World Art 1

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    • old kingdom egypt [27th-22c. BCE]
    • The step pyramid, and sham buildings, funerary complex of djoser and saqqara
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    • Old Kingdom [27th-22c. BCE]
    • The piramids of Giza
    • Fourth dinasty. menkaure,khafre,khufu
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    • Old Kingdom [27th-22c. BCE]
    • Khafre.
    • fourth dinasty
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    • Old Kingdom[27th-22c BCE]
    • Seated Scribe
    • Fifth dinasty
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    • New Kingdom[16th-13th.c BCE]
    • Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut, deir el-bahri
    • 18th dinasty
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    • New Kingdom[16th-13th c. BCE]
    • Akhenaten, colossal figure
    • 18th Dinasty
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    • New Kingdom [16th -13th c. BCE]
    • Nefertiti
    • 18th Dinasty
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    • New Kingdom [16th-13thc. BCE]
    • The judgment of Hunefer before osiris
    • 19th dinasty
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    • Archaic[7th-5th c. BCE]
    • Standing youth (kouros)
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    • Archaic[7th-5th c. BCE]
    • Peplos Kofre
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    • Archaic{7th-5th c. BCE]
    • The suicide of Ajax
    • Exekias
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    • Classical[5th-4th c. BCE]
    • Spear Bearer
    • Polykleitos
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    • Classical[5th-4thc. BCE]
    • Erectheion
    • Mnesikles
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    • Classical [5th-4th c. BCE]
    • Hermes and the infant dionysos
    • Praxiteles and followers
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    • Classical [5h-4th c. BCE]
    • Aphrodite of knidos
    • Praxiteles
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    • Hellenestic [4th-1st c. BCE]
    • Gallic Chieftain killing his wife and himself
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    • Hellenestic [4th-1st c. BCE]
    • Dying Gallic Trumpeter
    • Epigonos
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    • Hellenestic [4th-1st c. BCE]
    • Nike of samothrace
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    • Hellenestic [4th-1st c. BCE]
    • Old Woman
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    • Etruscan [8th-6th c. BCE]
    • Reconstruction of an etruscan temple
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    • Etruscan [8th-6th c. BCE]
    • Apollo
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    • Etruscan [8th-6th c. BCE]
    • Sarcophagus from Cerveteri
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    • Roman Republic [4th-1st c. BCE]
    • Head of man(brutus)
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    • Roman Republic [4th c. 1st BCE]
    • pont du gard
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    • Roman republic [4th c. 1st BCE]
    • Temple probably dedicated to Portunus
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    • Roman Republic [4th-1st c BCE]
    • Initiation Rites of the cult of Bacchus
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    • Roman empire [1st c BCE. 4th CE]
    • Augustus of primaporta
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    • Roman Empire [1st c. 4th Ce]
    • Spoils from the temple of solomon
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    • Roman Empire[1st BCE-4th CE]
    • Flavian amphitheater
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    • Roman Empire [1st BCE-4th CE]
    • Pantheon
    • Marcus Agrippa
Card Set
World Art 1
Test 1