foreign material such as vomitus into the lungs
Cricothyroid Membrane
Membrane between the cricoid and thyroid cartilages of the larynx
Lower Airway Components
- Trachea
- Bronchi
- Alveoli
- Lung parenchyma
- Pleura
10-12 cm long tube that connects the larynx to the mainstem bronchi
Tubes from the trachea into the lungs
Microscopic air sacs where lost oxygen and carbon dioxide gas exchanges take place
Alveolar collapse
Principal or essential parts of an organ
Membranous connective tissue covering the lung
Pediatric Airway
- Narowest point is the cricoid cartilage
- Greater proportion of soft tissue
- Larynx more superior and anterior
- Epiglottis rounder and floppier
- Smaller jaw
- Loosely attached mucous membranes
The mechanical process that moves air into and out of the lungs
Normal Adult Tidal Volume
500 mL
Air Contains
- 20.94% Oxygen
- 79.01 % Nitrogen
- 0.04% Carbon Dioxide
Partial Pressure
The pressure exerted by each component of a gas mixture
Alveolar partial pressure
Arterial partial pressure
Movement of a gas from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
Factors Effecting SpO2
- Decrease hemoglobin
- Inadequate alveolar ventilation
- Decreased diffusion across the pulmonary membrane (COPD, Pneumonia, Edema)
Reduction in breathing rate and depth
Accumulation of air or gas in the pleural cavity
Accumulation of blood or fluid containing blood in the pleural cavity
Pulmonary Embolism
Blood clot that travels to the pulmonary circulation and hinders oxygenation of the blood
Concentration of oxygen in inspired air
Factors Effecting CO2 in the Blood
- Hyperventilation lowers
- Fever raises
- Muscle exertion raises
- Shivering raises
- Metabolic processes raise
- Respiratory depression by drugs
- Airway obstruction
- Impairment of respiratory muscles
- COPD, etc.
Excessive CO2 in the blood
Respiratory Rate
Number of times a person breaths in 1 minute
Main Respiratory Center
Hering-Breuer Reflex
Stretch receptors in the lung which prevent overinflation when inhaling
- Located in medulla and other periphal locations
- Stimulated by decreased PaO2, increased PaO2 and decreased pH
- Cerebral spinal fluid pH is the primary control of respiratory center simulation
Decreased partial pressure of oxygen in the blood
Hypoxic Drive
Mechanism that increases respiratory stimulation when PaO2 falls and inhibits respiratory stimulation when PaO2 climbs
Respiratory Rate Factors
- Fever, Emotion, Pain, Hypoxia, Acidosis, Simulant drugs- increase rate
- Sleep, depressant drugs- decrease rate
Total Lung Capacity (TLC)
Maximum lung capacity- approx 6 liters for adult male
Tidal Volume (Vt)
Average volume of gas inhaled or exhaled in one cycle- approx 500 mL in adult male
Minute Volume (Vmin)
Amount of gas inhaled and exhaled in 1 minute
Upper Airway Obstruction
An interference with air movement through the upper airway
Causes of Airway Obstruction
- Tongue- #1 cause
- Foreign bodies
- Trauma
- Laryngeal spasm and edema
- Aspiration
Removing a tube from a body
Airway, breathing, circulation
Paradoxical Breathing
Asymmetrical chest wall movement that lessens repiratory efficiency
Flail Chest
Defect in the chest wall that allows a segment to move freely, causing paradoxical chest motion
Bluish discoloration
An abnormalitity of breathing rate, pattern or effort
Oxygen defficiency
The absence or near-absence of oxygen
Pulsus Paradoxus
Drop in blood pressure greater than 10 torr during inspiration
Kussmaul's Respirations
Deep, slow or rapid, gasping breathing, commonly found in diabetic ketoacidosis
Cheyne-Stokes Respirations
Progressively deeper, faster breathing alternating gradually with shallow, slower breathing, indication brainstem injury
Biot's Respirations
Irregular pattern of rate and depth with sudden, periodic episodes of apnea, indicating increased intracranial pressure
Central Neurogenic Hyperventilation
Deep, rapid respirations, indicating increased intracranial pressure
Agonal Respirations
Shallow, slow, or infrequent breathing, indicating brain anoxia
Respiratory Distress Sounds
- Snoring-results from partial obstruction of upper aiway by tongue
- Gurgling- results from the accumlation of blood, vomitus or other secretions in the upper airway
- Stridor- a harsh, high-pitched sound heard on inhalation, associated with laryngeal edema or constriction
- Wheezing- a musical, squeaking, or whistling sound heard in inspiration and/or expiration, associated with bronchiolar constriction
- Crackles (Rhales)- a fine, bubbling sound heard on inspiration, associated with fluid in the smaller bronchioles
- Rhonchi- a coarse, rattling noise heard on inspiration, associated with inflammation, mucus, or fluid in the bronchioles
- Quiet- diminished or absent breath sounds
The stiffness or flexibility of the lung tissue
Pulse Oximetry
A measurement of hemoglobin oxygen saturation in th eperipheral tissues
Oxygen Saturation Percentage
The saturation of arterial blood with oxygen as measured by pulse oximetry expressed as a percentage
SpO2 Findings
- 95-100%- normal
- 91-94%- mild hypoxemia
- 86-90%- moderate hypoxemia
- <85%- severe hypoxemia
Capnography Terms
- Capnometry- Measurement of expired CO2. Provides numerical display of the partial pressure of CO2 in torr or %
- Capnography- Capnography is a graphic recording or display of the capnometry reading over time
- Capnograph- Device that measures expired CO2 levels
- Capnogram- Visual representation of expired CO2 waveform
- End-tidal CO2- Measurement of the CO2 concentration at the end of expiration
- PETCO2- Partial pressure of the end-tidal CO2 in mixed gas solution
- PaCO2- Represents the partial pressure of CO2 in the arterial blood
Capnogram Phases
- Phase I- Baseline. Flat when no CO2 is present and corresponds to the late phase of inspiration and early part of expiration
- Phase II- Respiratory upstroke. Reflects appearance of CO2 in alveoli
- Phase III- Respiratory plateau. reflects airflow through uniformly ventilated alveoli with nearly constant CO2 level
- Phase IV- Inspiratory phase. Downstroke and returns to baseline.
Esophageal Detector Device (EDD)
Bulb placed on end of ET tube to confirm placement. Squeeze then apply. If it returns to normal indicates correct placement.
Nasopaharyngeal Airway
Uncuffed tube that follows the natural curvature of the nasopharynx
Unit of measurement approximately equal to one-third millimeter
Oropharyngeal Airway
Semicircular device that follows the palate's curvature
Beck Airway-Airflow Monitor (BAAM)
Used for blind nasotracheal intubations to confirm tube placement. Whistles when patient exhales
ET Intubation Equipment
- Laryngoscope (Handle and blade)
- Endotracheal tube
- 10 mL syringe
- Stylet
- Bag-valve mask
- Suction device
- Bite block
- Magill forceps
- Tape or tube-holding device
Burden Nasoscope
Hearing device used to confirm tube placement in blind nasotracheal intubation
Device used for lifting the tongue and epiglottis in order to see the vocal cords
Miller Blade
Straight blade
Endotracheal Tube (ETT)
Tube passed into the trachea to protect and maintain the airway and to permit medication administration and deep suctioning
Plastic covered metal wire used to bend the ETT in order to guide it easier into the trachea
Magill Forceps
Scissor style clamps with circular tips
Indications for ET Intubation
- Respiratory or cardiac arrest
- Unconciousness or obtusion without gag reflex
- Risk of aspiration
- Obstruction due to foreign bodies, trauma, burns or anaphylaxis
- Respiratory extremis due to disease
- Pneumothorax, hemopneumothorax with respiratory difficulty
Advantages of ET Intubation
- Isolates trachea
- Impedes gastric distention
- Eliminates mask seal
- Offers direct route for suctioning
- Permits medication administration
Disadvantages of ET Intubation
- Required considerable experience and training
- Requires specialized equipment
- Requires direct visualization of vocal cords
- Bypasses upper airway's functions of warming, filtering and humidifying inhaled air
- Can lead to disease transmission
Complications of ET Intubation
- Equipment malfunction
- Teeth breakage and soft-tissue lacerations
- Hypoxia
- Esophegeal intubation
- Endobronchial intubation
- Tension pneumothorax
Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI)
Giving medications to sedate (induce) and temporarily paralyze a patient to perform ET intubation
Common Paralytic Agents
- Succinylcholine
- Vecuronium
- Atracurim
- Pancuronium
Nasotracheal Intubation
Through the nose and into the trachea. PATIENT MUST BE BREATHING
Indications for Nasotracheal Intubation
- Possible spinal injury
- Clenched teeth preventing opening of the mouth
- Fractured jaw, oral injuries or recent oral sugery
- Significant angioedema (facial and airway swelling)
- Obesity
- Arthiritis preventing placement in sniffing position
Contraindications for NT Intubation
- Nasal fractures
- Basilar skull fractures
- Deviated septum or nasal obstruction
- Cardiac or respiratory arrest
- Unresponsive patient
Advantages of NT Intubation
- Patient head can remain in position
- Does not produce as much gag reflex
- Can be secured more easily than oral tube
- Patient cannot bite the tube
Disadvantages of NT Intubation
- More difficult and time consuming
- Potentially more traumatic
- Tube may kink or clog more easily
- Greater risk of infection
- Improper placement is more likely
- Requires patient be breathing
Intubation Devices
- Endotracheal Tube (ETT)
- Esophogeal Tracheal Combitube (ETC)
- Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA)
- Pharyngeal Lumen Airway (PtL)
- Esophegeal Gastric Tube (EGTA)
- Esophageal Obturator Airway (EOA)
Needle Crichothyrotomy
Surgical airway technique that inserts a 14-gauge needle into the trachea at the thyroid membrane
Open Crichothyrotomy
Surgical airway technique that places and ET or tracheostomy tube directly into the trachea through a surgical incision made at the crichothyroid membrane
Narrowing or constriction
Injury caused by pressure within a closed space
Difficult Airway
Clinical situation where a paramedic has difficulty with mask and/or ET intubation
Mallampati Classification
- Four class level airway assessment for use in conscious patients defined by the ability to visualize all, part or none of the tonsillar pillars and/or the uvula
- Class 1: Entire tonsil clearly visible
- Class 2: Upper half of tonsil fossa visible
- Class 3: Soft and hard palate clearly visible
- Class 4: Only hard palate visible
Cormack and LeHane Classification System
- Four grade level airway assessment for use in unconscious patients, defined by the ability to visualize all, part, or none of the glottic opening and/or the vocal cords.
- Grade 1: Entire glottic opening and vocal cords can be seen
- Grade 2: Epiglottis and posterior portion of glottic opening may be seen with only partial view of vocal cords
- Grade 3: Only epiglottis and (sometimes) posterior cartilages seen
- Grade 4: Neither epiglottis nor glottis seen
POGO Classification System
Airway assessment used by some EMS personnel to rate the percentage of glottic opening (POGO) one can visualize from 0% to 100%
High-Pressure Regulator
Regulator used to transfer oxgen at high pressures from tank to tank
Therapy Regulator
Pressure regulator used for delivering oxygen to patients
Nasal Cannula
Catheter placed at the nares
Venturi Mask
High-flow face mask that uses a Venturi system to deliver relatively precise oxygen concentrations
Ventilation Methods
- Mouth-to-mouth/mouth-to-nose
- Mouth-to-mask
- Bag-valve mask
- Demand valve device
- Automatic transport ventilator